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May 6th 2021 Elections

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1 hour ago, apelike said:

I do think though that spoiling a paper is an abuse of the right to vote.

It's the only official way to indicate you don't think any of the candidates are suitable people for a post. It can't be an abuse of the right to vote whilst that's the case.

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2 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

I watched a hartlepool Tory voter say just that. If you want more of what we've got, fine vote Tory. But if people want public services and can't see the connection between a lack of them and tory cuts, sorry, theyre thick. 

They will be blaming the Labour party for all this immigration next!

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2 minutes ago, El Cid said:

They will be blaming the Labour party for all this immigration next!

Contrary to the ill advised ranting of the right, immigration is NOT the biggest problem in Europe, never has been, never will be... The chief reason I voted remain for Brexit 5 years ago was because unlike a LOT of leave voters (IMO) apart from the fact I can't talk to non UK call centres who don't understand my strong local accent, I have no quarrel with Foreigners.



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1 hour ago, Mr Allen said:

So according to the Tories, as a frequent Bus and Tram traveller pre and post lockdown, I shouldn't be entitled to a free Bus pass as a registered disabled person because it costs the taxpayers an extra 5 quid a year?! Cobblers! :rant:  :loopy:





Depends on what type of disability. Depends on its severity. Depends on ability to self travel. Depends whether they are working or not.  Depends on how much income they receive from that work.....


These are just some of the factors that should be considered and determined before eligibility. So, in your answer to your question - quite frankly no you should not be automatically eligible for a pass, however there of course must be failsafes and provisions for those who genuinely have a need.


I don't think it's beyond reasonable to be questioning whether someone who happens to be able bodied but is stuck working in an unstable low income job should be compelled to paying extra tax to fund universal free bus travel for disabled persons, many of whom may in fact be working in more stable higher paid jobs.  


Ultimately, if they both rely on public transport to get to work just the same, why should the lower paid persons be funding subsidies for disabled persons earning higher wage.


In a world of continuing development in disability rights, equal opportunities for employment, wage equality, advances in technology, working practices for remote, agile working or home based, legally mandated adjustments and adaptions to working practices and physical premises...... at what point does there begin to be an risk of imbalance on fairness.


At what point does a disabled person reach an equal level with an able-bodied one in which makes the latter subsidising the former unfair??


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6 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Depends on what type of disability. Depends on its severity. Depends on ability to self travel. Depends whether they are working or not.  Depends on how much income they receive from that work.....


These are just some of the factors that should be considered and determined before eligibility. So, in your answer to your question - quite frankly no you should not be automatically eligible for a pass, however there of course must be failsafes and provisions for those who genuinely have a need.


I don't think it's beyond reasonable to be questioning whether someone who happens to be able bodied but is stuck working in an unstable low income job should be compelled to paying extra tax to fund universal free bus travel for disabled persons, many of whom may in fact be working in more stable higher paid jobs.  


Ultimately, if they both rely on public transport to get to work just the same, why should the lower paid persons be funding subsidies for disabled persons earning higher wage.


In a world of continuing development in disability rights, equal opportunities for employment, wage equality, advances in technology, working practices for remote, agile working or home based, legally mandated adjustments and adaptions to working practices and physical premises...... at what point does there begin to be an risk of imbalance on fairness.


At what point does a disabled person reach an equal level with an able-bodied one in which makes the latter subsidising the former unfair??


My Bold.


Equal opportunities for employment is a fallacy in itself IMO, they say that because they have to, but most employers don't mean it! I got rejected twice last week for jobs that I was perfectly capable of doing, but I declared my disabilities including being deaf, Dyspraxic and having Asperger's, which almost always leads to a direct "no".


I've been applying for stuff in retail all year, a job I could do almost literally with my eyes shut, but because of my personal situation I can't work 40 a week so I get rejected!


I get emails every day nearly from Marketing companies and call centres who've seen my CV on Indeed and invite me to apply to work for them, I always have to turn the job down because as mentioned, I can't work full time.



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13 minutes ago, Mr Allen said:

My Bold.


Equal opportunities for employment is a fallacy in itself IMO, they say that because they have to, but most employers don't mean it! I got rejected twice last week for jobs that I was perfectly capable of doing, but I declared my disabilities including being deaf, Dyspraxic and having Asperger's, which almost always leads to a direct "no".


I've been applying for stuff in retail all year, a job I could do almost literally with my eyes shut, but because of my personal situation I can't work 40 a week so I get rejected!


I get emails every day nearly from Marketing companies and call centres who've seen my CV on Indeed and invite me to apply to work for them, I always have to turn the job down because as mentioned, I can't work full time.



So they're rejecting you because you're disabled? It couldn't possibly be because they want someone to work full time and you cant do it, but someone else has applied who can? Or that they've just had another applicant who's better qualified/experienced/suitable for the job advertised? 

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2 hours ago, Mr Allen said:

So according to the Tories, as a frequent Bus and Tram traveller pre and post lockdown, I shouldn't be entitled to a free Bus pass as a registered disabled person because it costs the taxpayers an extra 5 quid a year?! Cobblers! :rant:  :loopy:

Let me be a bit clearer. I was talking about subsidising the whole shebang for everyone and not talking about the benefits people already receive. I have no problems with certain subsidies for those in need or those that have earned them. I also get a free bus pass as I am ancient but I am also classed as one of of the poor as my only income is a pension and that is less than £9000 per annum. What is being discussed as it was before is the perceived loss of public services because of government cuts.


So has your bus pass suddenly expired because of government cuts?


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Just now, HeHasRisen said:

You cant work full time but do you think it is fair that someone who is registered disabled who earns, say, £60k per year, gets free bus travel?

Depends on their circumstances, if they're on that kind of money they could afford a car :D  


Like in theory because I'm on enhanced rate PIP I could've had a car on Motability, but because I was rejected for a Provisional license about 18 years ago, I don't drive and probably never will.


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Sorry to interrupt, but is there any chance someone could tell me what happened in the other 2 votes?  I mean that of Crime Commissioner and whether we have only 10 people making decisions or go to the other model?  Can't seem to find the results anywhere!  We were all encouraged to vote three times, but I can only seem to find (all over the place!) the results of the first vote.

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