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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

In November and December the Media Biggies were polling happily.  Biden was on on roll! (See RPC Biden Job Approval - Average of all National Polls)


e.g. in November there were 16 National Job Approval Polls released by mid month, and in December there were 15.


But in January there were only 4, and only 1 that covers the time since the Biden documents were found.

It's only Jan 16th... the number of polls is largely the same as the number last year (5).


1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Why the sudden pause? 


(Just asking for a conspiracy theory friend!) :)

Tell him he's clearly on to something... then laugh as you watch him run around like a brainless idiot! :thumbsup: :hihi:

1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

I am guessing the Biden **** up is quite serious because even CNN did a 2 minute segment on it today.

Phew, lucky he didn't lie and obstruct at every turn! :thumbsup: :?


1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

It was behind the headline news that Donald trump had forgotten to wash his hands last last.

Desperate stuff! :hihi:

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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I  believe that Joe screwed himself when he said he was going to run again!

Sadly, as your previous gaffe's have repeatedly highlighted... what  you believe, and what is real, bear no relation.


5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The senile old fart actually thought he was the real President instead of the “beard” of his progressive handlers at the DNC who had put him there as a “place holder”. :)

As before, given the shear thrashing Biden has given Trumps total jobs and unemployment numbers, in 2 years... you have to wonder...


...if Biden is supposedly senile... what was up with Trump?


5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They will make sure he doesn’t run again!


One way or t’other.


I predicted he’d be stepping down “for health and family” reasons, but I underestimated the Lefts appetite to eat their own when push comes to shove!

Was that before, or after, he had one of the best midterm results of any serving president? :roll:


He may not run again, if he doesn't it will be for health or family reasons... certainly not because he's worried about losing (and certainly not to Trump).


5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

But with the Hunter fiasco coming up soon, they are taking no prisoners.

Well, someone did spot the similarities with Jared:






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16 minutes ago, Magilla said:

It's only Jan 16th... the number of polls is largely the same as the number last year (5).


Tell him he's clearly on to something... then laugh as you watch him run around like a brainless idiot! :thumbsup: :hihi:

Phew, lucky he didn't lie and obstruct at every turn! :thumbsup: :?


Desperate stuff! :hihi:

I know.


Just me trying to be a tad light-hearted.

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More on B

22 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I am guessing the Biden **** up is quite serious because even CNN did a 2 minute segment on it today. It was behind the headline news that Donald trump had forgotten to wash his hands last last.

It's serious alright.


A U.S. President under a Criminal Investigation by a Special Prosecutor appointed by his own D.O.J. Attorney General.


While at the same time the President's son is under a Criminal Investigation by a Federal Prosecutor on Tax and Gun related charges.


That's unprecedented, although not a word on the Biden matter on The Guardian's main Web Page, today.


And since Hunter Biden listed Joe's Delaware house where the Classified Documents were found, as his "Principal Address" the obvious question is did Hunter have access to the documents?


Here's a copy of a letter sent to Biden's lawyers seeking clarification.





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RPC Biden Job Approval - Average of all National Polls


January 1 to January 18, 2022


13 National polls released. (3 from Economist, 2 from Politico, 2 from Reuters)


January 1 to January 18, 2023


5 National Polls released (None from Economist, Politico, Reuters)


Wonder why the sudden pause?  :)





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

RPC Biden Job Approval - Average of all National Polls


January 1 to January 18, 2022


13 National polls released. (3 from Economist, 2 from Politico, 2 from Reuters)

RCP appears to show 12 polls over that time period. :?



January 1 to January 18, 2023


5 National Polls released (None from Economist, Politico, Reuters)

According to RCP, Rasmussen hasn't done any polls since August 2022, and only one in January.


However, they have done 4 since Jan 1st:


Dec. 29->Jan. 3

Jan. 4->8

Jan. 9->11

Jan. 12->16


RCP shows the poll from Morning Consult for Dec. 21->27, they also polled on:


Dec. 28->Jan. 3

Jan. 4->10.


