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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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5 hours ago, melthebell said:

If Trump wins in 2024 (if he goes for it) im reading he'll be an older president than Biden


Edit:- just read their wikis to find out, it must mean during the full term, cos Bidens currently 80

He isn't senile though which is always a plus.

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7 hours ago, top4718 said:

He isn't senile though which is always a plus.

No,  just loopy,  which is a minus

12 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I hope trump wins just to see these sanctimonious lefties look silly again..



If he wins,  he will soon make himself and all the righties look silly again.

Edited by Organgrinder
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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

No,  just loopy,  which is a minus

If he wins,  he will soon make himself and all the righties look silly again.

On the contrary!


His main detractors, the 30 or so FBI Officials out of office, almost the entire Prime Time line up of the CNN Trump haters all gone, and their ratings are in the pits.


Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler out of power. Trump haters Rachel Maddow out at MSNBC, as is Chuck Todd at NBC.


And poster girl, Chair of the Jan. 6 Committee Liz Cheney, suffering an historic defeat.


Trump even wins, when he's losing!  :)


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Biden in a press conference with Sunak & recalling an anecdote about about  Churchill's stay at the White House with the Roosevelt's but forgetting Churchill's surname & making a total embarrassment of himself, until Sunak curiously helped him out.   He should have left him floundering for the US electorate to see. 


One of the most famous people that would ever had stayed at the White House in one of the most portant periods of history & something that the White House staff would have prompted Biden on, given he's hosting the UK PM. 


I understand the US hqve a minimum age of 35 to be the US President.  I'd say it's time the US introduced an upper age limit. 


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On 05/06/2023 at 07:59, Jack Grey said:

Trump wont win


Hopefully DeSantis will though


I love that guy 👍

DeSantis will face the same communist/Democrat/MSM firing squad, if it ever looks like he's the frontrunner for the GOP in 2024.


They'll destroy him, his family and anybody he ever met.


It's what they do!  :)


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Meanwhile, over at Biden's White House, a little news in the alternative press is sneaking in under the barrage of the Never Trump witch hunt, but you have to look hard for it!  :)


Washington Examiner


"Joe Biden referred to as 'big guy' in dealings with Ukraine, FBI record reportedly reveals"


"President Joe Biden was referred to as the “big guy” by the Ukrainian oligarch who owned the Hunter Biden-employing energy giant Burisma, sources say an FBI record reveals.


"Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian owner of *Burisma, was the "foreign national" involved in the alleged "criminal bribery scheme" detailed in an FBI confidential human source form, and Zlochevsky referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy” during a conversation a number of years before the June 2020 date of the bureau form, according to sources familiar with the FBI record who described its contents to the Washington Examiner".


* Burisma was the corrupt Ukrainian Oil and Gas Giant who paid Hunter Biden $millions, as a member of their Board.


(There is an ongoing Federal Investigation into the Hunter Biden Foreign Financial dealings, but you may be forgiven, if you are not aware of it!)




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28 minutes ago, trastrick said:

DeSantis will face the same communist/Democrat/MSM firing squad, if it ever looks like he's the frontrunner for the GOP in 2024.


They'll destroy him, his family and anybody he ever met.


It's what they do!  :)


They've started doing that here too

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Just now, Jack Grey said:

They've started doing that here too

I've followed politics all my life, and it was always a rough and tumble business in the democratic West, as it should be.


I've also been aware of the 100 year war between communists and capitalists. Which at times turned very bloody indeed!


People in the West went on with their lives, trusting the politicians to work it out between them, and the Press Corp to keep them honest. Coups and public kangaroo trials were only for those banana republics who's names you couldn't pronounce.


But no more. Any real conservative is not going into that dirty business, anymore, to be literally destroyed and publicly insulted, shamed and persecuted, so they find other, more rewarding ways to live their lives.


Which leaves, you know who to run the show!


I fear it's not going  to change anytime soon. and once they manage to totally dismantle capitalism, their grand plan for "World Unity" will be unleashed.


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's human nature!


It won't be pretty!  


By the way what DID cause Boris's downfall?  Hope is was not just about attending a party without a mask?

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