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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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26 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Silly sausage.  It even says more or less the same thing in your link :hihi: .

The next link down...



The Constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again:


"two prominent conservative legal scholars have made the case that the Constitution disqualifies former President Trump from public office.


Last week, law professors William Baude of the University of Chicago and Michael Stokes Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas — both members of the conservative Federalist Society — argued in a law review article that Trump is already constitutionally forbidden from serving in public office because of Section Three of the 14th Amendment.


This section, also known as the Disqualification Clause, bars from office any government officer who takes an oath to defend the Constitution and then engages in or aids an insurrection against the United States. Only a two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress can act to remove such disability.


It should not come as a surprise that Trump meets this standard."




A Democrat plot... obvs 🤣

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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

They indicated they would most likely charge Biden in California or Washington, D.C

Yup!  :)


That's like trying Boris in Sheffield!  :)


But I believe the Disqualification Clause, requires the Bribery, Espionage, Russian Collusion, Treason, Rape, and the dozens more charges they throw at the wall, specifically requires that any such charges be adjudicated in a Duly Constituted Court of Law, where the defendant is found "Guilty as Charged", (and all appeals have been exhausted!)


Not surprising this is left out. Nancy Pelosi, one of the two top Lawmakers in the Land, said,  during one of her failed Impeachments, "We cannot wait for the Courts".


Like some "friends of the earth, who can't bear waiting for catastrophic climate change to kick in, and start setting fires!  :)




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34 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Yup!  :)


That's like trying Boris in Sheffield!  :)

Ah, like Trump's lawyer's wanting to move his trial from DC to West Virginia, yet are happy with the Florida location and Trump-nominated, Federalist Society member judge for a different trial.  I see.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Yup!  :)


That's like trying Boris in Sheffield!  :)


But I believe the Disqualification Clause, requires the Bribery, Espionage, Russian Collusion, Treason, Rape, and the dozens more charges they throw at the wall, specifically requires that any such charges be adjudicated in a Duly Constituted Court of Law, where the defendant is found "Guilty as Charged", (and all appeals have been exhausted!)


Not surprising this is left out. Nancy Pelosi, one of the two top Lawmakers in the Land, said,  during one of her failed Impeachments, "We cannot wait for the Courts".


Like some "friends of the earth, who can't bear waiting for catastrophic climate change to kick in, and start setting fires!  :)




when you make very important people look like complete fools, expect them to never forget it.



Just saying.






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20 hours ago, trastrick said:

Nancy Pelosi, one of the two top Lawmakers in the Land, said,  during one of her failed Impeachments, "We cannot wait for the Courts".

Fortunately, didn't have to... voters binned him! :thumbsup:


The courts have caught up now though, as it was inevitable they always would, given the staggering betrayal of the oaths of office.

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Filed under the drip, drip, drip Biden Family Investigation by the majority U.S. Congressional Oversight Committee.


(The COC's) "inquiry identified at least three pseudonym email accounts Joe Biden used under the names Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware".


At least?


Perhaps that's why their THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that the Big Guy referred to by Hunter is none other than you know who, and the money trail is difficult to pin down.


The COC are just a body of politicians, without the investigatory resources of Biden';s Justice Dept, and FBI, so their oversight investigations are very limited indeed,, without the co-operation of Biden's Law Enforcement Agencies,


They refuse to answer questions about the Biden Laptop they have been hiding since before the last Presidential Election, and which they attempted, and failed, to dismiss as "Russian Misinformation"  :)


So the duly elected, but limited, Congressional Oversight Committee face a hard task, given the massive opposition they face, not the least of which is a Biden Administration supporting MSM. 


But in the past, "Such private pseudonym accounts have caused heartburn for prior politicians. Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server led to a full-blown FBI criminal investigation that tarnished her 2016 campaign. Mitt Romney, likewise, was forced to admit he had a Twitter account under the  pseudonym Pierre Delecto".


I wish them well!



Pseudonym Joe: How Biden used personal email to share some government business with son Hunter





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21 hours ago, trastrick said:

Perhaps that's why their THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that the Big Guy referred to by Hunter is none other than you know who, and the money trail is difficult to pin down.

Well I'm glad we can finally agree, there is no evidence whatsoever... zilch...


...but you doing the very thing you've spent the last 4 years whining about anyone else doing... always, priceless! 🤣




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