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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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Here's an expert on Russia.  Take him seriously!




"President of Finland Says The World Is In A "Colder Situation" Now Than During The Cold War"




I lived through the Cold War. I wouldn't wish it on your children.


It was a frightening cloud hanging over the World then, but with today's 24/7 MSM alarmist news organizations, it will be terrifying for the new, naive risk-averse coddled and complacent new generation.


Biden has ceded international power to the Russians and the Chinese communists, and the militant Islamists, with his "minor incursion" dismissive talk on Taiwan and Ukraine, not to mention his abject surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan.


Now the whole World has to wait, with baited breath, for the next move the Russians and the Chinese decide to make.


What a difference a year makes!


What a difference an election makes!


You Trump haters got your Biden, and you deserve him!


So enjoy him.


(I saw this all coming. It will be a while before these events reach my beautiful tropical Island in the sun)  :)

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37 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


All his policies were very good.  We're all looking forward to him being President again. When I say 'we' I mean normal free thinkers.

Right now ,


a stable balance of power, 


Military supremacy

Energy independence

Peace and cooperation deals being negotiated and signed between former enemies.

Trade deals being signed.

Strong borders

Low inflation

Low gas prices

Tax cuts

Real wages rising.

Getting  Euro NATO to pay their fair share for their defense

Bringing the troops home instead of deploying them to the Russian Border


would be looking real good!

Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Here's an expert on Russia.  Take him seriously!




"President of Finland Says The World Is In A "Colder Situation" Now Than During The Cold War"



Doesn't mention Biden? Wrong thread?


Interestingly, he does make a point about there being no nuclear arms treaty any more which is leading to serious vulnerabilities...


...something Trump formally withdrew from in August 2019 :?



I lived through the Cold War. I wouldn't wish it on your children.


It was a frightening cloud hanging over the World then, but with today's 24/7 MSM alarmist news organizations, it will be terrifying for the new, naive risk-averse coddled and complacent new generation.

So did I... what a snowflake you are! :roll:


I think I can hear the violins in the background :thumbsup:



Biden has ceded international power to the Russians and the Chinese communists, and the militant Islamists, with his "minor incursion" dismissive talk on Taiwan and Ukraine, not to mention his abject surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Nonsense. :loopy:



You Trump haters got your Biden, and you deserve him!

Indeed... someone competent! :thumbsup:


Trump would have phoned Tucker Carlson and started being an even bigger Putin cheerleader than he already was throughout his entire term! :hihi:



Edited by Magilla
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44 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Right now ,


a stable balance of power, 


Military supremacy

Energy independence

Peace and cooperation deals being negotiated and signed between former enemies.

Trade deals being signed.

Strong borders

Low inflation

Low gas prices

Tax cuts

Real wages rising.

Getting  Euro NATO to pay their fair share for their defense

Bringing the troops home instead of deploying them to the Russian Border


would be looking real good!


Worst President in USA history.


1. Inflation at 7.5%

2. Disastrous exit from Afghanistan (due to dementia rage)

3. Stole the election.

4. Trying to steal the next with no I.D. voting.

5. Invasion at the southern border.

6. Terrible crime record

7. Enabled the attack on the Capitol with FBI infiltration and planning.

8. Trying to ensure none citizens can vote (see 4)

9. CRT being introduced in schools

10. Trying to start a war with Russia (usual President tactic when everything's going tits up)


Will be impeached and thrown out if office starting next next November

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3 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Worst President in USA history.


1. Inflation at 7.5%

2. Disastrous exit from Afghanistan (due to dementia rage)

3. Stole the election.

4. Trying to steal the next with no I.D. voting.

5. Invasion at the southern border.

6. Terrible crime record

7. Enabled the attack on the Capitol with FBI infiltration and planning.

8. Trying to ensure none citizens can vote (see 4)

9. CRT being introduced in schools

10. Trying to start a war with Russia (usual President tactic when everything's going tits up)


Will be impeached and thrown out if office starting next next November

He may not make it that long!


His handlers are not stupid!


Certainly not a stupid as his true believer fans.

Edited by trastrick
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