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Should Prince Abdullah Sell And Move On !


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11 hours ago, Brooker11 said:

His quote was - "first team starters are on £40-£50/55k".


I've heard from an ex-player that it was Stephen Bettis who was the main instigator in Wilders removal.


Whoever takes on the hotseat next season will certainly have a tough job on to win over the fans  and he won't have a huge budget at his disposal.

Your right it will be a tough job but needed...


Your also right in saying that they won't have a huge budget....


That's why we need a new owner with deep pockets,deeper than the current owner !!!..

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Bettis stabbed Wilder in the back and brought his pal in, this couldn't be arranged in a day.

They promised him two loan players and went back on that instead accepting relegation half way through the season.

The Celtic connection was untrue and never existed.

The £7,000,000 payout is nonsense.

I know all of the above to be the truth, how I know is my business.


As for the Prince leaving, would you with over £100,000,0000 in premier money coming for this season and then 3 years of parachute payments?.

He's sat on a Golden Goose.

Edited by Alextopman
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On 16/03/2021 at 12:27, echo beach said:

Yes, Brooker11, KMcCabe had many faults (don't we all) but at least he was a Blade at heart.

His major mistake was to go into partnership with our current owner and boy, did that apparently cost him dearly!





McCabe is a Manchester United supporter allways has been -my sources  are explayers and coaching staff at United . Ever since the first parachute payment and Tevez money ran out he has been desperate to offload the club. Hence getting into bed with some nefarious characters ( What ever happened to the Nigerian Businessman ) .

His major mistake was thinking the poundland Prince was a mug not a shark

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1 hour ago, cmonkes said:

What the Prince has done in terms of 'sustainability' (if that's what we want to call it) is staggering really.


We've seen multiple negative comments on here, relating to a loan note taken out against this seasons profits. This has since been offset over several years, to allow it to be repaid by parachute payments, thus leaving higher working capital.


It depends how you want to look at it really...in one hand you have a savvy owner, who has managed to build a Premier league team, whilst maintaining the wage bill of a championship outfit (maybe covid and deferred contract negotiations help with this)....But flip the coin a little bit and look at it all in relation to our current predicament and wilders departure??


Our commitment to building a squad on the cheap (a system that Wilder did by into himself), was extremely limiting in allowing us to bring in the players that we have desperately needed in order to remain competitive?


The average championship salary is now budging up to a staggering 25k-30k and beyond!!....


Shopping in the Premier League has simply been out of bounds for Wilder and he has been left to shop in alternative markets. Obviously his eyes have turned to the outstanding performers of the league below, but these players have numerous admirers and inflated price tags as a result.


Wilder has been shopping in a very, very limited market! He needed the goalposts moving a little and the pursestrings stretch, in order to remain competitive. It never happened! Instead he had to settle for Option E,F and even G.


Perhaps an alternative would have been the overseas market, however a lack of international scouting system, coupled with the pandemic...wouldn't make this easy to achieve. The lad that we signed and shipped off to Beerschot, permit problems and everything else.


The whole situation is beginning to stink a little bit now and it is becoming more and more transparent that wilder's ambition to succeed in the top flight, was greater than that of HRH. This of course being my own opinion...one that is backed up by factual information and statistics, that are readily available in the public domain.


Flip the coin however and our owners are readily pushing away at the whole 'United World' business model. This season alone we have added two more clubs to the owners portfolio. He states the Sheffield United Football Club are the sole aim of the structure and sit at the too of his operational pyramid.....But you can't help but think...would this mot have been a better business move after we have established ourselves within the top flight?


We now here that a move in Beerschot, in which the team have designed and manufactured their own kit...is now being considered at Sheffield United, subject to successful research. The aim is to cut out the percentages to the manufacturers and bring all profits into the football club. 


My head is literally spinning with it all...and one thing remains true. I feel big time, for who I consider to be our finest manager in history. This could we be opportunity lost for us! At the end of last season, we found ourselves sat in our best position in decades. Not only in the league, but financially and the whole picture. Sound investment and clever market moves could well have guaranteed our position in this league for years to come. The right moves this year would have ensured survival, ensured revenue and after year two and three....it would have been a completely different ball park.





Any chance of a video of your head literally spinning?

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Well, Jim Hardie (and encouraged by Padders ), I doubt that cmonkes would want to take the trouble to have such a video made and posted on here.  More likely to be preparing another of the well thought out and produced posts we have become accustomed to. 


If you can't envisage the spectacle - I think it would have been something like this:


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5 hours ago, lobster said:

McCabe is a Manchester United supporter allways has been -my sources  are explayers and coaching staff at United . Ever since the first parachute payment and Tevez money ran out he has been desperate to offload the club. Hence getting into bed with some nefarious characters ( What ever happened to the Nigerian Businessman ) .

His major mistake was thinking the poundland Prince was a mug not a shark

Very intriguing...

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6 hours ago, cmonkes said:

What the Prince has done in terms of 'sustainability' (if that's what we want to call it) is staggering really.


We've seen multiple negative comments on here, relating to a loan note taken out against this seasons profits. This has since been offset over several years, to allow it to be repaid by parachute payments, thus leaving higher working capital.


