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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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18 hours ago, Magilla said:



Can you really be this naive? Trumps in it up to his neck.


As I said, opinions are free.


Au contraire, mon ami.


The reality, is Trump is busy organizing his base, as we speak, with rallies, interviews and prepping for the 2022 midterms, and another run in 2024.


"Trump becomes most vocal ex-president since Teddy Roosevelt: Over 400 statements since WH exit" - Washington Times.


In spite all the Trump hating Media,  2 failed partisan Impeachments, a 4 year phony "Russian Collusion" Investigation. Ongoing investigation into his tax returns (prepared by the best corporate accountants in the business) there has not been one single charge filed against him, and he still got 47% of the vote, last time out. His approval remains steady at 41.3%. (RealClearPolitics  average of polls) which compares to the 41.8 he had on election day.


"NEW YORK, Aug 17 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level so far (46% )as the U.S.-backed Afghan government collapsed over the weekend in an upheaval that sent thousands of civilians and Afghan military allies fleeing for their safety, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll"


Most thinking folks would say it is Biden who is "in it up to his neck" at the moment, but we know your opinion differs.




This is the real reason the Left are terrified of Trump. They, and  Biden cannot talk about anything of import, without mentioning Trump, Trump, Trump. He haunts them, and he owns them.

Edited by trastrick
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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

So just why, exactly, were Obama/Biden's Senior FBI Staff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Rybicki, Baker, Campbell, Turgal, Bower, Steinbach, Van Grack, Giacalone, Pientka, Boente, and the other 20 or so FBI personnel, fired, re-assigned, demoted or resigned?

How many were because they'd been involved in criminality and ended up in prison?


You imply parity where there is none! :?



The reality, is Trump is busy organizing his base, as we speak, with rallies, interviews and prepping for the 2022 midterms, and another run in 2024.

Trump is grafting his base for 'Stop The Steal' funding, robbing them of millions in cash to pay off his debts :?



Now on to fraud:


"Blatt donated $500 intended as a single contribution and within 30 days discovered that the Trump campaign had withdrawn $3,000 from his account, leading his utility and rent payments to bounce."


Slowly but surely, his influence is waning.


Trump won't run in 2024 because he won't win, he's yesterdays man.


23 hours ago, trastrick said:

Trump is no more responsible for insurrection than Biden's Democrats were for the ANIFA, BLM, rioting, arson, looting and ransacking of Mom and Pop neighborhood stores, in Democrat run cities.

LOL, nope. :loopy:


False equivalency between Black Lives Matter and Capitol siege:




Peace deals?  Diplomacy with a very big stick is always preferable to war.

Republicans delete webpage celebrating Trump’s deal with Taliban:






Trump removed the Obamacare MANDATE. It was unconstitutional and the U.S. Supreme court agreed.

Obamacare Support Hits Record High as Supreme Court Faces Ideological Shift:


62% of voters support the Affordable Care Act

56% of voters say the ACA should be improved and strengthened

79% of voters support health insurance protections for people with pre-existing conditions


... and helped him lose the election! :thumbsup:




26 Million left without health care? According to BBC, Obamacare is "still limping along"!

You've failed to comprehend the "limping" reference, doesn't mean what you think it does! :?


Context is everything!


The ACA is still intact, and enjoys widespread public support.


11 Years On, the Affordable Care Act Defies Opponents and Keeps Expanding:



Marketplace Enrollment Tops 12 Million For 2021; Largest-Ever Funding For Navigators:



The reality is that Trumps presidency, and his actions, have strengthened the popularity of the ACA in the eyes of voters.


It's more popular than ever, and the majority of voters like it!



The deficit? See COVID 19 and you ain't seen nothing yet. Biden endorses the Democrat's Green New Deal estimated to cost up to $100,000,000,000,000.00.

...and the US will actually get something out of it, unlike Trumps tax cut!


80% of that estimate was for social programs such as health care, not for clean energy and climate policies.


The estimated costs only include outlays, don’t factor in economic benefits or costs for not attempting to tackle climate change.... it's just fodder for simpletons to latch onto :thumbsup:


It could, in the long run, save a lot of money!


Regardless, any talk of cost at this stage is just guesswork:




COVID Deaths? Joe inherited 4 vaccines developed in record time.

In spite of Trump:



You can watch it here:




Malfeasance in high office?





"Trump becomes most vocal ex-president since Teddy Roosevelt: Over 400 statements since WH exit" - Washington Times.

Trump's fighting for his political life, and possibly his liberty.. the only way he knows how.



In spite all the Trump hating Media,  2 failed partisan Impeachments, a 4 year phony "Russian Collusion" Investigation.

Aye, that Russian collusion investigation, that uncovered a lot of collusion :?


There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder:



Trump wasn't exonerated, quite the opposite!



Ongoing investigation into his tax returns (prepared by the best corporate accountants in the business) there has not been one single charge filed against him

... yet


Trump Organization: Top executive charged with tax crimes:





, and he still got 47% of the vote, last time out. His approval remains steady at 41.3%. (RealClearPolitics  average of polls) which compares to the 41.8 he had on election day.


"NEW YORK, Aug 17 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level so far (46% )as the U.S.-backed Afghan government collapsed over the weekend in an upheaval that sent thousands of civilians and Afghan military allies fleeing for their safety, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll"

Which is still higher than Trump ever achieved throughout his entire presidency, and is over 10 percentage points higher than Trump at the same time:




Most thinking folks would say it is Biden who is "in it up to his neck" at the moment, but we know your opinion differs.

Oh he absolutely is... as a direct result of honouring Trumps withdrawal agreement! :?


Politically it might be far less damaging than the actions he'd have to have taken to reverse the damage Trumps "peace" deal with the Taliban had already done...


...time will tell.





This is the real reason the Left are terrified of Trump.

Nah, they're mostly staggered how many people can so easily be taken in by such an obvious fraud :?



They, and  Biden cannot talk about anything of import, without mentioning Trump, Trump, Trump. He haunts them, and he owns them.

They're left to clean up his mess... Trump didn't stop talking about Obama and Clinton throughout his entire presidency, still hasn't!



Edited by Magilla
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5 hours ago, top4718 said:

Absolute joke of a President, I hope people who backed him are absolutely embarrassed, he’s not in a fit state to run a bath ne’r mind a country.

Apparently Biden is an awesome president for 2 reasons. 

1. He's not Trump.

2. He's not Trump. 

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11 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Apparently Biden is an awesome president for 2 reasons. 

1. He's not Trump.

2. He's not Trump. 

Like that “The_DADDY.....


He’s incompetent to say the least and makes Americans look weak but remember he’s only the figure head and has to do as he’s told !!!!.....

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