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Wilder Leaves The Blades.


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CW has gone but the Blades have to battle on

I would give sole control of training and picking the team for each match to Allan Knill.

I am sure the results will be better, we are not down until the whistle blows in the final match (which may have spectators)  I will hopefully be at Bramall Lane for this match   UTB

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Well thats it then, Wilder came from success with lower league clubs to manage his former team, a shaky first few games paved the way for what was a fantastic run, promotion from L1 in his first season, consolidation in the Championship in his second which included the Blades biggest game in 40 years where they beat Yorkshires most successful club 2-4, another promotion followed and a very unexpected and noteworthy 9th place finish in the Prem, unfortunately this is where it all fell apart, big money signings like Ramsdale, Berge, McBurnie, Moussett, Brewster etc have all been major flops and this coupled with poor form and injuries has led to this season being record breaking for the wrong reasons.


He's given the Blades some great memories but perhaps his time to depart was the right one, he can go onto to rebuild his reputation in the SPL and perhaps have another crack at the Prem in a few years with one of the big boys.

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7 hours ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

It's on the cards/distinct possibility but he wants as much cash out in his pay off as possible. He doesn't want a radio rentals type instalment pay off which reduces if he gets another job, he wants the lot and he wants it now.


Surprised at this really as I thought he was one of their own.

It's no surprise to me at all....


Just hope fans get over this quickly it's not about CW !!!!...


Sheffield United will move on its not about one man and never has been it's a club.....


And 7 million(If that's the true amount) payoff that's questionable too I will say this tho...


"If I loved my job(which I do !!!!)I would work with any problems and work with the problems I had i would never walk out on the job I love no matter what....

7 hours ago, Kelvin Phlats said:


7 hours ago, Kelvin Phlats said:


7 hours ago, Kelvin Phlats said:


Edited by Box11
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9 hours ago, Box11 said:

It's no surprise to me at all....


Just hope fans get over this quickly it's not about CW !!!!...


Sheffield United will move on its not about one man and never has been it's a club.....


And 7 million(If that's the true amount) payoff that's questionable too I will say this tho...


"If I loved my job(which I do !!!!)I would work with any problems and work with the problems I had i would never walk out on the job I love no matter what....

Yes Box11 but would you 'love' your job if your employer failed to provide the necessary equipment to make a success of it and worsened your terms of employment? I doubt it. There's only so much a person can stand.

CW was the Club's greatest asset and by the sound of it they've let him go through sheer intransigence.

You're right to say that SUFC will move on. The worry now is in what direction.




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2 hours ago, echo beach said:

Yes Box11 but would you 'love' your job if your employer failed to provide the necessary equipment to make a success of it and worsened your terms of employment? I doubt it. There's only so much a person can stand.

CW was the Club's greatest asset and by the sound of it they've let him go through sheer intransigence.

You're right to say that SUFC will move on. The worry now is in what direction.




I know I wouldn't, especially undermining him with a DoF. I don't see why they need it in the championship, Wilder has shown he's more than capable in that league so why rock the boat if that was a major sticking point. I do think your owner has made a massive mistake but we'll see.

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Like it or not CW has gone, Hecky, Tidsdale, Knill or whoever is in place rest of season need to steady the ship, then bring in a full time manager.  The prince needs to decide where he wants the club to go, no good going back up and then not wanting to pay decent wages to attract players,  thats just more of the same, can't he have a word with his mates and get them to invest?. If money is there I'd go for Howe, decent manager used to a family orientated club, knowledge of the top 2 divisions and plays decent day football.  Rumours of fans back at end of season gives them a chance to air their feelings good or bad before starting afresh next season, don't want this to carry over, Wilders gone, lets move on and support whoever takes the reigns UTB

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A real shame this, Chris Wilder arrived when the club was in a real mess, and in a fairly short space of time had fostered an "us against the world" siege mentality, that united the players, the supporters, and the club.


That first season, when things clicked into gear, you could see the possibilities of what he was trying to build.  Peterborough away being a great memory, when James Hanson headed over the keeper to Billy Sharp, who nodded home the winner and the crowd went nuts.  The first season in the Championship we were flying, until that horrific leg break for our pivotal player, Paul Coutts. 


Second season, we didn't leave it to chance, and stormed up the table, those last half dozen or so games were some of the best (and nail biting) games in memory,  Madine getting sent off in the first half, leaving us with 10 men (for over an hour) against Brentford, where we went on to win 2-0, Leeds away, our big rivals that season, with the "Basham's arriving" goal, and Hull away, where it looked like men against boys and we won 3-0.  It was that game, on a bank holiday Monday, that I knew that we were going up, as I drove back to Sheffield.  The only decider was would we go up in first or second place.  It came down to the last day, but that didn't matter, because we were promoted before we journeyed to Stoke, and most of our team looked like they were still  half drunk!


I like Chris Wilder as a bloke as well, down to earth, one of us, a Sheffielder.  The stuff like still catching a bus when he goes out for a few drinks.  The time when he was trying to lose a bit of weight, and would jog down to Bramall Lane on a Saturday morning, saying "hello" to everyone he passed.  Leading the team to the town hall steps on two occasions during promotions, beer in hand.


It took us over a decade to get back in the top flight, and I don't think we would have got there with anyone else at the helm.


I wanted the fairy tale ending, with a 65 year old Chris Wilder retiring from SUFC to a full house of supporters, giving him the send off he deserves, but football (these days), is not like that.  I started watching the Blades when TC and Woody were playing, but these last five years have been my favourite.


Good luck for the future, Chris!

Edited by Grappler
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2 hours ago, pintor said:

Like it or not CW has gone, Hecky, Tidsdale, Knill or whoever is in place rest of season need to steady the ship, then bring in a full time manager.  The prince needs to decide where he wants the club to go, no good going back up and then not wanting to pay decent wages to attract players,  thats just more of the same, can't he have a word with his mates and get them to invest?. If money is there I'd go for Howe, decent manager used to a family orientated club, knowledge of the top 2 divisions and plays decent day football.  Rumours of fans back at end of season gives them a chance to air their feelings good or bad before starting afresh next season, don't want this to carry over, Wilders gone, lets move on and support whoever takes the reigns UTB

Well said...

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