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Should Prince Abdullah Sell And Move On !


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7 hours ago, echo beach said:

I'm ambivalent about Prince Abdullah. I don't know the man.

I do know that he said all the right things when he took over our Club and yet he and his 'advisors' have now presided over what could be the most catastrophic decision to affect the Blades for a very long time.

To let CW go, albeit 'by mutual consent', shows a total lack of understanding of what he's done for SUFC, both on and off the field, in the past five years.

It also demonstrates a disregard for the opinions of the vast majority of supporters. Fellow managers, commentators, pundits, players and supporters of other teams have voiced their incredulity at what has happened. They can't all be wrong. It's called 'shooting yourself in the foot.'

Only time will tell where we go next, except that the Championship is almost a certainty,, but the omens do not look encouraging.

If it does all 'go pear shaped' then hopefully he will offload United to someone with a more personal interest and whose heart and soul are at Bramall Lane, just like CW's was.



Kevin McCabe would be perfect.

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8 hours ago, echo beach said:

I'm ambivalent about Prince Abdullah. I don't know the man.

I do know that he said all the right things when he took over our Club and yet he and his 'advisors' have now presided over what could be the most catastrophic decision to affect the Blades for a very long time.

To let CW go, albeit 'by mutual consent', shows a total lack of understanding of what he's done for SUFC, both on and off the field, in the past five years.

It also demonstrates a disregard for the opinions of the vast majority of supporters. Fellow managers, commentators, pundits, players and supporters of other teams have voiced their incredulity at what has happened. They can't all be wrong. It's called 'shooting yourself in the foot.'

Only time will tell where we go next, except that the Championship is almost a certainty,, but the omens do not look encouraging.

If it does all 'go pear shaped' then hopefully he will offload United to someone with a more personal interest and whose heart and soul are at Bramall Lane, just like CW's was.



Agree with all that but the chances of you getting an owner with a personal interest are next to none. Had that with McCabe but the fans turned on him for making a few mistakes. I'd take an owner like McCabe at Wednesday any day rather than a foreign owner.

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Yes, Brooker11, KMcCabe had many faults (don't we all) but at least he was a Blade at heart.

His major mistake was to go into partnership with our current owner and boy, did that apparently cost him dearly!


Agree  with your sentiments Nervy but we can live in hope. I'm afraid the days of the involvement of families like the Lavers are long gone. Nowadays ownership of football clubs is a mine field; a different ball game altogether.





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2 minutes ago, echo beach said:

Yes, Brooker11, KMcCabe had many faults (don't we all) but at least he was a Blade at heart.

His major mistake was to go into partnership with our current owner and boy, did that apparently cost him dearly!


Agree  with your sentiments Nervy but we can live in hope. I'm afraid the days of the involvement of families like the Lavers are long gone. Nowadays ownership of football clubs is a mine field; a different ball game altogether.





Sad but true. The money side has took over the sport, unless you have deep pockets then it's tough. McCabe had the club at heart but unfortunately bring in fan expectation aswell as the finance then i find it hard to see anymore McCabe's for either side of the city.

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13 hours ago, atticus said:

As you know,Phipps has been subtly bad mouthing Wilder for the last couple of months on Twitter, no doubt at the Prince’s behest and has been shot down by most. 
Which players  did he say was on £50k a week? , I genuinely missed that .

His quote was - "first team starters are on £40-£50/55k".


I've heard from an ex-player that it was Stephen Bettis who was the main instigator in Wilders removal.


Whoever takes on the hotseat next season will certainly have a tough job on to win over the fans  and he won't have a huge budget at his disposal.

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I do think it's abit early to get on the princes back just yet though. Yes he probably helped push Wilder out and wasn't willing to change the wage structure to get better players in but that's about it so you just need to see who he brings in and what the close season brings.

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20 hours ago, Box11 said:

Google how much does Phil Jagielka get paid 2021....


It's not rocket science is it.....

He's employed for his coaching...


Great job he did !!!!....

As well as back up, it worked quite well last season.

So where's this evidence of 50k Jags wage you insist on posting about despite numerous links refuting your claim?.

Edited by Alextopman
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1 hour ago, Alextopman said:

As well as back up, it worked quite well last season.

So where's this evidence of 50k Jags wage you insist on posting about despite numerous links refuting your claim?.

Google his name someone else as said the same on here also type in Phil Jagielka player's wage as I have said before it's not rocket science is it...





And what's with the pestering....


Whether he gets that amount or not he shouldn't have been signed he's done as a football player and others have said that also saying he was too old obviously not on here because as I have said there is only a very very very small amount of people that post on Sheffield Forum at times it's the same people such as yourself....


I will not be responding back to your post from now on !!!!...

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