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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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20 minutes ago, butlers said:

Want to pack a bit more misogyny into that post?


Just to top up the ignorance

The reference to her inappropriate outbursts of laughter, have been reported on since she beacame a major public figure.


The words giggling and chuckling were mentioned in serious media headlines. See:


"Despite her CHUCKLES, Kamala Harris is no laughing matter"

"Vice President Kamala Harris attends a virtual roundtable with ... But I have before and I'm sure I will again,” she said between GIGGLING  -  Boston Herald  2021/03/27 


I'm not a psychologist, but this guy is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a14pRPWxCI


What I find misogynistic and patronizing is your obsessive need need to protect the second most powerful woman in the world from a little personal criticism.  Think Trump!









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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The reference to her inappropriate outbursts of laughter, have been reported on since she beacame a major public figure.


The words giggling and chuckling were mentioned in serious media headlines. See:


"Despite her CHUCKLES, Kamala Harris is no laughing matter"

"Vice President Kamala Harris attends a virtual roundtable with ... But I have before and I'm sure I will again,” she said between GIGGLING  -  Boston Herald  2021/03/27


2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Whoa, easy boy!


What Trump was bragging about, Biden was accused of doing, by a Democrat staffer, no less.




"New Information Emerges Around Biden Sexual Assault Allegation"
April 29, 202010:14 PM ET - NPR


Speaking of laughing stocks, his Vice President, Kamala Harris, when asked about this and the other multiple sexual harassment charges, said this, "I believe them!". (the women)


A few month's later this aging, giggling, California valley girl, is sitting, and smiling fawningly at Joe, while he announces her as his running mate.

I'm gonna tell you a secret.


This is just between the two of us, right?


Promise you won't tell anybody else?


You promise?


OK, here goes . . .


Joe Biden was not my first choice for President, and Kamala Harris was not my first choice for VP.


I wanted Bernie Sanders to win, and I wanted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be VP.


Alas, it was not to be.


So your constant bitching about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is utterly wasted on me 'cos I don't particularly feel invested in either of them.


So, in a word,  lol.

















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7 minutes ago, The Joker said:


Talking of LOLs, Donald Trump Booed at Alabama Rally After Encouraging Crowd to Get COVID-19 Vaccine.


Having made the response to the pandemic a partisan political issue, Trump and some Republicans have realised that the low vaccination rates amongst their own supporters (some polls found almost 50% of GOP voters were unlikely to get vaccinated) means it's their own supporters that are mainly dying from it. So they've finally started recommending getting vaccinated only to find that their supporters have drank the Kool-Aid too deeply. Oh dear.

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8 hours ago, trastrick said:

In a breathtakingly short few months, the U.S. has gone from the World leading economic power with the most powerful (and feared) military machine, and the  energy independent, No.1 Oil and gas producer in the world, to a laughing stock.


Joe is now begging the militant Islamists for safe passage for American citizens and their allies. Basically another hostage crisis.


Joe is begging OPEC and Russia, to increase their Oil production,


He is reading what his handlers put in front of him, and is too senile to recognize the lies and contradictions in his statements. Such as his vote to Invade Afghanistan, and his advocating "nation building, in Afghanistan and Syria.




EDITORIAL: "Biden kills Keystone, begs for OPEC oil"
Postmedia News
Aug 21, 2021


Somewhat overlooked in the sudden fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban was President Joe Biden’s recent request to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia to increase oil exports to the United States. This in a bid by Biden to lower rising U.S. gasoline prices.


Meanwhile China is telling Taiwan don't expect U.S. help, when we come for you.


As the Left were fond of saying used to say when the militant islamists were on the rise, Iran promising to annihilate Israel, North Korea threatening to destroy South Korea, and Russia was invading, our ally,  the Ukraine:


"You wanna start WW3, over that?"


Meanwhile Joe has chaos on the Southern border:


"July was busiest month for illegal border crossings in 21 years" - Washington Post


"The number of migrants detained along the Mexico border crossed a new threshold last month, exceeding 200,000 for the first time in 21 years, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection enforcement data released Thursday.


