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Alternative Source Of Energy.

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I see they have had some grim weather in Texas recently. It has been so cold that the wind turbines have frozen up , and this has been accompanied by a blanket of snow that covered all the solar panels. 


But don't worry, they have discovered an alternative  source of energy.  Diesel generators.  


Good old diesel, always there when you need him...............



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That's why they shouldn't put all their eggs in 2 baskets with just Nuclear and Wind Power.

As an island nation, we are surrounded by sea, which never stops moving.  Surely it can't be too hard to derive lots of power from this.

It would make more sense in our present emergency, than investigating planets like Mars.

An interesting and exciting investigation, but not relative to our  problems with climate change.

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57 minutes ago, Cyclecar said:

I see they have had some grim weather in Texas recently. It has been so cold that the wind turbines have frozen up , and this has been accompanied by a blanket of snow that covered all the solar panels. 


But don't worry, they have discovered an alternative  source of energy.  Diesel generators.  


Good old diesel, always there when you need him...............



Wind turbines work fine in Antarctica. You're confusing a failure to prepare for cold weather for a failure of a technology. Diesel generators don't work in cold weather either if you fail to use suitable lubricants.

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88 percent of Texas power supply is coal and gas.

Texas is the only state in the lower 48 not connected to a regional power grid to avoid Federal regulation.


The power faults  were largely avoidable 

  Never mind FEMA,the Federal ! agency has come to the rescue.


The top Texas politicians typically get $2 each from the coal/ gas producers



Seen a few stories that the power companies gave also jacked the prices to customers ,some getting bills for $1300 or more for a normal domestic house for a week.

They have been kindly enough to offer longer term payments!


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8 minutes ago, butlers said:

Seen a few stories that the power companies gave also jacked the prices to customers ,some getting bills for $1300 or more for a normal domestic house for a week.

They have been kindly enough to offer longer term payments!


How have they justified the inflated prices? I'd be curious what BS reason they come up with.

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53 minutes ago, Pyrotequila said:

How have they justified the inflated prices? I'd be curious what BS reason they come up with.

It's America, they simply just do and can as there are few regulations to stop them. (They did say due to demand)

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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That's why they shouldn't put all their eggs in 2 baskets with just Nuclear and Wind Power.

As an island nation, we are surrounded by sea, which never stops moving.  Surely it can't be too hard to derive lots of power from this.

It would make more sense in our present emergency, than investigating planets like Mars.

An interesting and exciting investigation, but not relative to our  problems with climate change.

We are, or were, world leaders in research and development of tidal power technology. Lack of government support to commercialize the technology has led to developers going overseas.


As for it being hard. I'm sure its very challenging, but doable. Very harsh environment, very large scale underwater installations, very hard to operate and maintain. Simples eh...

4 hours ago, Cyclecar said:

I see they have had some grim weather in Texas recently. It has been so cold that the wind turbines have frozen up , and this has been accompanied by a blanket of snow that covered all the solar panels. 


But don't worry, they have discovered an alternative  source of energy.  Diesel generators.  


Good old diesel, always there when you need him...............



Lack of frost heating, probably not seen as required in the design.

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Course Texas was the home if Enron, and energy conglomerate that gamed the system closing its power plants to drive the prices up, was a huge scandal.

They also heavily funded George Bush too.

Was only this week saw an article that one if the underwater tidal generators was being shipped to Japan for trials, think the UK install is off Orkney

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