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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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It was odd when David Weiss spent 5 years investigating Hunter Biden, and allowed the Statute of Limitations to run out on some serious felony charges that could have been brought against Hunter.


It was odder that Weiss came up with a "Sweetheart Deal" plea deal, that Biden Lawyers claimed guaranteed that Hunter would be immune from further prosecution, A lifetime immunity.


A deal that smelled so bad even the Judge threw it out!


It was even odder still, when Weiss actually asked to be appointed Special Prosecutor in the Hunter case. That is not how Special "independent" Prosecutors are chosen.


It was even odder still when the AG Garland, immediately approved the appointment, without consulting Republicans.


Which led to some curiosity about Weiss's credentials, other than the fact he had "been appointed U.S. Attorney, by Trump" according the the Democrat and MSM "narrative"


(In truth "he returned to the Delaware U.S. Attorney's office as First Assistant U.S. Attorney in 2007.[2] Weiss was serving as acting U.S. Attorney for Delaware when he was nominated to the permanent position by then-president Donald Trump" in 2018.  -WIKI)


With this sort of baggage accumulating, there has been new interest in who Weiss really is and what is he really up to.


Now it appears that just a rudimentary background check, would have revealed that (Delaware)Weiss had been associated with the Biden Delaware family through his relationship with dear departed Beau Biden.


The Washington Post's belated investigatory (5 years late) reveals the details of the Weiss-Biden relationship in this report, which raises more questions, about the fix being in in the Washington D.C. Swamp.


Washington Post

Before investigating Hunter Biden, prosecutor worked with brother Beau


"WILMINGTON, Del. — When Delaware’s acting U.S. attorney David C. Weiss celebrated a fraud conviction in 2010, he was joined by a key partner in the case: Beau Biden, the state’s attorney general.


"Weiss worked with Joe Biden’s eldest son to hash out prosecution strategies. “We will continue to aggressively pursue all types of fraud in order to protect the public,” Weiss said in his part of a statement with Beau Biden on the fraud case.


"Today, that little-known history highlights the deep challenges Weiss faces as he pursues a newly recharged investigation into Beau’s brother, Hunter Biden, in a small state long politically dominated by their father.


"Although Democrats point to Weiss’s appointment by President Donald Trump as evidence of his independence, the full story of his career is more nuanced, as he spent two years as acting U.S. attorney under President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden and then remained as a top deputy for the remainder of their term".


Which raises the simple question of just how "independent" this Independent Special Prosecutor really is.


But a more chilling and complicated question is emerging:


Given the 6 years series of Russian Collusion Hoax, malfeasance at the FBI including forgery, and "incompetence and mistakes" and "failure to observe the law, and "Intelligence Officials who sign the infamous 51 signature laptop Russian Misinformation Letter, just how far does this "effort" to destroy Trump actually go?


It is odd, that the malfeasance, incompetence and honest mistakes, were all to the benefit of the Democrats, not one in favor of Republicans.


Hopefully it will all become clear at some point!


Anyone in the U.S.,who cares about democracy, should be banging on the doors of their politicians for some answers.



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5 hours ago, trastrick said:


Hopefully it will all become clear at some point!

Anyone in the U.S.,who cares about democracy, should be banging on the doors of their politicians for some answers.

  We have given up on all this becoming clear, all we seem to be fed by you is a repetition of the same story by political commentators selected by 

   As to the issue of Americans and Democracy, just add the words Trump, Insurrection. Threats, Fulton County, etc., etc.



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8 hours ago, trastrick said:



Anyone in the U.S.,who cares about democracy, should be banging on the doors of their politicians for some answers.



What they need is a Consultant 

Why not offer your services pro bono.

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11 hours ago, RJRB said:

What they need is a Consultant 

Why not offer your services pro bono.

Not a chance!  :)


I'm now just an observer.


After helping my clients reach their goals, I turned whatever talents I had to my own retirement "project".


I wanted to leave dysfunctional socialism behind, and live modestly on a beautiful tropical island, surrounded by the wonders of nature, along with resourceful and common sense, independent and happy folks, who know the secret of a happy life, freedom, love of family, friends and community.


(Lowers his voice, like old Joe Biden, and whispers, "And guess what", I now live modestly  on a beautiful tropical island, surrounded by the wonders of nature, along with resourceful and common sense, independent and happy folks, who know the secret of a happy life, freedom, love of family, friends and community.!".)


May you all find that happy place, you deserve!



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31 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Not a chance!  :)


I'm now just an observer.


After helping my clients reach their goals, I turned whatever talents I had to my own retirement "project".


I wanted to leave dysfunctional socialism behind, and live modestly on a beautiful tropical island, surrounded by the wonders of nature, along with resourceful and common sense, independent and happy folks, who know the secret of a happy life, freedom, love of family, friends and community.


(Lowers his voice, like old Joe Biden, and whispers, "And guess what", I now live modestly  on a beautiful tropical island, surrounded by the wonders of nature, along with resourceful and common sense, independent and happy folks, who know the secret of a happy life, freedom, love of family, friends and community.!".)


May you all find that happy place, you deserve!



Hmmm... :huh:

It must be nice to lead such a contented life...

... with nothing better to do than spend hours and hours on here with the rest of the trolls! :hihi:


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19 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

It must be nice to lead such a contented life...

... with nothing better to do than spend hours and hours on here with the rest of the trolls! :hihi:




It's my way of staying in touch with my roots, remembering where I came from.


But I do limit my time here.


I'm accused of "running away" all the time, by the real anonymous keyboard warrior trolls!  :)


So much to do, so little time!




Edited by trastrick
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9 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Just watched another Biden video.

I've said many times and now I'll repeat. The man is unwell. He needs removing from office. To keep him there is elder abuse 

i saw some of those videos the other day OMG how can he still be in office he is a bumbling old man he cant string any sort of sentence together and looks like he's on some tranquiliser ! cant wait for Trump to be back.

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1 hour ago, ab6262 said:

i saw some of those videos the other day OMG how can he still be in office he is a bumbling old man he cant string any sort of sentence together and looks like he's on som' tranquiliser ! cant wait for Trump to be back.

    Another one who wants Trump to 'win the race' to become the oldest ever President. 

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