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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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9 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Trumps only hope of winning is if Biden runs.


The democrats, like Labour just don't learn.

It really doesn't matter if Biden runs or not. He only the Left's empty suit placeholder anyway.


Come the election, it will be close whoever runs. The Left are well entrenched in the entire spectrum of government, academia, education, Media, sports and culture.

Edited by trastrick
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9 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I can't see Trump winning if I'm honest.

The democrats have tried everything to blacken his name, have him arrested, ruin his businesses, get him locked up in prison. 

I really can't see them allowing him to win.


By rights, he should be out of the picture. They've used every slash and burn technique in the books to destroy him.


It really is an obsession!


But right wing Great Satans,  who have been written off, have a habit of popping back up when you least expect it, like Trump and Netanyahu, and the others in Europe and S. America.


Hard-right politics grow across the globe



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16 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Now President Biden is going to be impeached 


You see what the idiot lefties have started 


I said that it's gonna be used on every single president now 


The democrats only have themselves to blame 

It's about time. Beijing Biden has been getting away with his corruption for too long. 


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15 minutes ago, cressida said:

It must be serious then,  what's he done?

Is there evidence that Joe Biden committed wrongdoing?


Republicans have accused the president and his family of profiting from his time as vice-president and have zeroed in on his son, Hunter, who had business ventures in Ukraine and China during that period.

Congressional investigators have obtained nearly 40,000 pages of subpoenaed bank records and dozens of hours of testimony from key witnesses, but while investigations have raised ethical questions, no evidence has emerged that Biden acted corruptly or accepted bribes in his current or previous role.


In July, one of Hunter Biden’s former business associates, Devon Archer, gave sworn testimony to congressional investigators that Hunter had sold his foreign clients “an illusion of access to his father”. Archer recounted how Hunter would put his father on speakerphone to impress clients and business associates, however he also stated that Joe Biden was never directly involved in their financial dealings.


Republicans have also pointed to a couple of falsehoods in Biden’s public statements about his son’s business dealings. For example, during the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden said that his son had never made any money off business transactions in China. That was later contradicted by Hunter Biden himself.




In my opinion it's a load of petty nonsense but the democrats have brought this on with their incessant attacks and unwaivering attempts to get Trump on something ever since he embarrassed them all in 2016.

Edited by Al Bundy
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8 hours ago, cressida said:

Seems a waste of money,  why not just take Hunter Biden to court.

Biden/s  FBI, IRS, and the Justice Department and his lawyers agreed to a sweetheart plea deal, if he paid a fine on the illegal gun deal, and paid back all his taxes, which his lawyers insisted would end all future charges against him, and prevent Joe's dirty linen coming out!


The Judge embarrassed them all by throwing it out!


So here we are!


They weren't so generous with a  74 year old Trump Corporate CEO, who padded his expense account and didn't pat taxes on his company car!


A first time offender, he was sent to the infamous Riker's Island for a stint in prison.



Ex-Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg sentenced to 5 ...

https://www.politico.com › news › 2023/01/10 › tru...


Jan 10, 2023 — Ex-Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg sentenced to 5 months in jail for tax fraud. The judge said Weisselberg could have faced more time in jail ...

Edited by trastrick
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