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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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7 hours ago, hauxwell said:

You can’t help feeling embarrassed for Biden when he falls. If he does win the next election they will need an occupational therapist to see what adjustments they need to make to help with his mobility.


A rollator to help him walk and prevent falls.  He will need an electrical chair lift fitted on Air Force One so he can get into the plane safely, he’s already had a few falls navigating the stair.


If I was his age and had his money I wouldn’t care less about politics and making America great again.  Let a younger man have the job.

It's not up to Joe! He's just happy to be there.


It's The Man Behind the Curtain that will decide when and where to end it, (if another fall doesn't do it first).


There's this Biden Family foreign money thing on the horizon, too!

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1 minute ago, retep said:


Seems dodgy,



"Hunter Biden’s ‘insane’ laptop exposed: Sex, drugs, and shady deals"


Its an old story that has been covered up by the left


But i think they will now let it be exposed because they want to get rid of Old Joe


They'll replace him with Harris who will do anything to get ahead by giving head

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If Trump wins in 2024 (if he goes for it) im reading he'll be an older president than Biden


Edit:- just read their wikis to find out, it must mean during the full term, cos Bidens currently 80

Edited by melthebell
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15 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I hope trump wins just to see these sanctimonious lefties look silly again..

   IF Trump wins and becomes the oldest ever President, will his cognitive state and physical fitness will become an issue for our resident Trumpeters?  

   By the way Trump has instructed his supporters not to make cognitive state and physical fitness to be an issue in his bid to be the oldest ever President. Possibly because he has been reminded of his difficult IQ test which he "aced" and described as:

 “It’s like, you’ll go, ‘Person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ So they say, ‘Could you repeat that?’ So I said, ‘Yeah. So it’s, Person, woman, man, camera, TV. OK, that’s very good’. If you get it in order, you get extra points."

   What happened to the Doctor that proved his competency? Trump nominated Jackson to be United States secretary of veterans affairs(failed) and supported him to be a Congressman. He created a new job for him called 'Chief Medical Advisor to the President'.

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