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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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22 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Like that “The_DADDY.....


He’s incompetent to say the least and makes Americans look weak but remember he’s only the figure head and has to do as he’s told !!!!.....

Yup. Absolutely. 

I tell you I can't even watch him speak anymore. Its so painful to watch,he almost always uses cue cards or a teleprompter and he still fudges it up. Its quite sad really. Let's hope his handlers have removed his access to the football and given him a colouring book instead. 

23 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Awesome president seems like an oxymoron but your reasoning is otherwise cogent.

It's not my reasoning 👍

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25 minutes ago, Longcol said:

So who is telling him what to do?

Oh please 🙄.......



Like I have said in previous posts the last President to do his own thinking was JFK and look what happened to him !!!!...


Since then it really hasn’t matter who was the President because those that you will never see do their bidding !!!!...



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4 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Oh please 🙄.......



Like I have said in previous posts the last President to do his own thinking was JFK and look what happened to him !!!!...


Since then it really hasn’t matter who was the President because those that you will never see do their bidding !!!!...



Lol - another conspiracy theorist then.


Come one - don't be shy - whose bidding are they doing?

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37 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yup. Absolutely. 

I tell you I can't even watch him speak anymore. Its so painful to watch,he almost always used cue cards or a teleprompter and he still fudges it up. Its quite sad really. Let's hope his handlers have removed his access to the football and given him a colouring book instead. 

It's not my reasoning 👍

Your so right he can’t even remember his own staff !!!!....


I’ll say this though and it’s sad to say it but Russia and China must be laughing at us and America at how weak we have become as nation’s !!!!....


Tony Blair has stated:


 “We may have been relegated to the second division of global power”....


Thats a very worrying statement !!!!....

12 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Lol - another conspiracy theorist then.


Come one - don't be shy - whose bidding are they doing?

No comment.....


But I’ll say this I don’t believe in conspiracy theories there all stupid....


But if you believe for one minute a man like Biden who is totally incompetent  is thinking for himself then think again....

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4 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Lol - no answer then 😎

Plenty of answers but do I choose to share them then my answer is “no I don’t”....


You said another conspiracy theory I told you I don’t believe in them they are bull#*#*        

But come on Biden can’t even remember his own members of staff and their job titles !!!!....


All his speeches are from auto cues it’s clear to me and others that he’s not doing his own thinking at all !!!....

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