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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I don't think Dementia is amusing


What I find amusing is that the left are totally ignoring the fact that Biden is obviously not fully cognitive and struggles with the very basics


Just because he's not Trump


I wouldn't even let him drive a car let alone run a country 


You have the advantage over me. I have no idea of his driving ability or record, and as for ‘running a country’, at least he hasn’t ordered the invasion of anywhere as yet.

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1 hour ago, crookesey said:

For those who think Dementia is amusing, at least you won’t know anything about it if or when it visits you. The question should IMHO be, where are the folk of acceptable ages hiding when the job opportunity arises?  

A good question Crookesey!


Most talented, innovative and creative individuals are not drawn to the government sector, where one rises to power by accepting and  respecting the status quo.


They are busy, building New York Skyscrapers, inventing recyclable rockets to the Space Station and the planets, developing viable e-vehicles, running worldwide food and household product distribution systems and creating vast numbers of jobs.


As long they are portrayed, by society, media, academics and culture, as "evil," and subject to continuous politics of destruction, it will not change.


Only a few brave souls who would, on principle, choose to put themselves and their families through that sort of trial and tribulation, if they have a viable alternative.


The current Western governments and society have put out the sign, "Not Welcome" to the creative and innovative wealth creators,  and game changers, so they'll continue to hobble from one self created crisis to the next!


Economic chaos, unsustainable, spiraling national Debts, and the inevitable wars, crime, and civil disorder!


Sad really!







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46 minutes ago, trastrick said:


The Baltic is one of the busiest shipping lines in the World!

In any given "4 day" period literally hundreds, maybe thousands  of ships of all kinds, including Russian military, would have been "near" the Nordstream pipeline, at some point.

It is obvious that the U.S., and others, have specific satellite imagery of all shipping in the area, in real time, and at all times, in the actual vicinity of the explosion sites!

I never mentioned Putin or Russia.  That was the poster above.

The Russians may be responsible for blowing up their own pipeline, or not, but it is premature to ascribe guilt to anybody based on the report posted above, and based on the fact that Western intelligence has yet to publicly ascribe blame to anyone!

How many of us have been "near" the  area of a crime, within 4 days?

The story, may, or may not "develop", based on the intelligence interests of the adversarial parties in this war. 

You can see in real time all Baltic Sea shipping on your smartphone as we speak, but it could have been a submarine operation.



    Oh dear, I'll try again. When a Russian ship is mentioned your leaped to the defence of Putin with such mediocre 'evidence' it deserved and invited criticism. Your defence does not work as you again fail to understand the limitations of satellite imagery and is now compounded by your lack of understanding how AIS works.

    Being blindingly obvious I did not say mention satellites which can see 'number plates' as they are not reliable as these satellites cannot 'see' ships for most the time.

   There are satellites that can detect RF,  IR and other signatures but these can 'hidden' by counter-measures.

   The AIS tracking websites only work if the vessel has AIS or has AIS switched on and the satellites pick up the radio signal. Although AIS is a requirement for most commercial vessels, naval ships are exempt and  some other vessels don't as they are engaged in dodgy activity, e.g. fishing illegally, drugs, trafficking etc. As I said these are referred to as being "dark". As I said naval ship would be "...surrounded by hundreds of other vessels..." and would not be visible on AIS. Submarines are much easier to locate in the Baltic- due to the cold, still, shallow, low salt, and non-laminate, much less opaque water which allows the NATO sound detectors to work very effectively even against smaller submersibles. 

    As I said your leap to defend(very badly) Putin is not yet necessary as he is just one of the 'actors' that may be involved. 

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46 minutes ago, crookesey said:

You have the advantage over me. I have no idea of his driving ability or record, and as for ‘running a country’, at least he hasn’t ordered the invasion of anywhere as yet.

You are absolutely right


Biden hasn't done anything because he has no idea what is going on because he's not in control


However if you think the USA deep state don't have their dirty little fingers in all the pies then you're very naive 

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14 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

You are absolutely right


Biden hasn't done anything because he has no idea what is going on because he's not in control


However if you think the USA deep state don't have their dirty little fingers in all the pies then you're very naive 

I’ve always classed naivety as a step up from stupidity.

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Just now, Annie Bynnol said:

    Oh dear, I'll try again. When a Russian ship is mentioned your leaped to the defence of Putin with such mediocre 'evidence' it deserved and invited criticism. Your defence does not work as you again fail to understand the limitations of satellite imagery and is now compounded by your lack of understanding how AIS works.

    Being blindingly obvious I did not say mention satellites which can see 'number plates' as they are not reliable as these satellites cannot 'see' ships for most the time.

   There are satellites that can detect RF,  IR and other signatures but these can 'hidden' by counter-measures.

   The AIS tracking websites only work if the vessel has AIS or has AIS switched on and the satellites pick up the radio signal. Although AIS is a requirement for most commercial vessels, naval ships are exempt and  some other vessels don't as they are engaged in dodgy activity, e.g. fishing illegally, drugs, trafficking etc. As I said these are referred to as being "dark". As I said naval ship would be "...surrounded by hundreds of other vessels..." and would not be visible on AIS. Submarines are much easier to locate in the Baltic- due to the cold, still, shallow, low salt, and non-laminate, much less opaque water which allows the NATO sound detectors to work very effectively even against smaller submersibles. 

    As I said your leap to defend(very badly) Putin is not yet necessary as he is just one of the 'actors' that may be involved. 

More claptrap!  :)


I didn't defend Putin.


I merely pointed that the poster had little evidence to"infer" it was Russia.


Putin, may well be the culprit!


I wouldn't put anything past a Totalitarian in ongoing war!


But for deliberately dissembling, and accusing me of all manner of things you created out of you muddled head, a time out for you!


You can have the last word!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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32 minutes ago, trastrick said:

More claptrap!  :)


I didn't defend Putin.


I merely pointed that the poster had little evidence to"infer" it was Russia.


Putin, may well be the culprit!


I wouldn't put anything past a Totalitarian in ongoing war!


But for deliberately dissembling, and accusing me of all manner of things you created out of you muddled head, a time out for you!


You can have the last word!  :)


Apparently Tucker Colson hadn't been fired. 


He will still be paid by Fox News until after the election 


But he can't join another network and he kust keep his mouth shut



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16 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Apparently Tucker Colson hadn't been fired. 


He will still be paid by Fox News until after the election 


But he can't join another network and he kust keep his mouth shut



He was on the Left's hit list!


And you know what happens to them!


Hell hath no fury like a socialist scorned!  :)


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On 29/04/2023 at 07:35, trastrick said:


26 pictures of a Russian ship," near the NordStream pipeline 4 days before last autumn's explosions".  is hardly evidence of anything.



It’s more evidence, than a biased interpretation of a politician’s speech.


You should know by now, that I am always very happy to play the long game.

Witness the Ukraine thread over a year on, the Brexit consequences threads 7 years on, the Conservatives thread 4 years on, etc, etc, etc.


Looking very much forward to continue well-well-well’ing as and when further evidence surfaces 👍🏻

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