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Council Tax Rise Higher Than Inflation Again.

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12 hours ago, apelike said:

But what I am trying to get at is have those powers of local councils been eroded or was it the case that they never had them in the first place. SCC for instance now have control over council housing and it is now self funding so in that sense they actually have more control.


It's taken 40 years to get back to that state though. 


Here's a report from 2009, I can't see that things have changed much.







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On 24/03/2021 at 10:54, Janus said:

Indeed, that is also how I perceive it.


The government spending seems to be bordering on reckless. Instead of good housekeeping, they want us to continue bailing them out, instead of tightening their own belts.

What if I told you a government funded agency has wasted at LEAST £7.8 billion, on average, a year (calculated 2013-18)?


Would you say that agency needs investigating and funds withdrawn? 

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5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

It's taken 40 years to get back to that state though. 


Here's a report from 2009, I can't see that things have changed much.



It's a good read and mainly about enhancing local authority powers and changing financial to more to a local level to reflect local needs. That would of course mean a big change in the CT structure but...


You say things like "decentralisation and return of powers", "a massive decentralisation of power back to localities", "Local democracy used to work but increasing centralisation in westminster has destroyed that" and "It's taken 40 years to get back to that state though." 


You still have not explained what powers the local authorities have lost or that have now been limited in the past 40 years. In fact take it back to the LA Act of 1972 which in effect granted those powers. As pointed out if anything they have actually increased.


As an observation... People it seems are becoming bored with politics and even more so at a local level hence the turnout in local elections. All we have seen in the past at a local level is there is a power grab by different parties to take control but no substantial change when they do.

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