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Prostate Problem

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20 minutes ago, markfor said:

Same for me. I had biopsy that wasnt half as bad as I expected! Have to wake up 6 times a night to pee so never have decent nights sleep. Try to drink lot of water in day PSA 4.6

I drink tea around an hour before bedtime and I am ok, I manage 7 hours sleep, sometimes I wake up, drink when I wake up then wee before I set off for work, work is three hours, so eveything needs to be done in order.

I am only 59, but see how things go.

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The more people, men, put their experiences of having prostate cancer or investigation into prostate cancer on this forum, how it went for them, it was not as bad as they expected then other's might over come the trepidation of going to their Doctor if they don't feel well. 


Just a thought.  :)

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Hopefully in future years there'll be less need for biopsies as there are more multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) facilities available. Often the images available from this technique make a biopsy unnecessary.


Also there's a new drug on the way, called Olaparib, for treating advanced prostate cancer. 


I recently read an interesting article about the Chinese chef Ken Hom (now 71). He was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago but avoided surgery by having several sessions of proton beam therapy. He's now cured of the cancer. Doubt if this is available through the NHS though but it might be available if you go private.


Read all this stuff in the magazine issued by Prostate Cancer UK. They send me a copy every few months cos' I've named them in my will. My dad had this cancer for years, although not the aggressive kind, before  Alzheimers eventually took him. His was kept in check using Zoladex - made by AstraZeneca who he used to work for (and so did I).

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, markfor said:

What drugs do people take to stop waking up 6 times a night to pee?

Saw Palmetto has been suggested to me?

nothing to drink 2 hrs before  bed    And dont go to bedl worrying  or trying to work things out have a clear mind   

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I was once a five times a night man now as said nothing to drink at least three

hours before bed especially if you are diabetic, medication Solifenacin one with

breakfast one after tea, Mirabegron one a day after tea thats three a day does it

help you ask, I still go at least twice a night some times it's just an urge some times

a trickle, if it's playing on your mind waiting for the urge then you will never have a

night's sleep.

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3 minutes ago, Ben12 said:

I haven't tried that one but after talk with doctor where he suggested me to use as much african plum and other natural ingredients , he said me about Regen50. I must say after few months of using, it was great decision. I will leave you link where you can read all the ingredients.


Go away.. Scum bag!!!


Edited by The_DADDY
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