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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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10 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  Your Houston Independent School District 2015 blog entry on the National Trust Peak also needs correcting- that entity is a figment of your imagination.

Please feel free to make the correction  :)


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When Hillary was raising $billions for her "charitable" Foundation from foreign oligarchs, she used a personal server installed in her bathroom for her personal and State Department emails.


So when said emails were subpoenaed by Congress, she "helped" them out by separating her Official emails from he private ones.


She deleted 33,000 of them;


She of course, got a pass from her boss, Obama's FBI and Justice Department, who showed a distinct lack of interest in prosecuting her. :)


Fast forward to Biden.


As a result of banking records showing $millions of foreign money, going to his family members, Congress has subpoenaed his emails, and they are also being sought by various entities under the FOI Act.


Turns out his excellent trick was to hide his emails by using an as yet unknown number of pseudonyms (No not "the "Big Guy" :) )


And of course his own FBI and Justice Department, have no interest in prosecuting him either. On the contrary they were happy to give Hunter a sweetheart plea deal to make it all go away!  :)


As my partner would say, "Aye, yi, yi!"

Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

When Hillary was raising $billions for her "charitable" Foundation from foreign oligarchs, she used a personal server installed in her bathroom for her personal and State Department emails.

As did Trump, Ivanka, Jared, K.T. McFarland, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Reince Priebus & Gary Cohn:





2 hours ago, trastrick said:

She of course, got a pass from her boss, Obama's FBI and Justice Department, who showed a distinct lack of interest in prosecuting her.

As did Trump, across the board, despite many instances being way more serious than anything Hillary was ever accused of.




2 hours ago, trastrick said:

As a result of banking records showing $millions of foreign money, going to his family members, Congress has subpoenaed his emails, and they are also being sought by various entities under the FOI Act.

Well let's hope they turn up more than anything Republicans have managed so far... precisely zilch :?


Bad new for Jared though:



Millions is soooo last year! 🤣




2 hours ago, trastrick said:

And of course his own FBI and Justice Department, have no interest in prosecuting him either. On the contrary they were happy to give Hunter a sweetheart plea deal to make it all go away!

Sounds familiar:






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  • 2 weeks later...
27 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

BBC News - House of Representatives to open Biden impeachment inquiry


@trastrick right now...







I won't going into orgiastic fits, until he, Jill, Hunter, and James are dragged kicking and screaming from the White House, in leg irons, and orange jumpsuits, with a mug shot of Joe, without his false teeth and Tom Cruise sunglasses!  :)


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16 minutes ago, geared said:

This will follow the same route as the impeachment of Trump won't it?


Alot of fuss and noise, but when it comes down to it they've never got a hope of actually winning the vote to make it happen.

The Republicans have been trying to find something to impeach Biden on for eight months and haven't found anything yet.


There are more than enough Republican representatives sceptical of impeaching Biden to stop it even getting past the first hurdle.

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