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The Great Big Chav Megathread... ALL discussion of Chavs here.

What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?

    • Its a media construct and we are focussing on an existing problem.
    • They are a product of social division and exclusion.
    • They are just born evil.
    • I don't care - just wipe them out!
    • Other (please say what)

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Can i ask a question please


And im not been 'annoying' as someone previously said


But how comes everytime Diamondrava says something on here, either about this thread or on another one, do people jump down her throat.


i read people's views on here and i have noticed it doesn't happen to other people.:huh:


Jus wandered thats all, cos i think she is a lovely lass and doesn't deserve the hassle she gets


I'm not going to speak for anyone else but for me it's the "IgotoNiche/The Blue Ball/Limitandallstudentsnhaterskeepout - wedontlikeyoursort" spiel. It's not just her: other people who try the plastic gangster act get the same treatment. It's not big and it's not clever and it doesn't work.


Nthatxtspkdrvssmpplupthawll2. And the babbling style too.

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"caused by a VERY shallow gene pool here in S5 [...] my three lads aged 16, 14 and 12 laugh their heads off whenever they see them"*



*Oh the irony! It wasn't unusual for parents in Nazi Germany to encourage their children to laugh at the Jews as they walked past.





Comparing three lads who are so disgusted, and embarrassed, at the way their so-called peers are behaving and dressing, and therefore giving the whole decent youth of today a bad name, with the Jew-hate of the Nazis in 1930s Germany is stretching the realms of 'reality' a little bit don't you think.


Let's look at the similarities between the Jewish race and the Chav culture:



Jews = Hardworking people who were refused employment because of what they were.


Chavs = Non-working, bone idle people who refuse to work because of who they are.



Jews = Forced to live in ghettos because of who they were.


Chavs = Force other people to put up with living in ghettos created by the chav himself.



Jews = Had their businesses and property completely destroyed because of who they were.


Chavs = Smash up, steal or threaten any attempts by others to make a decent life for themselves.



Jews = Some of the best mathematical and scientific brains ever to grace this earth.


Chavs = Content to lie back and let others do the thinking and providing on their behalf.



Jews = Were bullied physically and mentally by those who could hit the hardest, and were told where they could safely go in a so-called free society.


Chavs = They decide who is weaker than them, and who will go safely where during given times of the day - irrespective of the age or sex of their victim.



Jews = Contributed vastly to the ecomony of the state through hard work and commitment.


Chavs = Contribute absolutely nothing, and take the lion's share of what others contribute on their behalf.



Jews = Born that way.


Chavs = Chose that way.


My kids laughing at these 'voluntary' social dropouts is more akin to them laughing at someone who 'voluntarily' dyes his hair green, has 'I like bogies' tattooed on his forehead, rides a pink Barbie bike and sings 'Nelly the Elephant' at the top of his voice whilst waving a large yellow feather duster as he rides past their house.


The Nazis hated the Jews because they were jealous of their success, frightened of their superior brain, threatened by their work ethic, and in awe of their ability to be successful. My kids hate the Chavs for exactly the opposite reasons: Their lack of success, their 'voluntary' lack of common sense and education, their bone idle attitudes, their complete lack of respect for other people's property and hard-earned material wealth.


All the Chavs started out in the same classes at school as my three lads. They all had the same opportunities to learn and get on in life. All, like my lads, come from a low-earning, council house background. All have the same amenities. All have the same, if not higher, income that our family has. All had the same choices. My lads have taken some stick from the local numpties over the years, both at school and on the streets - usually because of their refusal to conform to the 'yoof' culture, or to hand over their bikes, mobile phones, money etc. ................. Now? My lads are successful at school and college. None have even been spoken to by the police (who they all hold in greatest esteem) except once when they were mugged by said 'numpties'. They see these so-called peers loafing around the streets, dressed like some ten-a-penny clones, smoking and drinking their heads off. Disliked and distrusted by all who have to live alongside them, or who own a local shop. No hope, no prospects, and no respect from the majority.


Of course my three teenaged lads - who are now 18, 16, and 14 - laugh at them. It is their turn. They now have the upper hand and are on the road to success (hopefully), whilst those who made their lives hell years before - and still do in some cases - are heading for the gutter of their own making.


I won't stop them having a crafty snigger whenever they think back to how they were once the ones being laughed at, any more than I would stop them laughing at the bloke with the green hair.

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Saxon51, can I add something to your list?



Jews = forced to wear yellow stars with the word "Jew" on them so that they could be identified.


Chavs = choose to wear gold chains, often with clown pendants.


A pleasure mate ;)






Jews = Recovered their dignity after the hardship to become, once again, a very proud and successful people.


Chav = No dignity, pride, nor prospects of success, because the state doesn't provide it once a fortnight for free.

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who 2?


Cos if ur referring to me, i dont know who u are:huh:


I know i'm sorry, I'm Dave!


it's just that when your mate diamondrava posts something about how much she is right and eveyone else is wrong, the next post is always by you saying somefink like:


ha ha ha ha ure a mad ed diamondrava :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

yea man :hihi: :hihi: ha ha ha ha ha ha :hihi:


your obviously mates why not pm her or ring her

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