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The Great Big Chav Megathread... ALL discussion of Chavs here.

What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?

    • Its a media construct and we are focussing on an existing problem.
    • They are a product of social division and exclusion.
    • They are just born evil.
    • I don't care - just wipe them out!
    • Other (please say what)

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You can always spot a true Chav in Sheffield they almost always wear either a Burberry or White Baseball Cap and carry two or three stones or a housebrick to throw at a bus that maybe is unfortunate enough to intrude on their patch come along.

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Guest unners

Im a bus driver,a chavs idea of a day out,is to get on the 41 service sit upstairs at either the back or front(which is their preference as not seen on camera)then ride into town and depart at where they got on!!

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Originally posted by hj dary

Go somewhere like S5 and there they are, and in huge numbers too.


Its not just S5,its a counrty wide problem,parts of Chesterfield are crawling with them.

Claycross for example,every corner has them as well as their women with home made tattoos (cool? dont think so).


I would take great caution in taking photos in peoples houses without their consent,this may have some privacy issues.

These people are quite well up on the law,due to their many visits to the local police stations,and numerous episodes of Judge Judy.

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Chavs are a product of our materialistic society.


Burberry was worn at the races and other such high society activities and it therefore became a statement of wealth and was adopted by poor people who are trying to be "rich" because they don't understand what the true meaning of "rich" is. A rich man is not a man who drives a BMW, but one who has inner peace and has found a purpose in life.


The reality is that people will always desire material objects because they say something about how "successful" they are, and that appears to be what is important these days according to the media spin.


Poor people eek out an un-enlightened existence chasing material objects as a replacement for what is essentially a lack of freedom. Everyone wants what they cannot afford, and the middle classes in this country create the chav culture. Chavs don't know any different because they most often do not get access to a quality education be it in terms of a life or academia. They turn to crime/drink/drugs to facilitate what they cannot obtain through working due to a lack of opportunity and application.


Although I can enjoy a audible titter at the chav, the problem is one that will only go away when we achieve a greater level of equality in this country. I don't see this happening soon because its something that the common man doesn't want to tackle. He/She wants to continue leading the sheltered life where societies problems should be dealt with by someone else.


Looking down on anyone only further increases the divide and will create more of a problem for our children.


We're all inmates of society, the only difference is that our cells are twice as big and lined with leather. We should be helping each other be free.


Anyway.... gotta run, i'm off the get the BM from the garage 8-).


"Forsake your desires and you too can be free"

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I think I understand most of what you are saying here city_dweller, but I definitely do not agree with some of it.


Us humans are individuals, and as such we are all responsible for our own destiny. To say that we are all responsible for each other, and for each other’s failings is in my eyes wrong. Maybe the problem is that some of these people, the Chav culture in particular, are willing to blame society for their failings because they haven’t got the guts to stand up and say “I have made myself what I am today.”


You pointed out, quite rightly, that a rich man doesn’t need material things, just inner peace. The trouble is that a lot of these Chavs have both. Secure family backgrounds AND money to buy and run their cars.


I personally do not feel responsible for the failings in society. I am proud to say that in spite of having a low paid job, living in a council house and having 3 teenage sons of the Chav age MY bit of society is wonderful. Having brought up these three kids to respect others, respect property, do as they are asked and behave at school I feel my part in society is going pretty well. It is not up to me now to start taking the responsibility for OTHER people’s kids, nor the failings of their parents who probably have more material things than me, and probably the same opportunities.


If I was one of the rich elite laughing at these people then you could possibly say I am guilty of looking down on them. However, I for one am not. In fact, I am looking UP to most of them and laughing.


When they start helping themselves a bit, then maybe more people in our society, including me will offer a bit of extra help.

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Originally posted by markham


When they start helping themselves a bit, then maybe more people in our society, including me will offer a bit of extra help.


I think in order to help themselves and except reponsibility for what they are would take a degree of self conciousness and morality which I don't personally think that they have.


Asking them to help themselves will not solve the problem as they are largely incapable. I feel that this would be purely another reason for the collective to ignore the problem.


I get from your posting a degree of self satisfaction from what you have achieved with your own children, and rightly so I might add. I expect this is largely due to your own level of social awareness and good parenting. It appears that you think that parents of other children at your sons school are underachieving. As you know, there is no handbook for being a good pearent.


Consider and accept the possibility that you are inherently more able, and a more rounded person than some of your sons peers parents. The chav role model is one of aggression, broken homes, teenage parents, drugs and yob culture. How can we expect our youth to thrive in this environment? - and therefore possibly break the cycle of chavs breeding more chavs.


Let us not laugh at anyone upwards, downwards, or sideways. Then we will have equality. If everyone who were capable were to apply themselves to understanding, sharing and educating rather than excluding we would have a better world. The government throw taxpayers money at schemes to assist the demise of Chav culture but if the general public excludes them and looks down, all efforts will be nullified because the gap between the social classes will be further divided and the anamosity between the groups will increase.


I'm not trying to make myself out to be a socialist hero, but I think if we all took a more liberal and understanding approach, and looked at the reasons why people are the way they are we could all live a slightly more comfortable existance.


I was on west street and a chav said the following :


<chav> Oy you, you we're looking at my mate, you wanna {swear word} smack.


I diffused the situation and took the guy for a drink and explained why behaving this was was only decreasing the quality of his own life. We had a good chat, I spoke to him about various problems he had in his life and we discussed how he could take some positive action to make his life better.


Now, I might go into town next week and see the same guy doing the same thing to someone else, but at least I shared some of my understanding with him, and maybe, just maybe I sorted out a chav.

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Thanks for positive response city_dweller.


However, isn't it possible that the Chav 'listened' to you simply because you had bought him a drink? You know, perpetuating the old "What's in it for me", attitude. Just a thought.


All my energy, and my wife's, is tied up in giving MY kids the best upbringing possible. I am afraid that any spare energy or time we may find is reserved for them alone. That also goes for the rest of my family, including inlaws. Not one of their kids of working age is unemployed, nor have they criminal records, nor are any of their kids of school age out of the top streams at school. This is a large slice of the teen population of Sheffield/Rotherham, so I must be forgiven for appearing big headed when I say that MY family, all of them, have done quite a bit for society as a whole. We have contributed a hell of a lot by hard work and self discipline so have no sympathy for the people who can't even control the one kid in their family.


Just to finish off if I may. My kids aren't like they are now because I begged them to be or they wouldn't get a reward. They're like they are because if they misbehaved they got punished. What a hypocrite I would seem to them if I now turned round and told them that these Chavs were poor misunderstood folk who never had a chance in life. They've got a damn sight more freedom than my kids ever had. Perhaps too much, eh.


And I bet there are several millions of successful parents out there who think exactly as I do. Decent, unselfish people as well.


Anyhow, I've had my say city_dweller. Hope you understand my side of things.

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