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The Great Big Chav Megathread... ALL discussion of Chavs here.

What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?

    • Its a media construct and we are focussing on an existing problem.
    • They are a product of social division and exclusion.
    • They are just born evil.
    • I don't care - just wipe them out!
    • Other (please say what)

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I think I understand most of what you are saying here city_dweller, but I definitely do not agree with some of it.


Us humans are individuals, and as such we are all responsible for our own destiny. To say that we are all responsible for each other, and for each other’s failings is in my eyes wrong. Maybe the problem is that some of these people, the Chav culture in particular, are willing to blame society for their failings because they haven’t got the guts to stand up and say “I have made myself what I am today.”


You pointed out, quite rightly, that a rich man doesn’t need material things, just inner peace. The trouble is that a lot of these Chavs have both. Secure family backgrounds AND money to buy and run their cars.


I personally do not feel responsible for the failings in society. I am proud to say that in spite of having a low paid job, living in a council house and having 3 teenage sons of the Chav age MY bit of society is wonderful. Having brought up these three kids to respect others, respect property, do as they are asked and behave at school I feel my part in society is going pretty well. It is not up to me now to start taking the responsibility for OTHER people’s kids, nor the failings of their parents who probably have more material things than me, and probably the same opportunities.


If I was one of the rich elite laughing at these people then you could possibly say I am guilty of looking down on them. However, I for one am not. In fact, I am looking UP to most of them and laughing.


When they start helping themselves a bit, then maybe more people in our society, including me will offer a bit of extra help.


am reading this thread whilst I work - but I am in total agreement with you here. It is not that they haven't had the opportunities (sorry to generalise) but they chose to throw the opportunities away.


I taught years 7 - 11 and the chav element was there. They do have the opportunities, they either choose not to take them or there families do. Total lack of support for their chav's education. what can be expected after all - sometimes the parents are chavs too

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Chav is a polite word, these kiddies are nothing but little ****s who need to be poked with hot metal.


ermm OK I wouldn't be quite so outspoken (well I would but shhhhh) - Can I be the one to do ?????



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I don't agree with Nicholarse when he says

"Chav" is a word designed to de-humanise the poorest people in our society. Those who have been born at the very bottom of our rigid class system.

I think Chavism is about the way people think (or not), and not their income bracket. I can understand people at the bottom of the financial heap trying to emulate what they perceive as a 'glamorous' life style, but I find it sad that when people have the opportunity, through financial success, to actually adopt a different way of life they become even more Chavlike. Michael Carroll is a prime example. He won millions on the lottery, and has made his neighbours lives hell ever since. He bought a beautiful house in a rural area, and brings loads of his friends to race cars in the grounds! He is now in prison for affray.


I believe a lot of the distaste for Chav culture comes from the innate British dislike of crass ostentation. 'Understated' is a word that springs to mind in relation to 'classy'. Aspiring to 'Footballers' Wives' style, or wanting to dress like Jordan isn't something that most people would dream of. Its not particularly an age thing either - chavism is a way of thinking as well as an outward show of tackiness. Apart from the obvious clothes and jewellery, there is also a certain lack of facial expression that seems to go with the culture, the most movement coming from open-mouthed gum chewing. The last bit was due to my personal distaste for this habit, and was a result of sitting opposite someone doing this all the way home on the tram yesterday!

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As I've said before, everyone likes to have a group they feel superior too, thats what chavs are, a group of people it's safe to feel superior too, slag off, and generally blame the ills of the world on without (most) people thinking less of you.

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This thread is so risible it's awe inspiring. On the one hand you've got Fingers who seems unsure what exactly it is we're all supposed to be laughing at. In a desperate attempt to convince us that he's not just having a pop at poor people (which you are mate, sorry) he dishes out this bit of logic:


"I'm sure that there are people who are poorer than chavs such as the homeless, some pensioners and working class people who aren't chavs"


Almost convinced?


What's this about then?


"For example, sometimes when I've been going around minding my own business complete strangers have asked me for money for their bus/coach/train fare/phone/cup of tea (delete according to sob story) [...] I think that type of behaviour is very chavvy and most of the people who have done those things to me have been chavs."


So beggars are Chavvy. So what are you talking about then? You're having a pop at the poorest people in a society which has a rigid class system. A class system whose victims you are laughing at.


"I admit that there are some people who engage in anti-chav rhetoric that is disturbing [...] this tactic of demonising groups of people isn't new and as you could have pointed out this tactic is particularly popular with the far right"


Yup. And I'll tell you what mate - this word is a way of getting left and left of centre people on board the right wing band waggon. Look at all the nonsense we've got on this string!


Even since you posted we've had some more of your mates coming out with the following 'hilarious' comments:


"mattyuk1 Chav is a polite word, these kiddies are nothing but little ****s who need to be poked with hot metal."


"ermm OK I wouldn't be quite so outspoken (well I would but shhhhh) - Can I be the one to do ?????"


Proving my point more succinctly than I ever could.


So, you know, if you are a right wing hate merchant who likes laughing at the small man of society crack on with the unpleasant posts. I don't really have a problem with that to be honest. However if you're one of these people who thinks all this is a bit of harmless fun - having a pop at "the way people think (or not)" perhaps you should look closer to home for your big laughs.


Your being screwed with. This word didn't exist five years ago. It has mysteriously appeared in the mass media. They wanted you to use it. Now you are, in exactly the way they predicted you would.


And they look like they have a really bad diet and they smell as well don't they? Ho ho. Etc.



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Points well put nm. However, even you've got to admit that chavs are responsible for all that is ailing this country.


They fall ill and take up precious NHS resources which are then denied to normal people.


They take away housing from the sensible, hard working, English people when they start breeding.


They are responsible for the demolition of proper English architecture when they insist on having shrines to chavery built.


They hang around on street corners and jeer at non-chavs.


They are responsible for the increasing crime in this country, including paedophilia, drug dealing and fly tipping.


They drive around in their untaxed, uninsured chav cars and park all over the pavements and grass vergers (sic).


Move over immmigrants and gypsies, the new unter-class is here.

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Points well put nm. However, even you've got to admit that chavs are responsible for all that is ailing this country.


They fall ill and take up precious NHS resources which are then denied to normal people.


They take away housing from the sensible, hard working, English people when they start breeding.


They are responsible for the demolition of proper English architecture when they insist on having shrines to chavery built.


They hang around on street corners and jeer at non-chavs.


They are responsible for the increasing crime in this country, including paedophilia, drug dealing and fly tipping.


They drive around in their untaxed, uninsured chav cars and park all over the pavements and grass vergers (sic).


Move over immmigrants and gypsies, the new unter-class is here.


I could not have put that any better Max (Without a ban) :thumbsup:

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