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Litter In Sheffield?

El Cid

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The Motorway verges are shockingly full of litter and plastic detritus. Clearing that is a job for professionals not volunteers with litter pickers.

There must be hundreds of miles of the stuff built up over years. I hate to think what it's doing to wild life. And the impression it must create on travellers and tourists when they're driving in this country doesn't make us look good. We're turning into a banana republic.

What happened to having pride in one's environment? Other counties are pristine by comparison.

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15 hours ago, redruby said:

That’s actually not a bad idea. I go for run most days and usually end up doing some plogging (picking up litter and jogging). Why not combine getting kids fitter whilst tackling the litter problem 😂

I think some of responses on this thread show some of reasons for litter being such an issue. Someone raises the problem of litter only to get a sneering reply of  ‘well why don’t YOU pick it up’ and a lot of bickering about whose responsibility it is to pick it up. Well the answer to that is ALL of us!! While ever people keep pushing it away as someone else’s problem it just carries on.  The council, schools, parents etc etc all have a part to play but this is community issue and the more people do there own bit to help, be that telling their kids off if they drop litter, picking up the odd bit of litter and challenging the notion that litter is always ‘someone else’s’ problem.  
It is many years since I was at primary school but I can still remember the words to a song one of the teachers wrote to teach us children not to drop litter. Teachers don’t need to give up big chunks of the school day for formal lessons on this. 

There's no sneering, just questioning those who are happy to volunteer others  for litter picking in free time that may not have, because they are at work. All those who have suggested it is the responsibility of teachers to collect the rubbish in the school yard and its surrounds have yet to identify when teachers should be doing that.


Do they give up their lunchtime? Do a bit in the dark after they finish for the day? Maybe they believe what they read in the Daily Mail about what a cushy job teaching is, all those holidays etc. Never mind the near 50 hour weeks worked,


You know what, I couldn't find time in my working day to go pick litter in the surrounding streets. I take a bag and pick bits and pieces of litter up when I'm out running or walking, as do you. That's my choice, I don't expect others to do the same. What I do expect is for the litter not to be dropped in the first place.

35 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The Motorway verges are shockingly full of litter and plastic detritus. Clearing that is a job for professionals not volunteers with litter pickers.

There must be hundreds of miles of the stuff built up over years. I hate to think what it's doing to wild life. And the impression it must create on travellers and tourists when they're driving in this country doesn't make us look good. We're turning into a banana republic.

What happened to having pride in one's environment? Other counties are pristine by comparison.

Not in my experience, and I've been to a lot over my working life, both in Europe and most other continents.

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Said for years there should be one hour per week, per class( class can be split each week into smaller groups)  where theyy go out litter picking, I know health and safety would poo poo this but if they were picking it up maybe they would eventually get the message and think about dropping it on the first place.  Failing that we need to get the long term unemployed to give up one day per week doing it,( supervised of course) do something for their benefits 

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Theres not enough bins around where I live and where there are bins they are always over flowing and not emptied regularly.  If we all did our bit by not dropping litter and teaching our kids not to litter from a young age that would be a start.  My kids always put their rubbish in their pockets until they get home.  I know we all have our own opinions but I dont agree with kids going out picking litter during school time, they are there to learn.  Maybe schools could set up an after school group for collecting litter instead where kids and their parents do it together within a group, I'd certainly do that.  

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1 minute ago, katekate said:

Theres not enough bins around where I live and where there are bins they are always over flowing and not emptied regularly.  If we all did our bit by not dropping litter and teaching our kids not to litter from a young age that would be a start.  My kids always put their rubbish in their pockets until they get home.  I know we all have our own opinions but I dont agree with kids going out picking litter during school time, they are there to learn.  Maybe schools could set up an after school group for collecting litter instead where kids and their parents do it together within a group, I'd certainly do that.  

My late wife always put rubbish in her pockets till she found a bin.

Many years ago, we were on holiday at the seaside with our 2 kids, she had a pocket full of rubbish and was looking for a bin.

We entered an amusement arcade where she found a bin, and deposited the litter.

A voice then boomed out.  


(true story)

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2 hours ago, pintor said:

Said for years there should be one hour per week, per class( class can be split each week into smaller groups)  where theyy go out litter picking, I know health and safety would poo poo this but if they were picking it up maybe they would eventually get the message and think about dropping it on the first place.  Failing that we need to get the long term unemployed to give up one day per week doing it,( supervised of course) do something for their benefits 

If we need the unemployed to pick up litter, then they should be employed on a decent wage to do so.


As for using kids as labour to litter pick, supervised by teachers, why is the responsibility of schools to get children not to litter? That's the responsibility of the parents, that's what we did, my children don't drop litter.


Who's supervising these classes split into smaller groups? There aren't teachers milling about in school looking for something to do. There is no time or money to do what you suggest. You could, of course, volunteer to take groups of kids out yourself, each school day.

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20 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

If we need the unemployed to pick up litter, then they should be employed on a decent wage to do so.


As for using kids as labour to litter pick, supervised by teachers, why is the responsibility of schools to get children not to litter? That's the responsibility of the parents, that's what we did, my children don't drop litter.


Who's supervising these classes split into smaller groups? There aren't teachers milling about in school looking for something to do. There is no time or money to do what you suggest. You could, of course, volunteer to take groups of kids out yourself, each school day.

Totally agree about the unemployed, pay them to do it.  Also a lot of unemployed are not working due to health conditions so just because people claim benefits it doesn't mean they can be used as litter pickers.  Also rightly said that parents should teach their kids to dispose of rubbish correctly. Teachers have enough to do and many go above and beyond what they should be doing already.  Children should be in school learning, they are not there to pick up litter and after all the school they have missed during the pandemic they need to be concentrating  on catching up on their work.  I would gladly go on a litter pick organized by school with my kids but not during learning time.

Edited by katekate
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2 hours ago, katekate said:

Totally agree about the unemployed, pay them to do it. 

Maybe the ones that are still being paid and not working or furloughed, maybe they are the ones volunteering here in Leeds.

Has Sheffield got people that have been furloughed, get them volunteering.

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