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Quick Self Defence

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A quick technique for example would be.....attacker throws punch, victim blocks and counters with a punch to the throat. The correct way to block a punch and counter strike can be learnt quickly.

Kapap can be learnt quicker than most other types of martial art simply because the entire lesson is about learning self defence, there are no Kata`s or forms and no moving up and down the room perfecting each kick or punch.

This is not in any way an attack on traditional martial arts ( which I actually practice as well).

No combative "technique" will work on everybody there is ALWAYS somebody, tougher,faster and stronger.Learning Kapap or any other martial art will probably just give you the edge against the average mugger or street thug.

After 25 years in the martial arts I like Kapap, its no-nonsense, pretty brutal and effective.It is also comprehensive punches,kicks,chokes,locks,throws grappling and weapon defenses.

Always remember though the best response is BOF.


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Try Kapapsheffield.co.uk Craig and Debbie teach it at several locations city wide. It can be learnt very quickly and they are good instructors.

Had a quick poke at the site...no mention of prices except the £30 for 4 hour 'induction seminar'.

Anyone able to fill me in here? prices per session ? monthly subs? etc.

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Just wondering if any one could help.Recently moved to the area, but work in Leeds . Someone attempted to mug me but thank god I managed to blag my way out of it , don't ask me how!And it dawned on me that if it had of continued i'd hae been knackered.Started to look at martial:love: arts in Sheffield but there are so many. Just want something that really works, not bothered about belts or trophies


Ah that old chestnut! Every form of MA can teach you self defence, as its down to the user not the art. Krav Maga/Kapap/Krav panim is a pure SD form but knowing it doesnt mean you can use it! and a false sense of security can be as dangerous as having no skills at all. I've met people who've done a "Self defence course" tell me they can handle themselves then freeze when it kicks off and panic when their opponant doesnt yeild to their fists of fury! The best advice is find a style/art/form you feel comfortable with and practice till it becomes second nature be it Kung Fu, karate or combat origami! Learning the skills will build up your confidence and begin to "Target harden" you. The advantage that more modern systems like the Krav Maga variants and Dave Turton's SD groups hve over some trad systems is that they will teach you threat awareness alongside physical offence/defence skills which in some cases can be more use in avoiding a live situation than blundering into a kicking! The most important thing to remember is "If you don't use it,you lose it" if you don't practice the skills/techniques/principles regularly then they will probably fail when you need them the most.


I reccomend Combined Fighting Arts at sheff Martial art centre Nr Bramall Lane, Taught by Mark Hayes. He knows his stuff and the style of training get you working straight away.

AFK and the Wicker Thai camp both have very good reputations for their ethics and skills.

Dave Turton operates a realistic self defence association but I dont know how to contact him, but he is based in the local area.

I have a limited experience of Krav Maga and its variants and cannot coment on any local instructors but if it is taught and trained correctly it is a good system.

Give them all a blast and find what works for you, drill it and enjoy yourself.


Sorry for waffling on :gag:

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I reccomend Combined Fighting Arts at sheff Martial art centre Nr Bramall Lane, Taught by Mark Hayes. He knows his stuff and the style of training get you working straight away.

AFK and the Wicker Thai camp both have very good reputations for their ethics and skills.



Trained at all of these places and all very good. Hopefully heading up to the Sheff MA Centre tonight if I can keep to time.

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Craig charges £5 a session,annual membership is £15 including AMA insurance.


And your first lesson is free. I've been going to the Saturday evening session at Greens' since it started and am still enjoying it as it is easy to learn and you don't have to be fantastically strong or fit which makes it ideal for women/vertically challenged folks and folkettes.

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And your first lesson is free. I've been going to the Saturday evening session at Greens' since it started and am still enjoying it as it is easy to learn and you don't have to be fantastically strong or fit which makes it ideal for women/vertically challenged folks and folkettes.


Craig knows his stuff and makes me feel like I want to try kapap (when i have a spare minute!!! LOL)


Mark Hayes also knows his stuff as I attended his class a decade or so ago.


Thank you to all those who gave commendations and recommendations about classes at AFK. The kind words are much appreciated.

I like to think that all instructors at AFK are very reality based and well versed in both spheres of "ring sport" and "street self defence"

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