It depends how you want to look at it really...in one hand you have a savvy owner, who has managed to build a Premier league team, whilst maintaining the wage bill of a championship outfit (maybe covid and deferred contract negotiations help with this)....But flip the coin a little bit and look at it all in relation to our current predicament and wilders departure??


Our commitment to building a squad on the cheap (a system that Wilder did by into himself), was extremely limiting in allowing us to bring in the players that we have desperately needed in order to remain competitive?


The average championship salary is now budging up to a staggering 25k-30k and beyond!!....


Shopping in the Premier League has simply been out of bounds for Wilder and he has been left to shop in alternative markets. Obviously his eyes have turned to the outstanding performers of the league below, but these players have numerous admirers and inflated price tags as a result.


Wilder has been shopping in a very, very limited market! He needed the goalposts moving a little and the pursestrings stretch, in order to remain competitive. It never happened! Instead he had to settle for Option E,F and even G.


Perhaps an alternative would have been the overseas market, however a lack of international scouting system, coupled with the pandemic...wouldn't make this easy to achieve. The lad that we signed and shipped off to Beerschot, permit problems and everything else.


The whole situation is beginning to stink a little bit now and it is becoming more and more transparent that wilder's ambition to succeed in the top flight, was greater than that of HRH. This of course being my own opinion...one that is backed up by factual information and statistics, that are readily available in the public domain.


Flip the coin however and our owners are readily pushing away at the whole 'United World' business model. This season alone we have added two more clubs to the owners portfolio. He states the Sheffield United Football Club are the sole aim of the structure and sit at the too of his operational pyramid.....But you can't help but think...would this mot have been a better business move after we have established ourselves within the top flight?


We now here that a move in Beerschot, in which the team have designed and manufactured their own kit...is now being considered at Sheffield United, subject to successful research. The aim is to cut out the percentages to the manufacturers and bring all profits into the football club. 


My head is literally spinning with it all...and one thing remains true. I feel big time, for who I consider to be our finest manager in history. This could we be opportunity lost for us! At the end of last season, we found ourselves sat in our best position in decades. Not only in the league, but financially and the whole picture. Sound investment and clever market moves could well have guaranteed our position in this league for years to come. The right moves this year would have ensured survival, ensured revenue and after year two and three....it would have been a completely different ball park.





Making their own shirts, he's not related to Chansiri is he!😂

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9 hours ago, cmonkes said:

What the Prince has done in terms of 'sustainability' (if that's what we want to call it) is staggering really.


We've seen multiple negative comments on here, relating to a loan note taken out against this seasons profits. This has since been offset over several years, to allow it to be repaid by parachute payments, thus leaving higher working capital.


It depends how you want to look at it really...in one hand you have a savvy owner, who has managed to build a Premier league team, whilst maintaining the wage bill of a championship outfit (maybe covid and deferred contract negotiations help with this)....But flip the coin a little bit and look at it all in relation to our current predicament and wilders departure??


Our commitment to building a squad on the cheap (a system that Wilder did by into himself), was extremely limiting in allowing us to bring in the players that we have desperately needed in order to remain competitive?


The average championship salary is now budging up to a staggering 25k-30k and beyond!!....


Shopping in the Premier League has simply been out of bounds for Wilder and he has been left to shop in alternative markets. Obviously his eyes have turned to the outstanding performers of the league below, but these players have numerous admirers and inflated price tags as a result.


Wilder has been shopping in a very, very limited market! He needed the goalposts moving a little and the pursestrings stretch, in order to remain competitive. It never happened! Instead he had to settle for Option E,F and even G.


Perhaps an alternative would have been the overseas market, however a lack of international scouting system, coupled with the pandemic...wouldn't make this easy to achieve. The lad that we signed and shipped off to Beerschot, permit problems and everything else.


The whole situation is beginning to stink a little bit now and it is becoming more and more transparent that wilder's ambition to succeed in the top flight, was greater than that of HRH. This of course being my own opinion...one that is backed up by factual information and statistics, that are readily available in the public domain.


Flip the coin however and our owners are readily pushing away at the whole 'United World' business model. This season alone we have added two more clubs to the owners portfolio. He states the Sheffield United Football Club are the sole aim of the structure and sit at the too of his operational pyramid.....But you can't help but think...would this mot have been a better business move after we have established ourselves within the top flight?


We now here that a move in Beerschot, in which the team have designed and manufactured their own kit...is now being considered at Sheffield United, subject to successful research. The aim is to cut out the percentages to the manufacturers and bring all profits into the football club. 


My head is literally spinning with it all...and one thing remains true. I feel big time, for who I consider to be our finest manager in history. This could we be opportunity lost for us! At the end of last season, we found ourselves sat in our best position in decades. Not only in the league, but financially and the whole picture. Sound investment and clever market moves could well have guaranteed our position in this league for years to come. The right moves this year would have ensured survival, ensured revenue and after year two and three....it would have been a completely different ball park.





I have to be careful what I say replying to your posts but the Prince wasn't savvy in building a Premier League club, he got lucky when McCabe appointed Wilder, he was hardly even seen at the Lane for years. You've also said in your post that the parachute payments are swallowed up by the loan (that you previously said didn't exist) so with no (or limited numbers) of fans in the ground where is the money coming from?

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