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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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Biden is too old and has too many problems to hold the position of POTUS.


Trump is also too old, too stupid, too deranged too incompetent and too  corrupt to be POTUS, https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-04-26/donald-trump-supreme-court-justices-corruption


Neither should be in the running to be President.  However,  Biden is more capable and less of a fool than Trump if those are the only choices.

Anyone still under the impression that Trump deserves a second term needs to look at this video and rethink their view,



The man is deranged, he is far less capable of rationality than Joe Biden, a man who himself struggles occasionally to express himself but is at least more lucid than Trump.




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9 hours ago, m williamson said:

The man is deranged, he is far less capable of rationality than Joe Biden, a man who himself struggles occasionally to express himself but is at least more lucid than Trump.


I suppose it depends on one's view of the value of World Peace, economic prosperity, low energy prices, secure borders, and vibrant safe cities.


Not to mention whether one gets their psychiatric diagnosis from a qualified academic background in the field, or whether it's just parroted from an MSM, that promoted Russian Collusion Conspiracy theories, and Russian Pee Tape Dossiers, for 3 years.

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:


I suppose it depends on one's view of the value of World Peace, economic prosperity, low energy prices, secure borders, and vibrant safe cities.


Not to mention whether one gets their psychiatric diagnosis from a qualified academic background in the field, or whether it's just parroted from an MSM, that promoted Russian Collusion Conspiracy theories, and Russian Pee Tape Dossiers, for 3 years.



Are you really that gullible that you believe that Trump is the one to bring about World Peace? Are you incapable of seeing the chess game that's playing out here?

America is the most powerful military nation in the world. The US has almost 800 military bases around the would. By comparison the UK has 145. The next most powerful military nations after the US are Russia, China, India and South Korea.



Trump prefers isolationism, he regards those who gave their lives for their country as losers because there was nothing in it for them personally. Trump has no comprehension of  how people think  who place the needs of others before their own needs because it's alien to him.

His ideal arrangement would be America turning its back on any peace keeping activities but continuing to make fantastic profit from the manufacture and supply of weaponry to both sides of any consequent wars. From a callous cold hearted business point of view it makes sense and can easily be sold to the America First Trump supporters. From a humanitarian viewpoint it is disgusting. From a long term viewpoint it's naive and counter productive. Once the countries that take advantage of Americas withdrawal have secured and subjected their expansion they won't stop there, eventually the land of the free and home of the brave will be on the agenda.


But first they need to get America out of the game, and Trumps the man who could do that for them.







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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

His ideal arrangement would be America turning its back on any peace keeping activities but continuing to make fantastic profit from the manufacture and supply of weaponry to both sides of any consequent wars. From a callous cold hearted business point of view it makes sense and can easily be sold to the America First Trump supporters. From a humanitarian viewpoint it is disgusting.


Whoa there, fella!


Trump's foreign policy is to END those endless and unwinnable foreign wars.


He did it during his first term. Biden is the one that is racking up Wars in Europe, the Middle East, Yemen, soon to be Taiwan, and every sane observer agrees, including Biden himself, that we are closer to WW3 than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.


He has made it clear. He wants to  humiliate Russia, devastate their economy, and encourage Russians to overthrow their Leader, and presumably bring Russia into his New Rules Based Liberal World Order!


"In God's name, this man can not remain in power" he declares.


Good look with THAT one!  Regime Change on steroids.


The man is deluded. God is not amused!


Who's making the profits on American arms exports all over the world? 😀


1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Are you really that gullible that you believe that Trump is the one to bring about World Peace? Are you incapable of seeing the chess game that's playing out here?


I don't consider myself gullible, but I do support his Presidency.


So do many others, outside your Media Linked Washington Leftist Bubble.


Like these folks.


In a show of unity that is currently driving the your MSM batty, Congressional Republicans fell in line behind the obvious Leader of the Republican Party, leading up to the November election.


Including the Dems favorite Republicans, and former critics of Trump, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Nikki Haley!


I guess there's no more gigs on CNN for Mich, Mitt, and Nikki!😀


See for yourself:




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2 hours ago, m williamson said:



Are you really that gullible that you believe that Trump is the one to bring about World Peace? Are you incapable of seeing the chess game that's playing out here?

America is the most powerful military nation in the world. The US has almost 800 military bases around the would. By comparison the UK has 145. The next most powerful military nations after the US are Russia, China, India and South Korea.



Trump prefers isolationism, he regards those who gave their lives for their country as losers because there was nothing in it for them personally. Trump has no comprehension of  how people think  who place the needs of others before their own needs because it's alien to him.

