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Should Prince Abdullah Sell And Move On !


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8 minutes ago, Brooker11 said:

I have to be careful what I say replying to your posts but the Prince wasn't savvy in building a Premier League club, he got lucky when McCabe appointed Wilder, he was hardly even seen at the Lane for years. You've also said in your post that the parachute payments are swallowed up by the loan (that you previously said didn't exist) so with no (or limited numbers) of fans in the ground where is the money coming from?

I'd like to know that too matey....

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8 hours ago, cmonkes said:

I didn't say that the loan didn't exist at all, I said the loan was nowhere near the amounts that you somehow concocted......


The revenue coming into the club is a guaranteed revenue from simply taking part in the top flight of English football. Despite covid, clubs still pocket multi millions of pounds worth of world TV rights, sponsorship deals and much, more more. 


The guaranteed figure for this year alone according to forbes and despite covid is.... £94m.


Just over half of that would repay the true amount of the loan. But the Prince has chosen for whatever reason, to defer and keep capital for another purpose. He has promised to do the training ground in coming months, so who knows...maybe even towards infrastructure. 


Maybe HRH is being savvy and putting some away in the eventuality that things don't improve next season? 


All of our projected incomings are guaranteed. This year's earnings alone would cover the loan with a large chunk remaining. Never mind the parachute payments over the next 3 years. 


And I would appreciate it if you wouldn't misquote me and say things that I haven't said as well.


It's all about opinions and a little bit of knowledge, I'm never offended by others having an opinion that differs to mine but not everyone is of that mindset.

My opinion from day one is the Prince will ruin United and I will be very happy to be proven wrong but the little factual knowledge I have on the situation hasn't changed my mind yet.

Edited by Alextopman
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12 minutes ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

No, they need to keep him and Heckingbottom as well for me. One of them big calculators with big buttons on as well, I'd get one of them. The books won't balance themselves, they're going to be needing some financial planners recruiting I reckon.


We can hum and haw to our hearts content on here, discuss what we think will happen but it's going to be intriguing watching this pan out. Is the prince already getting twitchy? I think he may well be. He's had the promised land snatched away from him.


I wonder if he's wishing he'd lost that wrestling match he had in court with McCabe.


Berge to Villa anyone?  Done deal?  Good start if you ask me.

I know it sounds strange but I got to the point where I was looking forward to the Championship next season but now I'm dreading it.

Berge is going to be a wonderful player and go to the top, I wish we could keep him for one more season but can't see that happening.

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This clammering for more investment and for ever higher ambitions will only drop someone, or the club in the brown stuff.  Both clubs, with a hardcore fanbase of around 15k, should be planning a future for a club with a fanbase of 15k. Striving to pay £100k, £200k and £300k a week is ludicrous. Don't think it wouldn't come to that. Once the Premier League and Sponsors get their teeth in to you, it would be very easy to start living the high life. If his RH is drawn in to the furnace of burning money, he'll regret it.

Chansiri is bricking it as I speak. Oh yes, he had ambitions. He thought you threw money at a thing  and it would all turn to solid gold. I really hope we avoid relegation, stay in the Championship, and level out there. WHEN the 'Big 6 (whoever they are) bog off to the Mega Rich European League, THEN we should look to join a reformed top Division.

It's not poor players that have ruined football, it's shocking owners, big business, 'Entrepreneurs' and Capitalism. 



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1 hour ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

This clammering for more investment and for ever higher ambitions will only drop someone, or the club in the brown stuff.  Both clubs, with a hardcore fanbase of around 15k, should be planning a future for a club with a fanbase of 15k. Striving to pay £100k, £200k and £300k a week is ludicrous. Don't think it wouldn't come to that. Once the Premier League and Sponsors get their teeth in to you, it would be very easy to start living the high life. If his RH is drawn in to the furnace of burning money, he'll regret it.

Chansiri is bricking it as I speak. Oh yes, he had ambitions. He thought you threw money at a thing  and it would all turn to solid gold. I really hope we avoid relegation, stay in the Championship, and level out there. WHEN the 'Big 6 (whoever they are) bog off to the Mega Rich European League, THEN we should look to join a reformed top Division.

It's not poor players that have ruined football, it's shocking owners, big business, 'Entrepreneurs' and Capitalism. 



There is nothing wrong in wanting your team to be contenders...


Brian Clough so this coming a long time ago and he was right


Like I have said before Man City and others at one time were struggling football teams look at them now I'm sorry but every football club should be striving to improve and to compete with the best....


Well that's what I want for Sheffield United....

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1 hour ago, Box11 said:

There is nothing wrong in wanting your team to be contenders...


Brian Clough so this coming a long time ago and he was right


Like I have said before Man City and others at one time were struggling football teams look at them now I'm sorry but every football club should be striving to improve and to compete with the best....


Well that's what I want for Sheffield United....

You know when the Bailiffs are knocking on the door, extinction is looming, you're playing at Hallam FC's ground, and AFC Sheff United flags, banners and corner flags are being printed, then you'll realise that it's about football, fans and history. Not money. It'll scare you to death, and don't think it won't. 

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1 hour ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

You know when the Bailiffs are knocking on the door, extinction is looming, you're playing at Hallam FC's ground, and AFC Sheff United flags, banners and corner flags are being printed, then you'll realise that it's about football, fans and history. Not money. It'll scare you to death, and don't think it won't. 

Come on don't be silly matey that would never happen and it wouldn't scare me to death at all...


We just need the right owner with very deep pockets as I keep saying other former struggling club's have dropped on wealthy owners and now achieving the unbelievable....


I just want the same for Sheffield United to be amongst the elites and why not...

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7 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

While Rome burned...

AFC Wimbledon  amongst others tells me that one of us is nearer the mark.

Wednesday have been very close twice.

No 3 could be on the horizon.



I can't comment on Sheffield Wednesday and never would it's not the team I support....


I only want the best for my club Sheffield United I'm so sick of getting up then coming down then certain fans saying "nevermind we'll get there again"...


I want us to stay in the Premier league and build on that and as I have said be contenders that's what I want !!!....

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Ok. I hope you get what you want. I've never had much luck in that department. I've always managed to scrape what I NEED, so, overall, I've not done too bad.

My club, my team, my players on the other hand, short of skill, short of class, short of confidence and bereft of attitude, don't need much.

They can buy what they want.

Summat dunt add up reight.

The one striving for some sort of joy  let down by 12 or so people who couldn't give a fig

That's football for yer.

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