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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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Another crack in the wall?


The Left were right about one thing at least!


On the Russian Collusion hoax and the Biden Affair.


They said it would be nigh on impossible to contain such far ranging "conspiracy theories" involving so many Institutions and people, without it coming to light!




We now have whistle blowers from the FBI, IRS and CIA appearing before Congress, complaining about malfeasance in their Agencies.


This, on top of the Mueller 2 year Investigation, finding no evidence of collusion, a damning FBI Inspector General's Report about FISA forgery in the FBI, and a two year Durham Investigation that was equally damning of the FBI.

And an admission by a former Obama CIA Director, he was asked to sign the infamous "51 Former Intelligence Officials" that Biden used against Trump in the 2018 Presidential Debates. to great effect.


He testified “yes” and “absolutely” when asked if the call with Secretary of State Blinken, who was then a top adviser for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, was what “triggered that intent in you.”

Morell also testified that one of the two reasons he helped put the letter together was to help Joe Biden defeat former President Donald Trump..


Note: Nothing on Trump revealed in those investigations, in despite of all their efforts and allegations over 6 years!  :)


After being dragged screaming into this major historical Constitutional Crisis a few in the MSM with credibility at stake have picked up the story (while offering excuses):


The Durham report is a damning indictment of the FBI — ...

Washington Post

https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2023/05/17 › durh...

May 17, 2023 — Special counsel John Durham's report into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is a damning indictment of the FBI — and, ...


But in a first, a major broadcast network CBS, has shown interest:


Will the rest follow?








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On 27/05/2023 at 08:29, trastrick said:

And in the "I should sue 'em for plagiarism department".  :)


"Shades of LBJ’s Cronkite Nightmare: Biden Loses CBS"



Why has the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for 4 years?


Forget the 4 year "Russian Collusion Hoax".


Why has the Justice Department's Inspector General Report, of FBI "incompetence", and the Durham investigation Report and findings of lawlessness in the FBI, resulted in nobody being disciplined, or fired?


Why has no Special Prosecutor been appointed to look into the $millions in foreign money paid to the Biden family by foreign interests, and even our enemies?


Why does FBI Director Wray continue to sit before Congress and refuse their legal and lawful requests for information on the above?


Mail Online

Telling Text!


EXCLUSIVE: 'You need a safe harbor - I can work with your father alone!' The telling text Jim Biden sent to nephew Hunter suggests Joe WAS in on their business plans after scathing article appeared linking connection to corrupt Chinese energy deal"





New York Post

The Biden family is under the protection of the nation’s top lawmen


"The so-called investigation is in its fifth year, yet it’s interesting that the suspect never demands an ending. 

The only reasonable conclusion is that an honest resolution of the facts would mean a felony indictment with numerous counts".


"The lesson so far is that, no matter what McCarthy and Comer say, the White House and executive agencies believe they are above the law, and will protect the president and his family for as long as they can.


"Although it’s obvious that Joe Biden profited from and participated in the influence-peddling schemes, if justice comes, it will come despite the current leaders of federal law enforcement, not because of them. 



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8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Biden falls over again


That poor old man.......This is just becoming cruel now 🤨


One wonders how much longer "Doctor" Jill will let this circus continue.


But it's clear now that the Man Behind the Curtain has decided how this pathetic candidate will be removed from the 2024 race.


The family corruption will be a mere footnote!

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6 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I’m not a fan of Biden but 80 year old man trips over is hardly earth shattering 

Its not an isolated incident is it?


He falls over all the time and loses concentration and rambles a lot 


Anyone with eyes can see hes not 100%#


But most people know that hes not pulling the strings....hes a puppet 



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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Time to step down as graciously as possible Joe.

Trouble is that  those who crave and have tasted power are always the last to recognise the reality.

Step down?


Hes gonna run for President again 😬

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