His ideal arrangement would be America turning its back on any peace keeping activities but continuing to make fantastic profit from the manufacture and supply of weaponry to both sides of any consequent wars. From a callous cold hearted business point of view it makes sense and can easily be sold to the America First Trump supporters. From a humanitarian viewpoint it is disgusting. From a long term viewpoint it's naive and counter productive. Once the countries that take advantage of Americas withdrawal have secured and subjected their expansion they won't stop there, eventually the land of the free and home of the brave will be on the agenda.


But first they need to get America out of the game, and Trumps the man who could do that for them.








So much ignorance

So much hate.

Msm have really done a job on you.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:


So much ignorance

So much hate.

Msm have really done a job on you.



So much stupidity and adoration of an immoral, misogynistic, lying, racist insulter of genuine hero's and the handicapped. 



You must have led a sad life in order to hold such abhorrent views.


And by the way, Hate is an overused word. I've only ever hated two people in my long life, disliked and held in a degree of contempt, a few, but hated only two. One I dealt with because I believe in revenge, the other unfortunately I can't because it would create problems for people I care about.


Your lack of comprehension and ability to do some actual research into things has definitely done a number on you.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


Whoa there, fella!


Trump's foreign policy is to END those endless and unwinnable foreign wars.


He did it during his first term. Biden is the one that is racking up Wars in Europe, the Middle East, Yemen, soon to be Taiwan, and every sane observer agrees, including Biden himself, that we are closer to WW3 than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.


He has made it clear. He wants to  humiliate Russia, devastate their economy, and encourage Russians to overthrow their Leader, and presumably bring Russia into his New Rules Based Liberal World Order!


"In God's name, this man can not remain in power" he declares.


Good look with THAT one!  Regime Change on steroids.


The man is deluded. God is not amused!


Who's making the profits on American arms exports all over the world? 😀



I don't consider myself gullible, but I do support his Presidency.


So do many others, outside your Media Linked Washington Leftist Bubble.


Like these folks.


In a show of unity that is currently driving the your MSM batty, Congressional Republicans fell in line behind the obvious Leader of the Republican Party, leading up to the November election.


Including the Dems favorite Republicans, and former critics of Trump, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Nikki Haley!


I guess there's no more gigs on CNN for Mich, Mitt, and Nikki!😀


See for yourself:





Gullible isn't a strong enough description for you.  You actually believe that a man who has spent his entire life demonstrating what an over privileged spoilt brat of a self serving narcissist he is is the answer to world peace?


A niece of mine is an American from Wisconsin, she and her entire family are Republicans. She is a really great woman, she totally detests Trump, believes that he is an embarrassment to both the Republican Party and to America. Despite which, she will vote Republican because that's how wide the divide is.


She has the excuse of party loyalty, what's your excuse for supporting a piece of excrement that would be in jail if he didn't have money?





Watch this video, then come back and explain how you can have anything but contempt for Trump.

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4 hours ago, m williamson said:



Are you really that gullible that you believe that Trump is the one to bring about World Peace? Are you incapable of seeing the chess game that's playing out here?

America is the most powerful military nation in the world. The US has almost 800 military bases around the would. By comparison the UK has 145. The next most powerful military nations after the US are Russia, China, India and South Korea.



Trump prefers isolationism, he regards those who gave their lives for their country as losers because there was nothing in it for them personally. Trump has no comprehension of  how people think  who place the needs of others before their own needs because it's alien to him.

His ideal arrangement would be America turning its back on any peace keeping activities but continuing to make fantastic profit from the manufacture and supply of weaponry to both sides of any consequent wars. From a callous cold hearted business point of view it makes sense and can easily be sold to the America First Trump supporters. From a humanitarian viewpoint it is disgusting. From a long term viewpoint it's naive and counter productive. Once the countries that take advantage of Americas withdrawal have secured and subjected their expansion they won't stop there, eventually the land of the free and home of the brave will be on the agenda.


But first they need to get America out of the game, and Trumps the man who could do that for them.







Cobblers . 

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13 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Cobblers . 


A well thought out and lucid response. Not in anyway surprising though, given the way you usually respond with some nonsensical one liner or emoji which appears to be the extent of your intellectual ability.


Have a lie down.

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2 minutes ago, m williamson said:


A well thought out and lucid response. Not in anyway surprising though, given the way you usually respond with some nonsensical one liner or emoji which appears to be the extent of your intellectual ability.


Have a lie down.

I am  :thumbsup:

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