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The Great Big Chav Megathread... ALL discussion of Chavs here.

What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?

    • Its a media construct and we are focussing on an existing problem.
    • They are a product of social division and exclusion.
    • They are just born evil.
    • I don't care - just wipe them out!
    • Other (please say what)

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Originally posted by Dodgymouse

Tch! It’s absolutely disgusting, and it has to stop! The young people of this country and of Sheffield in particular are running amuck! They are making a laughing stock of our Nation and our City! I mean, they go around spitting and swearing, they have no morals, they are devoid of any sense of decency and if you try to reason with them all you get is abuse: They are wrecking our City, our nation and our property! And it’s decent people like us who have to wind up footing the bill; where will it all end?


I had the misfortune to be travelling by train from Sheffield to Doncaster the other day and there was a pair of young louts, (couldn’t have been older than 16 to 25) actually KISSING on the train in full public view!!!! Eugh! …I had to turn away; I just couldn’t stand to look at the disgusting performance they were putting on, which incidentally, every pervie in the train could plainly see!

(To view the photo I took click HERE)


The government back in 1914 had the right idea when they started a war with Germany so that they could send all the chavs to the front lines to get rid of them! And that’s what we need today; a war: We need to reintroduce conscription then start a war with some country or other. But it has to be a decent sized country, or we might win too easily and that would defeat the object: I E Getting rid of the riff-raff without it affecting our lifestyle too much.


America might be a good country to take on. We know we can easily beat them, but they also have a large enough army to ensure that a ‘significant number of front-line casualties’ are incurred by ‘our boys’ before we finally go in, bomb New York, and march on Washington DC.


That should solve the problem!


Hey; and think of the fringe benefits: With the Americans AND the low-life out of the way, House prices in Sheffield would soar!


All those in favour say: "Heil Cutler"


Now I'm all in favour of a bit of 'chav-bashing' now and again but you Sir are not a full bag of shopping.



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Can i just say from a fashion point of view that they don't even look good anyway. They will save and save to by designer names which are later to be dragged through the mud and don't even where them properly. Burberry is a prime example. I remember that when you had burberry you were rolling in the money. But now its stereotypical CHAV and i bet its cost Burberry Millions not to mension their credability.

Why save all that money to buy one D&G top for example when you can just go on the high street and get something classy yet understated

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