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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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36 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Did he unfreeze funds to the tune of 6 billion to Iran as a sweetner?

If you're going to try and make it about the money rather than the prisoner swap you're going to have to defend Trump's deal allowing the Iranians to sell oil that resulted in that $6 billion existing in the first place.

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10 minutes ago, altus said:

If you're going to try and make it about the money rather than the prisoner swap you're going to have to defend Trump's deal allowing the Iranians to sell oil that resulted in that $6 billion existing in the first place.

My point still stands, as it's not even comparable.

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Wonder what the Mourner in Chief, is going to do about the the latest War.


Probably tell us the Dear Departed Beau story again, to show he feels your pain!


Amazing how the world is falling apart, and the MSM won't ask Biden or Obama any questions on the matter.


They manage to sail through it all, with nothing but adulation from the press, and the go to standard that it's all Trump's fault.




Aside from a brief garbled, and soul less teleprompter readout, with his standard assurance to our beleaguered allies, "we have your back", then he ran for the exits without taking a question.


"We have your back" has so far given little comfort to Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel or Taiwan.  :)


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Since the creation of the State of Israel all world leaders including US Presidents have inherited the impossible task of a long standing peace agreement.

What the hell can any US president do to achieve this?

Palestinians will never trust the US for the obvious reason that whatever the rights and wrongs the Jewish vote is all important.




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11 minutes ago, RJRB said:

What the hell can any US president do to achieve this?

In your worldview, obviously nothing!


But greater leaders have been able to keep the World at relative peace in the past, and will do so again, given the chance!


When Trump made a promise to MAGA, Obama responded much like you:



I'll leave the words of Einstein to try and explain it to you:


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly".



Edited by trastrick
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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

In your worldview, obviously nothing!


But greater leaders have been able to keep the World at relative peace in the past, and will do so again, given the chance!


When Trump made a promise to MAGA, Obama responded much like you:



I'll leave the words of Einstein to try and explain it to you:


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly".



In my experience nothing of a lasting nature.

The Middle East,the Balkans,Afghanistan,Vietnam ,Korea.USSR and its’ satellite States

All have simmered or flared up during my lifetime and that will probably continue for my grandchildren’s lifetime.

My mediocre mind can understand the aspirations of others but as they say fine words butter no parsnips

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11 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

I have to say when I first saw him , I thought this guy has problems ,dementia sprung to mind 

I'd go further and say he's not only suffering from dementia but also elder abuse 

The man's not well, his family, colleagues and handlers must know this yet he's rolled out time and again to give incoherent ramblings to a smattering of people then rolled back in again before he goes off subject or makes another embarrassing gaff. 

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