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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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2 hours ago, Longcol said:


As far as I can see, Trump way outdoes any leader in a democracy.




That level of lying is way off the scale.


Ah, the old chestnut from four years ago.


You can't see past the now laughable  accusations of the left wing MSM floated by the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, et al. in their FAILED crusade of lies to prevent their election of their principal political opponent.


Their halcyon days of them feeding a  new "bombshell" accusation every day to their avid dupes. are over. After the Official Investigations have been conducted and completed.


The ("unprecedented" says the WP) rush to "correct", "amend" and outright "remove" fallacious and poorly sourced third hand reports, led to editorial changes and resignations and firings of so called journalists at NYT, WP, CNN and NPR. the main perpetrators. The repercussions are still being felt today in the all these propaganda organs.


Notable hoaxes were:


"Russian Collusion" "Pee Tapes, of 2016


"Russian Laptop Disinformation" of 2020, and


The attempt to install a mentally and physically incapable and unfit for office candidate for President in 2024. "Sharp as a tack", they all crooned in unson!


As to Trump's 30,000 lies?


I took a look at this allegation some months ago.


I started at the top:


Washington Post.

Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president.


The opening salvo in the very first page of the article:


"He overstated the “carnage” he was inheriting, then later exaggerated his “massive” crowd and claimed, despite clear evidence to the contrary, that it had not rained during his address. He repeated the rain claim the next day, along with the fabricated notion that he held the “all-time record” for appearing on the cover of Time magazine.


"Over time, Trump unleashed his falsehoods with increasing frequency and ferocity, often by the scores in a single campaign speech or tweetstorm. What began as a relative trickle of misrepresentations, including 10 on his first day and five on the second, built into a torrent through Trump’s final days as he frenetically spread wild theories that the coronavirus pandemic would disappear “like a miracle” and that the presidential election had been stolen — the claim that inspired Trump supporters to attack Congress on Jan. 6 and prompted his second impeachment.Over time, Trump unleashed his falsehoods with increasing frequency and ferocity, often by the scores in a single campaign speech or tweetstorm. What began as a relative trickle of misrepresentations, including 10 on his first day and five on the second, built into a torrent through Trump’s final days as he frenetically spread wild theories that the coronavirus pandemic would disappear “like a miracle” and that the presidential election had been stolen — the claim that inspired Trump supporters to attack Congress on Jan. 6 and prompted his second impeachment".


Now he's been on the cover of Time Magazine 35 times., not a record, but impressive nonetheless.  Coronavirus has largely disappeared, and and a lot of the U.S. citizens, believe the election was "rigged" by Trump's political opposition, See above! 😃


Meanwhile, . (Biden says he was arrested 3 times. Not ONCE Joe, Lol)


Now it's not practical to analyse 30,000 of such "lies", for accuracy or import, (and the WP counts on that simple fact) so we turn to  CNN's "15 Worst Lies", for some brevity.



The 15 most notable lies of Donald Trump’s presidency

"Trying to pick the most notable lies from Donald Trump’s presidency is like trying to pick the most notable pieces of junk from the town dump.


There’s just so much ugly garbage to sift through before you can make a decision.

But I’m qualified for the dirty job. I fact checked every word uttered by this President from his inauguration day in January 2017 until September 2020 – when the daily number of lies got so unmanageably high that I had to start taking a pass on some of his remarks to preserve my health.


Trump got even worse after November 3. Since then, he has spent the final months of what has been a wildly dishonest presidency on a relentless and dangerous lying spree about the election he lost.


As the country grapples with the deadly consequences of this deception, I’ve selected the 15 Trump lies that stand out to me from his four years in power – for their importance, for their egregiousness, for their absurdity, or for what they say about the man.


The most telling lie: It didn’t rain on his inauguration

Trump began his presidency by lying about the weather.

It rained during Trump’s inaugural address. Then, at a celebratory ball later that day, Trump told the crowd that the rain “just never came” until he finished talking and went inside, at which point “it poured.”

