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The Great Big Chav Megathread... ALL discussion of Chavs here.

What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?

    • Its a media construct and we are focussing on an existing problem.
    • They are a product of social division and exclusion.
    • They are just born evil.
    • I don't care - just wipe them out!
    • Other (please say what)

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I'm doing an article of Chavism and just wondered:

Is Sheffield, a 'chavvy' city?


What defines a chav?


Is anybody offended by this term, or believe that it is an attack on the White Wokring Class?


Can we compare this term to racist/homophobic terminology, or is it somewhat a much more lighthearted, jokey name?


no its not racist or homophobic - if you are doing an article on 'chavs' you would no the basics!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

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Saw a few last nite. one of them looked about 13 with a fag and his combat sports gear. i heard this little monkey say 'yo yo yo u know u iz getting ****ed tnite innit' that was to his 12- 13 yr old girlfriend.


>: C

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I have no problems whatsoever with the term "chav". We all know what it means


It is not a cover-all term for "white working-class" at all. Loads of people in this area come under that description, yet a large majority would never be described as "chavs" in a million years. The chav has a very defineable style of dress, behaviour and attitude. There is no need to go into detail.


Nor is it a description of "white underclass". A look on any chav-spotter website will confirm that black and asian citizens can be 100% chav. It will also show that those so-labelled usually glory in the term.


Yes, Sheffield has its fair share of chav-dom, but which town or city doesn't? I come from York and, believe me, they are there in force. Interestingly, the most frequently nominated chav hot-spots are nearly all in the South - places like Luton, Southampton, Reading, Woking and Portsmouth.

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Kind of off tracking a bit, but the sporty clothes worn by "chavs" may be worn for another reason.

Our country is becoming full of food munching/drug taking/televison watching/car reliant individuals who dont dedicate any of their time to sport, or some form of exercise, hence to compensate for this, people may dress sporty when they would struggle to run for the bus, to the shops etc.

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I notice some words I used have been censored, this is fair enough if they caused offence I apologise, that's not what I intended to do.


I reported your post, as I found the words you used offensive and was surprised that they managed to get through the censor at all. It amazed me that fairly innocuous 'swear words' get starred out but not racially offensive words :confused:


I'm not sure whether starring the words out actually makes it better or worse as it's still obvious what they were. As someone else remarked 'chavdom' isn't limited to white people, and although it may be a value judgment, it isn't a racially charged word.

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