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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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44 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Pennsylvania Supreme court just announced Mail In Voting is unconstitutional.

Wrong, the ruling came from an appellate court :?



Democrats changed the law illegally to cheat.



The state Legislature is Republican-controlled, the mail voting laws passed with overwhelming bipartisan support :?



"The ruling by Commonwealth Court comes in response to suits filed by Bradford County Commissioner Doug McLinko and a group of Republican state representatives — many of whom voted for Act 77, the 2019 law that expanded no-excuse mail voting in Pennsylvania."


11 of the 14 people who brought the appeal, voted for expanded mail in voting in 2019! :hihi:


They only got cold feet after Trump spat the dummy. :?



The decertification of Pennsylvania begins and that's without all the fraud and Zuckerbucks illegal influence. 



There is no evidence to suggest the mailed in ballots were in any way fraudulent. They still count.


This ruling, even if it ultimately stands, would only effect future elections :?



You can't even get the basics right :roll:

Edited by Magilla
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28 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Pennsylvania Supreme court just announced Mail In Voting is unconstitutional. Democrats changed the law illegally to cheat. The decertification of Pennsylvania begins and that's without all the fraud and Zuckerbucks illegal influence. 

Do pay attention to what you are claiming. A Pennsylvania commonwealth court has ruled that the changes to the states mail in voting rules are unconstitutional. There are two ways the facts conflict with your post:-

  1. They haven't ruled mail in voting unconstitutional, that would harm Republicans more than Democrats, just the recent changes to allow more people to use it.
  2. They are not the state's supreme court. An appeal will no doubt be winging it's way to that shortly.


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Also the election count can not be decertified after the new president is in Office 

And the idea that a rogue set of " electors " could vote against the publics popular is against the 14 the Admentment and is ruled out by the Constitution

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Wrong, the ruling came from an appellate court :?




The state Legislature is Republican-controlled, the mail voting laws passed with overwhelming bipartisan support :?



"The ruling by Commonwealth Court comes in response to suits filed by Bradford County Commissioner Doug McLinko and a group of Republican state representatives — many of whom voted for Act 77, the 2019 law that expanded no-excuse mail voting in Pennsylvania."


11 of the 14 people who brought the appeal, voted for expanded mail in voting in 2019! :hihi:


They only got cold feet after Trump spat the dummy. :?




There is no evidence to suggest the mailed in ballots were in any way fraudulent. They still count.


This ruling, even if it ultimately stands, would only effect future elections :?



You can't even get the basics right :roll:


If I was you I'd get in touch with the judge and point out the clanger he has made. Maybe he will offer you a job as an adviser. 


The judge ruled that changing the rules was unconstitutional so that negates anything that happened using it. Plenty in the states saying the election will be decertified. 


Anyway if not it will make it impossible for them to cheat again...

1 hour ago, altus said:

Do pay attention to what you are claiming. A Pennsylvania commonwealth court has ruled that the changes to the states mail in voting rules are unconstitutional. There are two ways the facts conflict with your post:-

  1. They haven't ruled mail in voting unconstitutional, that would harm Republicans more than Democrats, just the recent changes to allow more people to use it.
  2. They are not the state's supreme court. An appeal will no doubt be winging it's way to that shortly.


You seem to not understand that the senate has overall power to do as they wish. They will use this outcome as evidence of the fraud. They already thought it was fraudulent before this ruling. 

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1 hour ago, SheffieldBricky said:

If I was you I'd get in touch with the judge and point out the clanger he has made. Maybe he will offer you a job as an adviser. 

It's a woman :?



The judge ruled that changing the rules was unconstitutional so that negates anything that happened using it.

Nope, it doesn't :?



Plenty in the states saying the election will be decertified. 

All deluded, no legal reason to do so, no chance whatsoever. :?



Anyway if not it will make it impossible for them to cheat again...

You seem to not understand that the senate has overall power to do as they wish. They will use this outcome as evidence of the fraud.

They already thought it was fraudulent before this ruling. 

There was no cheating, the votes are valid and still stand. :?


It isn't evidence of fraud. :?



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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

It's a woman :?


Nope, it doesn't :?


All deluded, no legal reason to do so, no chance whatsoever. :?


There was no cheating, the votes are valid and still stand. :?


It isn't evidence of fraud. :?




Oh well, you are so partisan that there is no saving you. Only time will tell. Remember when Democrats said Trump paid Russian prostitutes to urinate on him and you all believed it? 🤣🤣🤣

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