This was the first lie of Trump’s presidency. Like his lies that same week about his inauguration crowd, it hinted at what would come next.

The President would say things that we could see with our own eyes were not true. And he would often do this brazen lying for no apparent strategic reason.



The most dangerous lie: The coronavirus was under control

This was more like a family of lies than a single lie. But each one – the lie that the virus was equivalent to the flu; the lie that the situation was “totally under control”; the lie that the virus was “disappearing” – suggested to Americans that they didn’t have to change much about their usual behavior.

A year into the crisis, more than 386,000 Americans have died from the virus.

We can’t say with precision how the crisis would have unfolded differently if Trump had been more truthful. But it’s reasonable to venture that his dishonesty led to a significant number of deaths.



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden offered an absolute guarantee Wednesday that people who get their COVID-19 vaccines are completely protected from infection, sickness and death from the coronavirus.


So there you have it!


Don't rely on 4 year old stories for your news. Politics, opinions, and MSM "narratives" can turn on a dime, in a New York Minute!

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16 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Absolutely matey. As a politician I have no time for him but as a human I genuinely feel sorry for the guy. I've called him some names in the past, I stand by those but christ, he's clearly very unwell. 

Yes, Sleepy Joe is looking increasingly tired.  He does look as though he could drop off mid way through a sentence. 


Biden: "Only the Almighty could compel me to quit."  And He might just do that! 

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:


Ah, the old chestnut from four years ago.


You can't see past the now laughable  accusations of the left wing MSM floated by the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, et al. in their FAILED crusade of lies to prevent their election of their principal political opponent.


Their halcyon days of them feeding a  new "bombshell" accusation every day to their avid dupes. are over. After the Official Investigations have been conducted and completed.


The ("unprecedented" says the WP) rush to "correct", "amend" and outright "remove" fallacious and poorly sourced third hand reports, led to editorial changes and resignations and firings of so called journalists at NYT, WP, CNN and NPR. the main perpetrators. The repercussions are still being felt today in the all these propaganda organs.


Notable hoaxes were:


"Russian Collusion" "Pee Tapes, of 2016


"Russian Laptop Disinformation" of 2020, and


The attempt to install a mentally and physically incapable and unfit for office candidate for President in 2024. "Sharp as a tack", they all crooned in unson!


As to Trump's 30,000 lies?


I took a look at this allegation some months ago.


I started at the top:


Washington Post.

Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president.


The opening salvo in the very first page of the article:


"He overstated the “carnage” he was inheriting, then later exaggerated his “massive” crowd and claimed, despite clear evidence to the contrary, that it had not rained during his address. He repeated the rain claim the next day, along with the fabricated notion that he held the “all-time record” for appearing on the cover of Time magazine.


"Over time, Trump unleashed his falsehoods with increasing frequency and ferocity, often by the scores in a single campaign speech or tweetstorm. What began as a relative trickle of misrepresentations, including 10 on his first day and five on the second, built into a torrent through Trump’s final days as he frenetically spread wild theories that the coronavirus pandemic would disappear “like a miracle” and that the presidential election had been stolen — the claim that inspired Trump supporters to attack Congress on Jan. 6 and prompted his second impeachment.Over time, Trump unleashed his falsehoods with increasing frequency and ferocity, often by the scores in a single campaign speech or tweetstorm. What began as a relative trickle of misrepresentations, including 10 on his first day and five on the second, built into a torrent through Trump’s final days as he frenetically spread wild theories that the coronavirus pandemic would disappear “like a miracle” and that the presidential election had been stolen — the claim that inspired Trump supporters to attack Congress on Jan. 6 and prompted his second impeachment".


