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May 6th 2021 Elections

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Just looking through all the pages on the thread but can't see that anyone has touched on the following? 


What should be the main issues we should voting for in the forthcoming local elections in order to make Sheffield better for its citizens & which party would you expect to deliver on them?


The environment for example.  All Parties now seem to be promising the Earth (no pun intended). 

Edited by Baron99
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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

That's only true of our 'first past the post' system. The system needs to change but that requires the people with the power to vote for it, and it's not in their interests to do so, so it's checkmate.

That includes the left wing of Labour when that party is in power. They, including Corbyn, are against PR because they know it would make impossible their dreams of implementing their socialist utopia.

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1 hour ago, altus said:

That includes the left wing of Labour when that party is in power. They, including Corbyn, are against PR because they know it would make impossible their dreams of implementing their socialist utopia.

The difference is, and it's a big difference, Corbyn was all about making things better for the ordinary people in this country.


He's the only one that was. 


And he could be trusted to try his best to do it, without all the lies and hidden agendas. He was dead straight, and would have done whatever was best for the people and the country. If that had meant sharing power in a PR system he would have done that too if it was what people wanted. He was without personal ego.

Sadly Starmer is back to the same old same old, and will make no more difference to the Tory neoliberal agenda than Tony Blair did.


Starmer is just another Tony Blair, but minus the brains and the charisma. So expect to be lied to on a daily basis. Expect corruption of an unbelievable level, and expect the gap between rich and poor to widen exponentially until we are like a third world country and all needing foodbanks or homeless.   

Edited by Anna B
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3 hours ago, Baron99 said:

What should be the main issues we should voting for in the forthcoming local elections in order to make Sheffield better for its citizens & which party would you expect to deliver on them?


The environment for example.  All Parties now seem to be promising the Earth (no pun intended). 

Its is difficult. Most things involve money, which comes from the government, people complain about the increase in council tax.

Maybe just elect better people, but how do we know the personallities of those up for election, when we dont see them?

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

The difference is, and it's a big difference, Corbyn was all about making things better for the ordinary people in this country.

Can you define what you mean by "ordinary people" as I think that the idea that we have any is way past its sell by date and Corbyn probably knew that as well.


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13 hours ago, Anna B said:

The difference is, and it's a big difference, Corbyn was all about making things better for the ordinary people in this country.


He's the only one that was. 


And he could be trusted to try his best to do it, without all the lies and hidden agendas. He was dead straight, and would have done whatever was best for the people and the country. If that had meant sharing power in a PR system he would have done that too if it was what people wanted. He was without personal ego.

Sadly Starmer is back to the same old same old, and will make no more difference to the Tory neoliberal agenda than Tony Blair did.


Starmer is just another Tony Blair, but minus the brains and the charisma. So expect to be lied to on a daily basis. Expect corruption of an unbelievable level, and expect the gap between rich and poor to widen exponentially until we are like a third world country and all needing foodbanks or homeless.   

Anna - to quote Frozen - Let it go. He's back in his rightful place on the backbench telling people to protest while watching re-runs of Citizen Smith on Forces TV.


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15 hours ago, Anna B said:

And he could be trusted to try his best to do it, without all the lies and hidden agendas.

Jeremy Corbyn: 'There weren't any free seats on the train.'

Virgin Trains: 'There were loads of them and here's some video to prove it.'


However many times you claim Corbyn doesn't lie, people know that's simply not true.


If that had meant sharing power in a PR system he would have done that too if it was what people wanted.

All that means is that Corbyn would rather keep being an MP, even under a PR system, than give up politics. The most rabid right wing Tory MPs would do that. The fact is that Corbyn is against PR.

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18 hours ago, Anna B said:

The difference is, and it's a big difference, Corbyn was all about making things better for the ordinary people in this country.


He's the only one that was. 


And he could be trusted to try his best to do it, without all the lies and hidden agendas. He was dead straight, and would have done whatever was best for the people and the country. If that had meant sharing power in a PR system he would have done that too if it was what people wanted. He was without personal ego.

Sadly Starmer is back to the same old same old, and will make no more difference to the Tory neoliberal agenda than Tony Blair did.


Starmer is just another Tony Blair, but minus the brains and the charisma. So expect to be lied to on a daily basis. Expect corruption of an unbelievable level, and expect the gap between rich and poor to widen exponentially until we are like a third world country and all needing foodbanks or homeless.   

Yet none of the above is standing in Sheffield or even in SY.

So why not focus on who are and for whom one should vote?

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1 hour ago, altus said:

Jeremy Corbyn: 'There weren't any free seats on the train.'

Virgin Trains: 'There were loads of them and here's some video to prove it.'


However many times you claim Corbyn doesn't lie, people know that's simply not true.

All that means is that Corbyn would rather keep being an MP, even under a PR system, than give up politics. The most rabid right wing Tory MPs would do that. The fact is that Corbyn is against PR.


15 hours ago, apelike said:

Can you define what you mean by "ordinary people" as I think that the idea that we have any is way past its sell by date and Corbyn probably knew that as well.


No ordinary people? Of course we have ordinary people, I'm one, so are most of the people I know, and probably so are you. That is not meant as a derogatory comment. Have you not heard of the 1%? if you are not part of the 1% you  are one of the other 99% - that makes you 'ordinary,' and they are not in short supply.


The ordinary people are not super rich, they work for a living. They want/ deserve a decent life in secure jobs, own or live in a home of their own, enjoy good health and benefit from a decent education. They pay their taxes and  want to see them spent on things they approve of, and they expect others to do the same. They believe in fairness and some equality of opportunity. They respect law and expect to be respected in return as long as they obey them. They want a reasonable say in how things are done, and want to have their concerns listened to and addressed. 

In other words they are decent, responsible citizens. 


Unfortunately they are living in a world run by the 1% who have far more power than is good for them and use it in corrupt and unscrupulous ways to the benefit of others like themselves. They are sucking up the wealth into their own pockets at the expense of everyone else. They have little interest in the people who put them there, and regard them merely as cash cows and worker drones. They lie to them on a daily basis to keep them docile and disregarding of the evidence in front of their eyes. 


All the above are generalisations of course, but you get the point I am making. You might even consider yourself quite well off and not in need of a welfare state safety net at the moment, but that can and inevitably will change, but is being dismantled as we speak under this worldwide regime. Democracy itself is under threat, and you will soon have no choice (if you have any now) and be unable to change anything. Neoliberalism ('free market economies') is an over riding world philosophy that trumps democracy, whilst keeping the appearance of choice for the benefit of the masses, and if unchecked will ruin the planet.y

5 hours ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Yet none of the above is standing in Sheffield or even in SY.

So why not focus on who are and for whom one should vote?

OK, but what do we actually know about those who are standing and how can we find out about them? That's part of the problem. Nothing but a name and the party they are standing for. Does anyone think this is adequate information on which to elect a representative? - 

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57 minutes ago, Anna B said:

OK, but what do we actually know about those who are standing and how can we find out about them? That's part of the problem. Nothing but a name and the party they are standing for. Does anyone think this is adequate information on which to elect a representative? - 

But we know what the policies of the partys are and the candidates should reflect that. The Greens believe that the environment is their number one policy, any independance party is quite explanetary, Conservatives are right-wingers and that leaves Labour who could be left/middles, nearly forgot the Liberal Democrats - they only win if their candidate is really good, so if you havnt seem him/her forget about them.

Does that help?

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