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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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The Hill


Biden approval near record low amid economic frustration: poll

BY MYCHAEL SCHNELL - 02/27/22 11:00 PM EST


"President Biden’s approval rating hit a near-record low in a new poll as Americans become increasingly frustrated with the economy.

The ABC News and The Washington Post poll found that 37 percent of adults in the U.S. strongly or somewhat approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, compared to 55 percent who said they strongly or somewhat disapprove. Seven percent said they had no opinion"



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14 hours ago, trastrick said:

The Hill


Biden approval near record low amid economic frustration: poll

BY MYCHAEL SCHNELL - 02/27/22 11:00 PM EST


"President Biden’s approval rating hit a near-record low in a new poll as Americans become increasingly frustrated with the economy.

The ABC News and The Washington Post poll found that 37 percent of adults in the U.S. strongly or somewhat approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, compared to 55 percent who said they strongly or somewhat disapprove. Seven percent said they had no opinion"





Trumps ratings werent so hot so hot during his tenure,

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Town Hall


Blowout: GOP Bounces To Historic Lead on 2022 Ballot in New Poll


"It's still brutal out there for President Biden, according to the latest tranche of public polling, some of which Rebecca covered yesterday.  The Real Clear Politics average shows Biden's approval rating hovering around 40 percent, but a handful of national surveys released in recent days peg the number the 30's.


There's the Harris/Harvard poll in which more people strongly disapprove (39 percent out of 55 percent overall) than approve (38 percent).  Next up are the "rock bottom" Marist/NPR/PBS numbers, showing Biden at 39 percent approval.  This pollster asked Americans about Biden's first year in office, and a substantial majority (56/39) deeming it a failure versus a success.  Among independent voters, the breakdown was ever uglier (66/28).  Then there's the eyebrow-raising ABC News/Washington Post data set:


Once again, strong disapproval outpaces total approval, in this case by seven points.  Biden is 18 points underwater overall.  One of the most important and predictive political metrics ahead of a midterm election cycle like this one is the president's rating.  Biden's is in the toilet.


Unsurprisingly, his party is staring at some horrendous generic ballot numbers, too: (Republicans vs Democrats)

A seven-point (Republican) lead among registered voters, which balloons to 13 points among the likeliest voters.  This effect speaks to a phenomenon that CNN's Harry Enten warned the network's heavily-Democratic audience about earlier this month.  In the current environment, likely voter screens will very likely favor the GOP"




Don't miss tonight's State of the Union Address tonight, wherein Biden will give you his version of the state of the union.

Edited by trastrick
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32 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Once again, strong disapproval outpaces total approval, in this case by seven points.

According to RCP today, Biden is more buoyant than Trump was at the same time in his presidency, and still some way off Trumps underwater highs...


...so why should we care... you weren't bothered when Trump was doing worse! :thumbsup:

Edited by Magilla
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17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech


"In a desperate bid to console a nation reeling from crises he created, President Joe Biden delivered his first official State of the Union Address on Tuesday.


"The Democrat attempted to downplay his plummeting approval by promising to do better in his second year in office but instead offered a speech riddled with falsehoods and contradictions".



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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech


Indeed, some aren't lies or absurd, at all :?


Trumps Tax cuts, for one:


After 2 Years, Trump Tax Cuts Have Failed To Deliver On GOP's Promises:



Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut Is Not Trickling Down:


"worker bonuses were a mirage"


The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn't Work, The Data Proves It:


"The independent, non-partisan Congressional Research Service just released a report showing that the 2017 tax cuts for the richest Americans and corporations did not work. This confirms what anybody who has been looking at the data already knew. Investment did not boom and workers will not see the promised bump in pay. Instead, the federal government incurred massive deficits while wealth inequality increased to its highest level in three decades."


It's official: Trump's tax cuts were an economic bust:



All Trumps tax cut did was double the deficit and balloon the national debt!


5 hours ago, trastrick said:

In a desperate bid to console a nation reeling from crises he created, President Joe Biden delivered his first official State of the Union Address on Tuesday.

A great shame for you then that the majority of Americans welcomed Joe Biden’s State of the Union address:


"78 per cent approved of the speech. Despite the qualms over inflation, nearly two-thirds are optimistic that Mr Biden’s economic plan will put the country on the path of recovery."






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34 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Indeed, some aren't lies or absurd, at all :?


Trumps Tax cuts, for one:


After 2 Years, Trump Tax Cuts Have Failed To Deliver On GOP's Promises:



Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut Is Not Trickling Down:


"worker bonuses were a mirage"


The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn't Work, The Data Proves It:


"The independent, non-partisan Congressional Research Service just released a report showing that the 2017 tax cuts for the richest Americans and corporations did not work. This confirms what anybody who has been looking at the data already knew. Investment did not boom and workers will not see the promised bump in pay. Instead, the federal government incurred massive deficits while wealth inequality increased to its highest level in three decades."


It's official: Trump's tax cuts were an economic bust:



All Trumps tax cut did was double the deficit and balloon the national debt!


A great shame for you then that the majority of Americans welcomed Joe Biden’s State of the Union address:


"78 per cent approved of the speech. Despite the qualms over inflation, nearly two-thirds are optimistic that Mr Biden’s economic plan will put the country on the path of recovery."


No news there, LOL


The establishment fought him tooth and nail on tax cuts. They'd all rather see the government spend the tax payer's money than the tax payer herself.


That's the defining difference between the liberals/socialists and conservatives.


But even the WSJ, no fan of Trump's tax cuts, had to report the reality.


Trump’s Tax Cuts Push U.S. Burden Lower in World


The U.S. now has lower taxes than all but three countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the report says.

By Richard Rubin
Updated Dec. 5, 2019 4:08 pm ET


WASHINGTON—President Trump’s 2017 tax cuts reduced the U.S. tax burden to one of the lowest among major world economies, according to a Thursday report by an intergovernmental organization.


U.S. tax burdens dropped by the largest amount among those countries in 2018, and the U.S. now has lower taxes than all but three countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the report said




Now some think that lower taxes encourage investment in jobs, manufacturing, and even going to find a job.


Others not so much.


An honest disagreement.


Now that's one how about the other 16 of Joe's "Absurd Lies"?












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