Among the 212,672 migrants taken into U.S. custody in July were 82,966 family members and 18,962 unaccompanied teenagers and children — an all-time high." 



Here we go again, back to the future.

Brilliant post 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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4 hours ago, The Joker said:


I'm gonna tell you a secret.


This is just between the two of us, right?


Promise you won't tell anybody else?


You promise?


OK, here goes . . .


Joe Biden was not my first choice for President, and Kamala Harris was not my first choice for VP.


I wanted Bernie Sanders to win, and I wanted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be VP.


Alas, it was not to be.


So your constant bitching about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is utterly wasted on me 'cos I don't particularly feel invested in either of them.


So, in a word,  lol.

















You're in the wrong thread, pal.


This is the "joe-biden-the-new-president-thoughts-so-far" thread.


You need the "How a 23 year old New York bartender, became the primary driver of a $100,000,000,000,000.00 Green New Deal Plan to fine tune the Earth's temperature, a hundred or so years from now!.


No question she has talent!



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6 hours ago, altus said:

Talking of LOLs, Donald Trump Booed at Alabama Rally After Encouraging Crowd to Get COVID-19 Vaccine.


Having made the response to the pandemic a partisan political issue, Trump and some Republicans have realised that the low vaccination rates amongst their own supporters (some polls found almost 50% of GOP voters were unlikely to get vaccinated) means it's their own supporters that are mainly dying from it. So they've finally started recommending getting vaccinated only to find that their supporters have drank the Kool-Aid too deeply. Oh dear.

The Guardian, Lauren Aratani
5 September,2020
"For weeks, Trump has been claiming that a vaccine is right on America’s doorstep, an optimism that is not shared by public health experts. Trump told a cheering crowd at the Republican national convention last week that “we will have a safe and effective vaccine by the end of the year”.


NBC NEWS - Jane C. Timm
May 15, 2020
"Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a 'miracle' to be right!"


And then:


BBC-"First vaccine given in US as roll-out begins".
14 DECEMBER, 2020



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1 minute ago, trastrick said:

Who made COVID 19 a "partisan political issue", again?


The Guardian, Lauren Aratani
5 September,2020
"For weeks, Trump has been claiming that a vaccine is right on America’s doorstep, an optimism that is not shared by public health experts. Trump told a cheering crowd at the Republican national convention last week that “we will have a safe and effective vaccine by the end of the year”.





Yeah, just a shame none of those stoopid whooping rednecks wanna take the vaccine.


Stiil, no great loss if they want to cull their own herd






. . . etc

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11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Who made COVID 19 a "partisan political issue", again?


The Guardian, Lauren Aratani
5 September,2020
"For weeks, Trump has been claiming that a vaccine is right on America’s doorstep, an optimism that is not shared by public health experts. Trump told a cheering crowd at the Republican national convention last week that “we will have a safe and effective vaccine by the end of the year”.


NBC NEWS - Jane C. Timm
May 15, 2020
"Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a 'miracle' to be right!"


And then:


BBC-"First vaccine given in US as roll-out begins".
14 DECEMBER, 2020



The partisan political issue started with advocating not taking measures to protect people from the virus before the vaccines were available (think masks, social distancing, etc.). Having spent months promoting that, Fox, et al have followed up by promoting vaccine scepticism. The result of all that is Trump being booed when he actually tells his supporters to get vaccinated.


The oops is on your part as usual.

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Just now, altus said:

The partisan political issue started with advocating not taking measures to protect people from the virus before the vaccines were available (think masks, social distancing, etc.). Having spent months promoting that, Fox, et al have followed up by promoting vaccine scepticism. The result of all that is Trump being booed when he actually tells his supporters to get vaccinated.


The oops is on your part as usual.



Who promoted vaccine scepticism during the election campaign?


It was Harris and Biden who publicly said they didn't trust any vaccine brought to the public by the Trump Administration, and gave the Anti-Vaxxers ammunition.


And sowed doubt among the general public, which may have cost untold lives.


Oops to you!

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