Now he's been on the cover of Time Magazine 35 times., not a record, but impressive nonetheless.  Coronavirus has largely disappeared, and and a lot of the U.S. citizens, believe the election was "rigged" by Trump's political opposition, See above! 😃


Meanwhile, . (Biden says he was arrested 3 times. Not ONCE Joe, Lol)


Now it's not practical to analyse 30,000 of such "lies", for accuracy or import, (and the WP counts on that simple fact) so we turn to  CNN's "15 Worst Lies", for some brevity.



The 15 most notable lies of Donald Trump’s presidency

"Trying to pick the most notable lies from Donald Trump’s presidency is like trying to pick the most notable pieces of junk from the town dump.


There’s just so much ugly garbage to sift through before you can make a decision.

But I’m qualified for the dirty job. I fact checked every word uttered by this President from his inauguration day in January 2017 until September 2020 – when the daily number of lies got so unmanageably high that I had to start taking a pass on some of his remarks to preserve my health.


Trump got even worse after November 3. Since then, he has spent the final months of what has been a wildly dishonest presidency on a relentless and dangerous lying spree about the election he lost.


As the country grapples with the deadly consequences of this deception, I’ve selected the 15 Trump lies that stand out to me from his four years in power – for their importance, for their egregiousness, for their absurdity, or for what they say about the man.


The most telling lie: It didn’t rain on his inauguration

Trump began his presidency by lying about the weather.

It rained during Trump’s inaugural address. Then, at a celebratory ball later that day, Trump told the crowd that the rain “just never came” until he finished talking and went inside, at which point “it poured.”

This was the first lie of Trump’s presidency. Like his lies that same week about his inauguration crowd, it hinted at what would come next.

The President would say things that we could see with our own eyes were not true. And he would often do this brazen lying for no apparent strategic reason.



The most dangerous lie: The coronavirus was under control

This was more like a family of lies than a single lie. But each one – the lie that the virus was equivalent to the flu; the lie that the situation was “totally under control”; the lie that the virus was “disappearing” – suggested to Americans that they didn’t have to change much about their usual behavior.

A year into the crisis, more than 386,000 Americans have died from the virus.

We can’t say with precision how the crisis would have unfolded differently if Trump had been more truthful. But it’s reasonable to venture that his dishonesty led to a significant number of deaths.



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden offered an absolute guarantee Wednesday that people who get their COVID-19 vaccines are completely protected from infection, sickness and death from the coronavirus.


So there you have it!


Don't rely on 4 year old stories for your news. Politics, opinions, and MSM "narratives" can turn on a dime, in a New York Minute!

So you’re not keen on either then. :huh:

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In the UK the main steam media and the BBC set the establishment tone, rather than the government, in my opinion. I've always argued that the BBC in particular is establishment biased, but over my life time the establishment has moved from right to left, again in my opinion.

In the US I'm not sure what drives their establishment, I suspect though it's government departments, which explains in part the antipathy towards Trump and the fervour they have for persecuting him.

Mind you in a choice between Trump and Creepy Joe it's a matter of picking the least awful.

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden offered an absolute guarantee Wednesday that people who get their COVID-19 vaccines are completely protected from infection, sickness and death from the coronavirus.


     Your hypocrisy in using the MSM when it suites your bias, has caught you out yet again. Biden did not use  the words "absolute guaranteed" in 2021. It was Associated Press who interpreted the following answers Biden gave as an "absolute guarantee".


 “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

  “It may be possible, I know of none where they’re hospitalized, in ICU and or have passed  away so at a minimum I can say even if they did contract it, which I’m sorry they did, it’s such a tiny percentage and it’s not life threatening.” 

  “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.” 

  AP correctly pointed out that out of 159 000 000 fully vaccinated Americans 5,492 " people who tested positive for coronavirus and were hospitalized or died."

   It should be a worry to you that your bias so controls you that you can turn statistically significant data, with the help of the MSM you do not trust, into a 'lie'. 

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The main problem with Democracy is that it’s Democratic, no upper age barriers in respect of political leadership, but somehow common sense must come into the equation. Great minds don’t necessarily deteriorate with age, however the bodies that house them do tend to slow down far quicker. I’m age 77 and know far more than I did 50 years ago, however my body and my mind have their differences.