YouGov has done 4 polls in January :roll:




Wonder why the sudden pause?  :)

At RCP? No idea... why don't you ask them?



As for pauses, clearly, there hasn't been... merely that you're just lazy, rely on a site riddled with errors, and can never be bothered to check anything...


...appreciate that would not feed your latest conspiracy theory though. :loopy:





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×President Biden Job Approval

Real Clear Politics

January 18.2023



12/14 - 1/16 -- 44.0 52.3 -8.3
Rasmussen Reports 1/12 - 1/16 1500 LV 46 52 -6
Economist/YouGov 1/8 - 1/10 1356 RV 50 47 +3
CBS News 1/4 - 1/6 2144 A 44 56 -12
IBD/TIPP 1/4 - 1/6 1356 A 44 46 -2
Economist/YouGov 12/31 - 1/3 1301 RV 47 49 -2
Politico/Morning Consult 12/21 - 12/24 2000 RV 43 55 -12
Reuters/Ipsos 12/19 - 12/20 1004 A 39 55 -16
Economist/YouGov 12/17 - 12/19 1321 RV 47 49 -2
Politico/Morning Consult 12/16 - 12/19 2001 RV 43 54 -11
Harvard-Harris 12/14 - 12/15 1851 RV 42 55 -13
Reuters/Ipsos 12/12 - 12/13 1005 A 39 56 -17
Economist/YouGov 12/10 - 12/13 1338 RV 45 50 -5
FOX News 12/9 - 12/12 1005 RV 44 56 -12
Politico/Morning Consult 12/9 - 12/12 2005 RV 44 53 -9
Monmouth 12/8 - 12/12 739 RV 43 50 -7
Quinnipiac 12/8 - 12/12 1456 RV 43 49 -6
USA Today/Suffolk 12/7 - 12/11 1000 RV 45 52 -7
IBD/TIPP 12/7 - 12/9 1351 A 40 49 -9
NPR/PBS/Marist 12/6 - 12/8 1189 RV 45 48 -3
Reuters/Ipsos 12/5 - 12/6 1004 A 38 56 -18
Wall Street Journal 12/3 - 12/7 1500 RV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 12/3 - 12/6 1332 RV 42 56 -14
CNN 12/1 - 12/7 RV 48 52 -4


Only 5  National Polls released in January 2023.


In the same time period in 2022, they had released 12


What are they waiting for?  :)



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15 minutes ago, trastrick said:

In the same time period in 2022, they had released 12

Oh, you've lost one! :roll:


Where did it go?


15 minutes ago, trastrick said:

What are they waiting for?  :)

I doubt they're waiting for you to highlight your inability to count, or check whether the polls they're missing happened at all... but nevertheless, here we are! :thumbsup:


This is what happens when you get your data from badly run, wing-nut conspiracy laden websites.


There are other polling aggregation websites, that do contain the many polls RCP appear to have mislaid.


Try one of those!

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Guardian reader alert!


Nothing on their main news web page about the latest developments on the Biden Family Criminal Investigations. Hunter and Joe!


The only item in their News From around the World section is a piece of gossip about Nikki Haley and Ivanka, and Trump's "pleading" to get his FaceBook account back!


Ah well, if you want more than the latest on the New Zealand Prime Minister, or the latest pronouncement from Greta, you'll have to check out the (gasp!) NY Post, The Hill, Real Clear Politics, or even Fox News!  :)




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The Washington Post has released a detailed "analysis"  of the latest Biden Document Affair. 


A thorough "debunking" of any suggestion of impropriety. :)


It's a robust legal defense based solely on the Biden Lawyer's (and anonymous insiders, as usual) statements, complete with the obligatory reference to 'dear departed beau'.  :)


In the interest of getting the word out to the great unwashed, this article is released to MSN, without their usual Pay Wall.  :)


Maybe now the official talking points are have the blessing of the Washington Post, perhaps the Guardian will finally weigh in  on this major International issue. :)






Washington Post

Inside the White House document strategy and its pitfalls




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