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May 6th 2021 Elections

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A month from now you will be asked to participate in what could be the most important election for Sheffielders in a long long time.


As well as voting for your local councillor, you will be asked in a referendum question how you want the Local Council to be run.


At the moment the Sheffield Council is run by a Leader supported by a Cabinet of 9 Labour Councillors. The supporting district councillors deal with more local issues, but in effect it is the cabinet that makes all the decisions.


The new alternative system is a Council run by committees of all councillors proportionate to the results of the election, so all parties will have a say in all decision making.


As Sheffield usually returns a Labour council things never change. They get voted in again time after time come what may, even after bad decisions. The new system makes the Council more accountable and means they won't have such an easy ride. They will have to argue and justify for the things they want, and do a good job, as will all the councillors who will be involved in the decision making. 


Please make sure you use your vote this time, it really can make a difference.



Edited by Anna B
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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

A month from now you will be asked to participate in what could be the most important election for Sheffielders in a long long time.


As well as voting for your local councillor, you will be asked in a referendum question how you want the Local Council to be run.

You havnt mentioned that we will also be voting for who leads the new set up, is that correct?

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22 minutes ago, El Cid said:

You havnt mentioned that we will also be voting for who leads the new set up, is that correct?

Will we, @El Cid ?- my advance notice says it is for 'Election of councillors to Sheffield City Council for my ward, Local Government Act Referendum and Police and Crime Commissioner for the South Yorkshire area' - no indication of what the second item will cover.

Edited by RollingJ
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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

You havnt mentioned that we will also be voting for who leads the new set up, is that correct?

3 different issues on the voting sheet I believe: who you want as your local councillor, who you want as local Police Commissioner, and how do you want the council to be run, ie. with a leader and cabinet (as now,) or by representative committees.


I believe the committees will be made up according to the percentage votes, eg put simply, if 30% vote Conservative, and 70% Labour, then the committees will also be 30% Conservative and 70% Labour, and all will have an equal vote on the issues. Of course other parties like the Greens will be factored in. 


Better than having just 9 Labour grandees (the Cabinet) and one Labour leader making all the decisions.


I'm hoping they'll all learn to work together in the common interests of Sheffield.

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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

3 different issues on the voting sheet I believe: who you want as your local councillor, who you want as local Police Commissioner, and how do you want the council to be run, ie. with a leader and cabinet (as now,) or by representative committees.


I believe the committees will be made up according to the percentage votes, eg put simply, if 30% vote Conservative, and 70% Labour, then the committees will also be 30% Conservative and 70% Labour, and all will have an equal vote on the issues. Of course other parties like the Greens will be factored in. 


Better than having just 9 Labour grandees (the Cabinet) and one Labour leader making all the decisions.


I'm hoping they'll all learn to work together in the common interests of Sheffield.

Bolded bit : Seen any flying pigs recently, Anna?🤣

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2 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Will we, @El Cid ?- my advance notice says it is for 'Election of councillors to Sheffield City Council for my ward, Local Government Act Referendum and Police and Crime Commissioner for the South Yorkshire area' - no indication of what the second item will cover.

Just asking the question. I thought they were making all areas the same.

In West Yorkshire we are voting for a Mayor, looks like you already have one. Next year to re-elect?



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3 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Will we, @El Cid ?- my advance notice says it is for 'Election of councillors to Sheffield City Council for my ward, Local Government Act Referendum and Police and Crime Commissioner for the South Yorkshire' area' - no indication of what the second item will cover.

The second item, 'Local Government Act Referendum,' is exactly what we are talking about, the chance to change from a 'cabinet' style governance to a 'committee' style governance, to be decided by referendum on the same ballot paper. 


More information about it here.


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