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Council Wages A Problem?

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Sheffield Council pay  low compared to other Local Authorities despite being a major city  which adds to the pressures of the jobs many council workers have to do.  My partner use to work in the Councils Homeless service and compared to Chesterfield Homeless department we were paid less. Chesterfield will have less homeless people to deal with because they don't have as many people living there and quite often homeless people with complex needs move from towns like Chesterfield and Rotherham to big cities like Sheffield meaning the proportion of complex homeless customers will be a lot higher in Sheffield than in Chesterfield.  I don't know how the Council can justify not paying their staff more money than someone doing the same job in a small town.  A lot of the time in the Council it comes down to how much your manager values the work you do and if they are prepared to fight for you to have a higher pay grade or sometimes they just manage to create higher paid jobs out of thin air  for their friends.  


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12 hours ago, WackoJacko said:

Sheffield Council pay  low compared to other Local Authorities despite being a major city  which adds to the pressures of the jobs many council workers have to do. 


Looking at Sheffield as a whole, wages are higher than the local authorities around it. In Sheffield 22.5% are paid less than the living wage, in North East Darbyshire 39.6% are paid less than the living wage.


Ik you compare that to Leeds where 19.7% pay less than the living wage.



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just to add to this, i was a skilled working man, "in reply to the post above" we used to get all the time from lower paid workers, AH well we have to go to the same shops and pay the same price as you

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On 03/04/2021 at 19:18, bassett one said:

yes that may be true,but its the skilled workers pay thats the problem?

My bold - what is this incorrectly perceived problem?

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