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1 hour ago, crookesey said:

So you’re not keen on either then. :huh:


Not true!


We've seen Trump's 4 years in office, and we've seen Biden's 3.


I firmly believe that Trump is by far the best candidate for U.S. President, based on his record, while in office.


Relative world peace

Middle East Peace Accords

No new wars

Ending endless wars

Low inflation

Real wages rising

Low unemployment

Strong borders

Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.

No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism
No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!




Feel free to list his accomplishments here.....😃




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24 minutes ago, trastrick said:


Not true!


We've seen Trump's 4 years in office, and we've seen Biden's 3.


I firmly believe that Trump is by far the best candidate for U.S. President, based on his record, while in office.


Relative world peace

Middle East Peace Accords

No new wars

Ending endless wars

Low inflation

Real wages rising

Low unemployment

Strong borders

Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.

No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism
No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!




Feel free to list his accomplishments here.....😃




He sometimes stays awake, and he doesn't always wander off

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

     Your hypocrisy in using the MSM when it suites your bias, has caught you out yet again. Biden did not use  the words "absolute guaranteed" in 2021. It was Associated Press who interpreted the following answers Biden gave as an "absolute guarantee".


 “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

  “It may be possible, I know of none where they’re hospitalized, in ICU and or have passed  away so at a minimum I can say even if they did contract it, which I’m sorry they did, it’s such a tiny percentage and it’s not life threatening.” 

  “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.” 

  AP correctly pointed out that out of 159 000 000 fully vaccinated Americans 5,492 " people who tested positive for coronavirus and were hospitalized or died."

   It should be a worry to you that your bias so controls you that you can turn statistically significant data, with the help of the MSM you do not trust, into a 'lie'. 


Hi, Annie. It's been a while.


Biden is still flogging the the Big Lie, of 2020, with the help of the MSM:


So this: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/the-white-house-spins-trumps-disinfectant-remarks/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-ai0BhDPARIsAB6hmP7FVxeaLnEug_O5S6IY5MJItjBryOxPK-BCdrhTSNBgx5xAZQnGPdMaAh2oEALw_wcB


A serious QUESTION to a scientific panel, a year before there was any cure for this "unknown virus"


when run through magic MSM blender becomes this:


What Drinking Bleach Would Do to You

The Atlantic

https://www.theatlantic.com › trump-bleach-coronavirus

Apr 24, 2020 — This was standard pandemic wisdom: Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (if you can find it) and wipe down high-touch surfaces often. The evening ...


and this:



"Donald Trump "told Americans all they had to do was inject bleach in themselves, remember that? Not a joke, you think I am making this up. Just take a real shot of UV light." - Joe Biden


Fortunately, for Democracy,  the U.S. electorate is not as trusting of their MSM , as they used to be, given the failed hoaxes and cover ups, they have been flogging to the great unwashed for the last 7 years, or so!😃

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11 hours ago, Longcol said:


Yeah - but the Washington Post. or say the New York Times, would be such a big win it would shut down nearly any criticism.


It's already a "big win" for Trump, without spending a dime on libel suits.😃


He's so far ahead in the polls, it would take a miracle, or an assassination to stop him. There's enough hate being ginned up against him by the MSM, that there is a distinct possibility that the latter solution, could be a reality, given recent U.S. history.


The Washington Post and the New York Times are now falling all over themselves to get the guy they officially Endorsed for President of the United States, and Leader of the Free World (and for whom they lied and covered up for 3 years) OUT of office.


To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave ...

The New York Times

https://www.nytimes.com › b


Opinion Joe Biden should step aside now

Washington Post

https://www.washingtonpost.com › frisch-biden-out-2024

4 days ago — Adam Frisch, a Democrat, is a candidate for the U.S. House in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District. During conversations I've had over the ...


You just need to keep up with the latest news! 😃



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