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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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America is probably one of if not the most corrupt country in the western world.

And to think they have the brass neck to fly across the globe telling other countries how they should behave. 

It would be laughable if it weren't so twisted. 

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

America is probably one of if not the most corrupt country in the western world.

And to think they have the brass neck to fly across the globe telling other countries how they should behave. 

It would be laughable if it weren't so twisted. 

Politics has always been corrupt.


But in the past they would have never gotten away with it!


But this time, they have managed to corrupt the MSM also.


The Free Press, and Freedom of Speech, necessary safeguard to democracy, as the Founding Fathers intended it to be?


No more!


That's the sad and chilling part.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's three real stubborn, obstinate women, who have succeeded in their careers, and who refused to be silenced, by the unholy Washington cadre of partisan Media, corrupt political agencies, and the Biden White House. in the biggest political corruption scandal in U.S. History.


They are testifying under oath, at risk of perjury charges, by these same Agencies, and it's all on public record.


Conspiracy theorists?


Or very brave fighters for truth and integrity?








Edited by trastrick
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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Here's three real stubborn, obstinate women, who have succeeded in their careers, and who refused to be silenced, by the unholy Washington cadre of partisan Media, corrupt political agencies, and the Biden White House. in the biggest political corruption scandal in U.S. History.


They are testifying under oath, at risk of perjury charges, by these same Agencies, and it's all on public record.


Conspiracy theorists?


Or very brave fighters for truth and integrity?








My bold.

That would be my pick 👍

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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Here's three real stubborn, obstinate women, who have succeeded in their careers, and who refused to be silenced, by the unholy Washington cadre of partisan Media, corrupt political agencies, and the Biden White House. in the biggest political corruption scandal in U.S. History.


They are testifying under oath, at risk of perjury charges, by these same Agencies, and it's all on public record.


Conspiracy theorists?


Or very brave fighters for truth and integrity?









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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

 Hunter Biden's laptop.  But of course it is :hihi:  .


It's all a bit sad, really, especially for those marks who believe these serial grifters:


The MAGA persecution complex is eating itself to death




Stephen K. Bannon, a spiritual leader of the Trumpist right, infamously declared in 2018 that the secret to political warfare was “to flood the zone with s--t.” For many observers, this quote continues to capture the perils of our “post-truth” moment: Our democratic culture remains deeply vulnerable to being swamped by disinformation.

But with Donald Trump out of the presidency and his allies in Congress mired in infighting, we’re now seeing what happens when the zone gets so flooded with excrement that it threatens to drown the MAGA movement itself.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) chaired a House Judiciary Committee hearing last week that purported to expose the FBI’s “weaponization” against conservatives. But GOP lawmakers floated so many allegations and conspiracy theories that the spectacle devolved into a haphazard, scattered mess with no storylines developed in meaningful depth. ...


Blame it on the “MAGA persecution complex” — the vast array of outlets in the right-wing media ecosystem that incentivizes GOP lawmakers to pander to conservative victimization and grievance. It’s feasting on so many claims of persecution that it’s essentially eating itself to death.



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