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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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4 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


They lie, they know they lie but they don't care. Don't take them seriously.

I just laugh at them!


Now it's time for a walk, and maybe a cold beer!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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I think your both going to be disappointed in November when  Biden is still president. You say we lie but you just can't accept when you're wrong. I know you love Trump and he's convinced you the election was stolen.  If he had just accepted defeat gracefully you wouldn't be talking about it.

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36 minutes ago, Zinger549 said:

I think your both going to be disappointed in November when  Biden is still president. You say we lie but you just can't accept when you're wrong. I know you love Trump and he's convinced you the election was stolen.  If he had just accepted defeat gracefully you wouldn't be talking about it.


Trump hasn't convinced me. I believe the same people who have convinced him. You need to get it out of your mind that because he said it was stolen people blindly follow. Ordinary people tens of thousands of them have provided evidence that it was stolen.

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1 minute ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Trump hasn't convinced me. I believe the same people who have convinced him. You need to get it out of your mind that because he said it was stolen people blindly follow. Ordinary people tens of thousands of them have provided evidence that it was stolen.

And yet her we are a year later and nothings changed,  Do you believe if he didn't say anything about it people would still be talking about it now. People say they have evidence it was stolen and others have evidence showing it wasn't.

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34 minutes ago, Zinger549 said:

And yet her we are a year later and nothings changed,  Do you believe if he didn't say anything about it people would still be talking about it now. People say they have evidence it was stolen and others have evidence showing it wasn't.


If he hadn't he would have been finished. It was fixed and everyone who's looked at it knows so. Problem is so much corruption in the US. Especially the media.


Meanwhile 81m votes Biden is a disaster.


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12 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

I think your both going to be disappointed in November when  Biden is still president. You say we lie but you just can't accept when you're wrong. I know you love Trump and he's convinced you the election was stolen.  If he had just accepted defeat gracefully you wouldn't be talking about it.

I said "may" not be President.


He's old, obviously suffering from senility, and bringing down his Party to record levels of disapproval. The World is now on the "Brink of War" -  BBC


But since Kamila is no longer seen as a viable President, except by a few true believers, they are stuck with him!


As for Trump, or any other politician convincing me of anything, Lol,  I reject your opinion.


My opinion of politicians is that they all lie!


So I watch what they do, and not what they say, or what any others say about them.


I just happen to agree with his domestic and foreign policies, (outlined in my above post) and the rapidity which he was able to institute them.


I do admire his political ability to withstand 6 years of SP Investigations, 2 Impeachments, endless Congressional Investigations of him, his family, and just about everybody he's ever been associated with.


And they come up with no actual Criminal Charge in a real Court of Law. Not even an unpaid speeding ticket, Lol


He's either the most innocent politician in Washington, or the smartest crook on the planet.


Your choice, but he ain't dumb or incompetent.


Likewise his political enemies, with every Federal and State government Investigative tools at their disposal, are either incompetent, or just happy to let their MSM cohorts demonize him, and throw everything they can at him to de-legitimize him, and prevent him from running ever again.


The tools they used though, "Russian Collusion", "Russian Dossiers", secret Trump Tower servers "linked to Russian Banks". have  fallen apart, political dirty tricks that are now under Justice Department Criminal Investigations, as we speak!


If we believe the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" (a curtesy I extend to Hillary, by the way) some 67,000,000 Trump voters were disenfranchised. They are angry and no longer have faith in "fair" elections.


That's just human nature!



Edited by trastrick
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