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The Great Big Chav Megathread... ALL discussion of Chavs here.

What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?  

311 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the cause of the chav phenomenon?

    • Its a media construct and we are focussing on an existing problem.
    • They are a product of social division and exclusion.
    • They are just born evil.
    • I don't care - just wipe them out!
    • Other (please say what)

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But it is just as offensive.


Your totally wrong. If you were white and you was to use the n word to a black person or person of colour, I would expect you to run for cover, as I would guarantee hostile retaliation. Some words have very deep degrading meanings. To be called a chav, simply means you are part of a social class of degenerates. As one person pointed out, usually a product of disfunctional families. A so called chav can still go to university and get a good job and get him/ her out of the council estates and into the suburbs.

Also like I said earlier the person who started this thread has not got any sense because chav has got nothing to do with race. Chavs come in all creeds and colours.

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I notice some words I used have been censored, this is fair enough if they caused offence I apologise, that's not what I intended to do. I was using the words as an example of how I see the word chav and what words it seems to have substituted. You see, I and I'm sure many other people find the word chav offensive, to me it is a word that is used to put a proportion of the "mainly" white population down in the same way the censored words are used. So at what point does a word become worthy of censorship? Is chav just an acceptable throw away remark?


What the hell has chav got to do with race. You are going off the mark here by comparing race pc's. Did you not know there are plenty of black and asian chav's also!!!!!!

Fair play the mods censored the words because if you think you are able to use them in the streets and get away with it, you would be asking for trouble. They were poor examples as the argument is about chavs not race.

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Saw a few last nite. one of them looked about 13 with a fag and his combat sports gear. i heard this little monkey say 'yo yo yo u know u iz getting ****ed tnite innit' that was to his 12- 13 yr old girlfriend.


>: C


What monkey are talking about. I never knew monkeys talked. Do you mean a chav.:huh:

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I have no problems whatsoever with the term "chav". We all know what it means


It is not a cover-all term for "white working-class" at all. Loads of people in this area come under that description, yet a large majority would never be described as "chavs" in a million years. The chav has a very defineable style of dress, behaviour and attitude. There is no need to go into detail.


Nor is it a description of "white underclass". A look on any chav-spotter website will confirm that black and asian citizens can be 100% chav. It will also show that those so-labelled usually glory in the term.


Yes, Sheffield has its fair share of chav-dom, but which town or city doesn't? I come from York and, believe me, they are there in force. Interestingly, the most frequently nominated chav hot-spots are nearly all in the South - places like Luton, Southampton, Reading, Woking and Portsmouth.



thank you some one with sense!!!!

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In some parts of the South of England for instance if a couple have a baby it is sometimes referred to as so and so has "had a chavvy'.


I'm actually responding to all the posts about what chav means and where it comes from...


Chav does derive from Romany, the usage of the word as we know it is rooted in North Kent (which is where I'm from, so I hope I can have the last word on this!) Even if the word in its Romany origins means child/baby, I can assure everyone that 'Chav', as used ubiquitously in my region for goodness knows how long, is not used to mean child/baby, it's been used in Kent in exactly the same way as most people use it now, nationally.


To say that it is the same as racist terms is an insult to all those who, if they happened to be born in chavvy homes, have over the years CHOSEN to make the most of the opportunities and education available to improve their life, their mind, and their behaviour.


The key aspect for me is that the elements people hate about chavs are not a genetic accident of birth like skin colour, they are things that chavs CHOOSE to perpetuate. They take pride in being uneducated, aggressive, philistine, and work pretty hard at preventing their children from doing or being any 'better'. It is an attitude; one that is perfectly open for other people to judge. It is a culture that is perpetuated by people's choices, which divorces it utterly from other forms of prejudice.

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I have to agree with much of ^^^. Our skin and eye colourings, our height and build etc are inherited from our forebears. We have no choice in who our parents are. To use a descriptive term in a negative way about someone's skin colour or ethnicity is very different to using a term such as 'chav' as a descriptor of a lifestyle choice.


'Chav' being used to describe a certain type of person is a fairly recent word (except in Kent - I've learnt something there :thumbsup:), but the culture isn't recent - its just more obvious and more widespread now (I believe the way the benefits system has evolved has encouraged the lifestyle.) I would also suggest that 'rights but no responsibilities' plays a part. Credit to anyone who grows up only knowing this way of life (and worse) and escapes through their own efforts.

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Also like I said earlier the person who started this thread has not got any sense because chav has got nothing to do with race. Chavs come in all creeds and colours.


Oh, right, so it's ok to use any name if it's not related to race, as thats the only thing people can take offence at, so you'll happily to call gay people fags or bummers (its' not race related) or disabled people spazes (again no race conotations) or overweight people fatties, or people on the dole scroungers ?


Surely the people your calling fag, spaz, fattie and scrounger won't be offended, how could they be, it's got nothing to do wth race?

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Oh, right, so it's ok to use any name if it's not related to race, as thats the only thing people can take offence at, so you'll happily to call gay people fags or bummers (its' not race related) or disabled people spazes (again no race conotations) or overweight people fatties, or people on the dole scroungers ?


Surely the people your calling fag, spaz, fattie and scrounger won't be offended, how could they be, it's got nothing to do wth race?


Nick2 you are going way off the thread here and your debate is meaningless. Any offensive name is derogatory and I would not call it anyone.

Also can you state where I have called anyone names here. I think you are purposely trying to get a race debate here that warrants the mods to intervene as this is about CHAVS.

You flaunt your derogatory words for too casual with no purpose or aim, as you have casually accused me of doing this; which is bang out of order and wrong.

Chav is a lifestyle that the individual can change.

Race and creed is something that you are born with.

The other long list has other issues.


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Any offensive name is derogatory and I would not call it anyone.


So what you're saying is that Chav isn't a derogatory name ?

And no-one should be offended by being called it ?


You seem to think that only names that are realted to race can be offensive, I dissagree.

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So what you're saying is that Chav isn't a derogatory name ?

And no-one should be offended by being called it ?


You seem to think that only names that are realted to race can be offensive, I dissagree.


Again you choose to not read properly.

Have I said the word chav is not derogatory?

& where have I stated that only race is derogatory.

You probably have a slight problem with the word chav.

Are you offended by the word are am I to believe you have been called it.

You really need to stop mentioning the race issue as it has nothing to do with this thread what so ever.

Stick to the debate about chav's please

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