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Prostate Problem

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PSA is not the be all and end all of prostate issues, so if you've got a flow problem please do go back to your doctor and ask for a referral for a flow test.


You could have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which is a simple overgrowth of the prostate gland and is NOT related to prostate cancer, and you can have a degree of BPH with only a tiny raise in your PSA levels. 


You could have prostatitis (also not related to prostate cancer) with only a small raise of you PSA levels. 


Either of these could really be affecting your life but not really show in huge PSA levels, particularly if your personal anatomy means that your bladder capacity is affected by the inflammation, but there is medication to help with flow, medication to treat any inflammation and there are also surgical options for both.  If you have either of these then no supplement will help you anything like as much as a set of tests to actually identify the issue and the best of the NHS, whether that's antibiotics or tamsulosin. 


Please consult your GP, or return and ask for a full explanation of why you aren't being referred with ongoing symptoms.

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I’m 69 my experience not pulling punch’s.
Every man should know what your Prostrate does it is a stop tap for peeing it produces fluid for your reproductive system so after feeling tired with leg and lower back ache and a sex life that was excruciatingly painful because my Prostrate was killing me I had the finger test, which is not half as bad as people make out, after a biopsy I was diagnose at the Hallamshire Urology with Prostrate cancer in November 2012 opperated on in January 2013 not really given a choice on the scale of 1 good and 10 bad I was 9 they had me in as quick as that five hours in surgery, before it could spread to my Lymph glands then the rest of me if not there was a good chance I would have been dead in five years may be less.
 Down side because they took away my Lymph glands from there I developed lymphedema , the build-up of waste fluid which the body normally gets rid of, swelling in my legs but over the years this has settled down now they just ache after walking for a long time. I went back for six weeks of Radio therapy at Weston Park just as a precaution to mop up anything missed I now have a PSA level of 0.0003 which is good and six monthly check up’s, the only really down side is they took away muscles that give you an erection or anything to get hold of when going for a pee, can be messy if you’re not quick enough and hence the sex life is practically none existent but they do have a department to help with that and when you need to go you need to go because the stop taps not there but what’s the worst no sex life or not being here for my family when they need you.
 If your dought full about what to do go and talk to your Doctor or the Macmillan nurses they are very good kind and listen and don’t be a whoose about the finger test because you think it will not happen to me it is a silent killer.

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Sorry I cannot help you there that was back in 2013 but look on line or, if you can call at your Doctors surgery, when I was told how bad my circumstances were I was shocked to be told what I had and how long I may have if it was not treated, every one thinks no it cannot happen to me it's some one else I was fit working i'm now retired not as fit but alive.

It took me eight months to get over the operation I had a radical prostatectomy with radiotherapy follow up at Weston Park, they were brilliant so careing now it's all done by a surgeon operated robot so the operation does not take as long and it's key hole surgery my operation was classed as the equivalent to a women's hysterectomy for the stress it put's on you.

I cannot stress to any man out there if you have any symptoms of exessive tiredness pain in the lower back and leg's the feeling of some one has kicked you in the ball's during and after sex get it seen to.

Edited by MEC176
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4 hours ago, MEC176 said:

Sorry I cannot help you there that was back in 2013 but look on line or, if you can call at your Doctors surgery, when I was told how bad my circumstances were I was shocked to be told what I had and how long I may have if it was not treated, every one thinks no it cannot happen to me it's some one else I was fit working i'm now retired not as fit but alive.

It took me eight months to get over the operation I had a radical prostatectomy with radiotherapy follow up at Weston Park, they were brilliant so careing now it's all done by a surgeon operated robot so the operation does not take as long and it's key hole surgery my operation was classed as the equivalent to a women's hysterectomy for the stress it put's on you.

I cannot stress to any man out there if you have any symptoms of exessive tiredness pain in the lower back and leg's the feeling of some one has kicked you in the ball's during and after sex get it seen to.

Thanks MEC176 and a big thanks !

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Don't think you have prostate cancer because you probably have not.

It is likely to be a BPH which is what I have and I have had it since 2012.

I have had two tests and there not pleasant but it gives you a clear diagnosis or will show any other problem.

I take Tamulosin which definitely helps and I couldn't do without them.

My PSA was 12 and it is usually over the maximum 2 though my issue is a problem at times I just live with it.

I'm close to getting an small operation to widen the blockage but I am waiting for this virus to bugger off before I go in.


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2 hours ago, markfor said:

Have to get up 6 times a night to pee so getting very tired. Have people taken any drugs for this and if so does it affect sexual funstioning??

I had a test because I was peeing a lot during the day. I had a PSA test and it was just above normal, I had a biopsy and it was clear of cancer. Not a nice test  :)

I think they said I had a inflamed/enlarged prostate. That was around 18 months ago.

It does feel like I am peeing even more, not so much getting up on a night. But if I have a cup of tea I will want to go to the loo.

When I pee, its just a small amout and often.

I drive for a living, so I make sure I pee before setting of, same before bed, I have a cup of tea around an hour before bed.

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