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May 6th 2021 Elections

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2 hours ago, hauxwell said:

There are certain people who post on here who I enjoy reading what they post and I learn a lot from them, you are  one of those posters who I like and enjoy reading your posts.
You have a disability and it’s only through reading your posts that I know that but  I think you are an  intelligent person. 

I also don’t think Mr Bloke was trolling you.  He may not be familiar with your past posts or the fact that you have a disability, he wasn’t referring to you being disabled and I think if you read some of his old posts you will find it’s his sense of humour.  He is also one of my favourite posters he makes me laugh at times, he might not be everyone’s but he’s not a troll.


 A troll is when someone who wishes  you into a early grave because of how you voted and constantly targets you at every  opportunity, and I don’t think Mr Bloke would do that.


Hmmm... :huh:

... that's very kind of you, but really not necessary!


Just a failure to understand the double meanings I try to put behind my posts I suppose - humour can be a funny old thing!


If I've 'upset' anyone then I can only apologise - but maybe try not to take my posts at face value in future? :(

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58 minutes ago, apelike said:

Just 2 more to go and they lose control.... :)

They've now lost 2 more, looks like Green gains.


Edit make that anothe one lost to Lib Dems.


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21 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Including the leader of Sheffield council who lost to the Greens.

Not sure what the overall turnout has been in Sheffield yet but the turnout for the above was higher than last time at 38.7% (2019 = 30.67%)


Link to the 2019 Sheffield results to compare with.


https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/content/dam/sheffield/docs/your-city-council/elections/council-elections-2-may-2019/Full_City_Council_Results_Notice Local Elections 2 May 2019.pdf

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6 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

He is an odious man and his party got 50% of the vote in hartlepool despite weapons grade ineptitude, banana Republic levels of corruption. This adds on to the fact that a town of 92k people doesn't have an A&E anymore and at one point 8 policemen covering the entire town. It now has a baby bank. 


Are you saying that voters weighed this up against the Labour Party - and their faults - and thought "yeah, I'd rather have more of same please". Or are they really that thick that they're appeased by a couple of gun boats?


I did read an interesting theory that a vote for the conservatives in Hartlepool was literally a cry for help "we'll vote for you, please please stop screwing us over".

My bold. 


Reading the various posts as to why the voters of Hartlepool turned their backs on Lab, anti-Brexit candidate; Starmer, etc, maybe another reason was they saw through the sheer hypocrisy of the Lab  candidate, Dr Paul Williams, who has apparently spent part of his campaign highlighting the lack of hospital service in Hartlepool when in fact a few years ago, Dr Williams was a commissioner of a report that decided that services, including critical care should be removed from Hartlepool Hospital.  The recommendation was adopted in full. 




That's why there's a lack of services in the town.  Talk about being a hypocrite. 

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11 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Reading the various posts as to why the voters of Hartlepool turned their backs on Lab, anti-Brexit candidate; Starmer, etc, maybe another reason was they saw through the sheer hypocrisy of the Lab  candidate, Dr Paul Williams, who has apparently spent part of his campaign highlighting the lack of hospital service in Hartlepool when in fact a few years ago, Dr Williams was a commissioner of a report that decided that services, including critical care should be removed from Hartlepool Hospital.  The recommendation was adopted in full. 




That's why there's a lack of services in the town.  Talk about being a hypocrite. 

Fair comment, and by the looks of it a really poor choice of candidate. I'd assume though that the choice was made because of lack of funding from a tory government rather than anything else.


But yeah, short sighted choice of candidate.


Edit: any plans on getting it reopened?

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10 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Edit: any plans on getting it reopened?

Boris said he'd give more money to places that vote Tory so the new MP's probably had a word already.

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