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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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3 hours ago, altus said:

The people spoke in 2020. Their failure to accept what the people said is why so many Trump supporters are currently "languishing in jail".

The people get to speak every 4 years.


A lot has been learned by "the people" since Biden was put in the White House.


They might wonder why an FBI Official pleaded Guilty to forging a FISA document, is not "languishing in jail",  among other things :)


We'll see what they think about it all the next time they get to vote!  

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

The people get to speak every 4 years.


A lot has been learned by "the people" since Biden was put in the White House.


They might wonder why an FBI Official pleaded Guilty to forging a FISA document, is not "languishing in jail",  among other things :)


We'll see what they think about it all the next time they get to vote!  

But presumably not why Trump had all those secret documents poorly unsecured at his resort lots of people visit or why the Saudis gave his son in law $2billion for no apparent reason.

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22 minutes ago, altus said:

But presumably not why Trump had all those secret documents poorly unsecured at his resort lots of people visit or why the Saudis gave his son in law $2billion for no apparent reason.

You presume wrong!


They'll have that information force fed to them by the Democrats and their Media pals.


Then they'll decide! :)



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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You presume wrong!


They'll have that information force fed to them by the Democrats and their Media pals.


Then they'll decide! :)



So handing Trump a rope and watching whilst he tied his own noose has turned Fox News into Democrat media pals has it?

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13 hours ago, altus said:

So handing Trump a rope and watching whilst he tied his own noose has turned Fox News into Democrat media pals has it?

Well, the Pelosi/Schiff/Nadler were in charge of the rope supply for 4 years. They tried everything!


The voters were less than impressed, and threw them out.


So where are they now?


And look!


Trump is the Leading candidate for Pres, in 2024, according to the polls! 


Let's hear it for democracy! :)


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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Well, the Pelosi/Schiff/Nadler were in charge of the rope supply for 4 years. They tried everything!


The voters were less than impressed, and threw them out.


So where are they now?


And look!


Trump is the Leading candidate for Pres, in 2024, according to the polls! 


Let's hear it for democracy! :)


Don’t know the others but Pelosi comes across as a nasty piece of work .

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16 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Don’t know the others but Pelosi comes across as a nasty piece of work .

One of the most enjoyable moments of Trump getting into the oval office was the thought of Ms Perlosi and her sanctimonious mates cringing with embarrassment after they promised he would never be president.


They have been after him ever since.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

One of the most enjoyable moments of Trump getting into the oval office was the thought of Ms Perlosi and her sanctimonious mates cringing with embarrassment after they promised he would never be president.


They have been after him ever since.

An obsession, like no other.


A very dangerous one, that is infectious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a time when questioning Democrats, the Media gave a pass, a nod and a wink to any criticism of Democrats. Many still do.


But when folks have to start putting face masks on to deal with the stench coming from that giant sausage making machine,  called Washington, D.C. it gets harder and harder to label it all conspiracy theory.


After some 7 years of losing customers and credibility, some in the MSM are beginning to take some of the charges seriously. Even if it's only to point out to their readers, that they did actually cover the matter, as the huge uncertainty about the next election grows.


Like some posters here, they want to be seen as "being right all along!"  :)


The "narrative" for 7 years, that one of the duly constituted political Parties is full of evil people, who are always wrong,  and one is good and pure as the driven snow, and is always right, is breaking down. No rational person believes that.


So, for whatever self servicing reasons, they have, some are questioning their own 7 year "narrative".


CBS and the Wall street Journal (no friends of Trump, they) have recently weighed in to the so called "conspiracy theories", and found some troubling questions that need to be answered.



Throw Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal in the Trash
The IRS whistleblowers say Justice sabotaged the investigation, so how can the agreement stand?CBS NEWS

IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden probe says he was stopped from pursuing investigative leads into "dad" or the "big guy"






IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden probe says he was stopped from pursuing investigative leads into "dad" or the "big guy"






Hunter Biden's former business partner was willing to go before a grand jury. He never got the chance.


"A former business partner of Hunter and James Biden, who worked directly with them on a 2017 China energy deal, was never asked to testify to a Delaware grand jury investigating Hunter Biden, two sources familiar with the discussions tell CBS News.


"Tony Bobulinski, the former business partner, was open to testifying, and his attorney reached out to the office of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss. Weiss did not return their calls, the sources said. Weiss' decision not to bring Bobulinski is the latest indication that prosecutors investigating Hunter Biden may have avoided investigating allegations about his father, President Joe Biden".




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Here they go again!


The most corrupt, blatantly lawless Administration in U.S. history!



Wall Street Journal

Judge Orders Biden Officials to Limit Contact With Social-Media Companies

"Ruling says Biden administration policing of social media likely violated First Amendment"

Censoring all things Hunter Biden BEFORE the election. Along with their pals in the Media.


Then the "Letter signed by  51 Former Senior Intelligence Officers" claiming that the Hunter Biden Laptop had "all the earmarks of Russian disinformation", before the election.


Then covering up Biden's mishandling of Classified papers, again, before the election.


Then the FBI, forging, law breaking and "Russian Collusion" Investigations.


2 (cout 'em) partisan Impeachments., and 4 years of Pelosi investigating and dragging before Congress, everyone and anyone who had ever associated with Trump.


Then the Democratic State Attorney's-General ganging up to indict Trump over anything they though the Media would buy! From expense account padding, to paying hush money to a hooker, to a fake rape charge, to whatever is going now, something about The Espionage Act.


This stuff is actually surreal, in its sheer scale of corruption.

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