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Leonard Marshall - Middlewood Hospital


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I am trying to find information on my grandfathers brother who was a patient at Middlewood Hospital around 1947/8/9 but I have no idea when he was admitted or when he died/left there


His name was Leonard Marshall and at the time would have been late 50's. Possible admitted after a nervous breakdown - he had a son by the name of Rudolph possibly born around 1920


I remember at the age of 7/8/9 in 1947/8/9 and possibly 1950 he would visit my grandparents house in Swallownest occasionally on a Saturday or Sunday for tea. He would have taken a bus from Middlewood into the city and then a number 21 bus from Pond Street to Swallownest. So he must have had some capabilities.  I remember he was always smartly dressed with a suit, shirt, tie and of course cap. But he always talked quite fast and his speech was a bit impaired and he had a kind of mental incapacity in  some things


The family were originally from Hollinsend but the sons all left for other areas to work in the coal mines 


He had an older brother Benjamin who worked at a colliery in Armthorpe, Doncaster


The brothers were Elias (my grandfather), Leonard and Benjamin - plus a sister who lived in Woodhouse but I cannot recall her name


Being the oldest survivor of the family and now aged 80 these are missing links to our family history


Any information anyone has will be very helpful- however, in the past I have tried many times over the years to get information via Middlewood Archives but cannot get any responses


Best Regards - Victor - Subang Jaya, Malaysia

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source of reasonable information for free;


 ancestry,co.uk better if you don't mind paying.

Possible same people but could be coincidence, worthy of further investigation;


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I reckon that Leonard was born William Leonard Marshall, Birth date 04 Jun 1899 Baptism date 27 Jun 1899 son of William Marshall and Elizabeth-Ann (née Sheard). So he was almost certainly the William Leonard Marshall born 04/06/1899 who died in Q4 1974 in Sheffield (Volume 3 page 1192 in the register). He was baptised at the methodist church in Hollinsend road, like Elias was.


Elias, incidentally, born 10 March 1894 was baptised 10 April 1894 in the methodist church on Hollinsend Road. He shows up in the 1901 census living with his mum (a widow at that time), Herbert, Benjamin, Alice May, William L Marshall a younger brother (most likely actually Leonard), and another sister, Jessie, born in Hollinsend around 1890. Address given as 11 Main Road Intake.


Leonard shows up again in the 1911 census (now just called Leonard) in Woodhouse with his three brothers and one sister: Herbert Marshall (b 1885), Benjamin Marshall (b around 1892), Elias Marshall (b around1894), Alice May Marshall (b around 1897).


Herbert and Benjamin were working down the mine as fillers, and Elias as a pony driver, Alice May didn’t have a job and Leonard was at school. The four oldest children were born in Hollinsend and Leonard was born in Intake.


They’re listed as the step-children of William Ryland (a miner, born around 1870 in Brum), who was married to Elizabeth Ann, born around 1862 in Dronfield.


I can’t quite read the street address on the census return though (Hulley Road? Hulby Road?)


There was a Rudolph Marshall born 1924, mother’s maiden name Mortimer.


Did Elias have an injured hand? In the (Sheffield) Telegraph of 17 July 1908 it said that a 14 year-old Elias Marshall got his hand caught in a pulley and lost a finger, two other fingers being injured. The company tried to wriggle out of paying compensation by saying that he wasn’t following the rules and wasn’t actually doing his job (because he’d been to ask someone the time), but the judge told them to cough up anyway (£6/10s/0d).


Elias was described as a sturdy, rosy-cheeked lad living at 6, Carr Lane, Woodhouse, and was working in the Birley Pit.

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I was just waiting for my other half as we were going shopping so had a quick look on here to pass 5 mins and couldn't resist a quick look. I thought some of the more serious ancestry people would have posted

hang on a popup.... new post .. ah there you are.

You are not the only person to have searched, here is a nice thread about him;


 Nice that he went on to a good age his stint at wadsley may have been beneficial, it often wasn't in those days.

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Wow and mega thanks to A Person for this in depth information


It is more than I ever hoped for and fills in many gaps in my searches over the years


Yes my grandfather Elias had a finger missing from the knuckle - he loved cricket and played for Aston Cricket Club when younger, he also was a big fan of Rotherham Football Cub and went to almost every home and away match


My grandmothers side (my mother Jessies mother) was Ethel Wasteney married to Elias Marshall of course. I have her history right back to 936AD in France


Her ancestors went to England with William The Conqueror in 1066AD and fought with William at the famous Battle of Hastings -after the battle they were both Knighted by William who had proclaimed himself King of All England and France - they became Sir William and Sir Geoffrey De Wasteney


There is a lot of family history related to Todwick, Roche Abbey etc and the founding of what became the City of Perth in New Zealand


The full documentary search has taken about 40 years and mainly by my distant cousin in Oxford - and it continues .......


Once again, mega thanks to A Person for the valuable information


Very Best Wishes from Malaysia  

Edited by nikki-red
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