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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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17 hours ago, BigPP said:


This is what Trump  said, April 23:


"A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting.


So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it.


And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right?


And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that.


So that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."


Who else other than Trump would be bonkers enough to think that injecting disinfectant into the body or shining a bright light on or inside the body might treat Covid, or any other disease?


Here's a video of Dr Birx squirming in her seat as Trump peddles his nutcase theories.




Here's the full conversation in context.

The Context

The occasion was the daily News Conference by the President and his panel of health and science advisors.

The time was April, 2020, when there was no known antidote to the new virus. I would be almost a year before a vaccine was created, tested and administered. The discussion was about the latest ongoing research and developments.

The Conversation

The terms "bleach", "disinfectant" and "solar light" were raised first by:

"Bill Bryan: (23:27)
Thank you, Mr. vice president. Thank you, Mr. president, for this opportunity to do this today. Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Bill Bryan and I lead the science and technology directorate at the US Department of Homeland Security. Over the last several months, we’ve intensified the department’s R and D efforts to identify and deliver information that informs our response to COVID-19. S and T is working to identify, develop, deploy and deploy the tools and information to support our response to this crisis. As part of our efforts, we’re leveraging the capabilities of S and T’s National Biodefense Analysis and Counter Measure Center to study the biology of the COVID-19 virus. This center is a high biocontainment laboratory located in Frederick, Maryland. It was established in the early 2000’s in response to the amerithrax attacks and where we study, characterize, analyze and develop countermeasures for biological threats to the homeland.

Bill Bryan: (24:22)
We work closely with the CDC, FDA, HHS, and also our Department of Defense colleagues and many others. Yesterday, I shared the emerging results of our work that we’re doing now with the coronavirus task force and today I would like to share a certain trends that we believe are important. If I may have the first slide please. And while that’s coming up, our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus. So, let me illustrate with this first slide. If you look to the right, you’ll see that term half-life with a bunch of timestamps on there. First, let me tell you what a half-life is. We don’t measure the virus as far as how long will it live on a surface. We have to measure the decay of the virus in terms of its half-life because we don’t know certain-

Bill Bryan: (25:27)
… That has a bearing on how long the virus is going to be alive and active. So, we measure it in half-life because half-life doesn’t change. So, if you look at an 18 hour half-life, what you’re basically saying is that every 18 hours the life of the virus is cut in half. So, if you start with 1000 particles of the virus, in 18 hours you’re down to 500, and 18 hours after that you’re down to 250 and so on and so forth. That’s important as I explain the rest of the chart. If you look at the first three lines, when you see the word surface, we’re talking about non porous surfaces. Door handles, stainless steel, and if you look at as the temperature increases as the humidity increases with no sun involved, you can see how drastically the half-life goes down on that virus.

Bill Bryan: (26:09)
So, the virus is dying at a much more rapid pace just from exposure to higher temperatures and just from exposure to humidity. If you look at the fourth line, you inject the sunlight into that, you inject UV rays into that, the same effects on line two as 70 to 75 degrees with 80% humidity on the surface and look at line four but now you inject the sun, the half-life goes from six hours to two minutes. That’s how much of an impact UV rays has on the virus. The last two lines are aerosols, what does it do in the air? We have a very unique capability, I was discussing this with the president prior to coming out, he wanted me to convey it to you on how we do this. I believe we’re the only lab in the country that has this capability, but if you can imagine a five gallon Home Depot bucket, we’re able to take a particle, and this was design developed and designed by our folks at the NBAC. We’re able to take a particle of a virus and suspend it in the air inside of this drum and hit it with various temperatures, various humidity levels, multiple different kinds of environmental conditions to include sunlight. And we’re able to measure the decay of that virus while it’s suspended in the air. This is how we do our aerosol testing.

Bill Bryan: (27:22)
We worked with John Hopkins’ applied physics lab and we actually developed a larger drum to actually do more testing and it’s four times the size of that. So, this is the capability that we bring to this effort. So, in summary, within the conditions we’ve tested today, the virus in droplets of saliva survives best in indoors and dry conditions. The virus does not survive as well in droplets of saliva, and that’s important because a lot of testing being done is not necessarily being done, number one, with the COVID-19 virus and number two, in saliva or respiratory fluids. And thirdly, the virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight under these conditions. And when you look at that chart, look at the aerosol as you breathe it, you put it in a room, 70 to 75 degrees, 20% humidity, low humidity. Half-life is about an hour, but you get outside and it cuts down to a minute and a half. Very significant difference when it gets hit with UV rays. Mr. president, while there are many unknown links in the COVID-19 transmission chain, we believe these trends can support practical decision making to lower the risks associated with the virus. If I could have my next slide and while that comes up, you’ll see a number of some practical applications.

Bill Bryan: (28:34)
For example, increasing the temperature and humidity of potentially contaminated indoor spaces appears to reduce the stability of the virus, and extra care may be warranted for dry environments that do not have exposure to solar light. We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes. Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. This is not the end of our work. As we continue to characterize this virus and integrate our findings into practical applications to mitigate exposure and transmission. I would like to thank the president, thank the vice president for their ongoing support and leadership to the department and for their work in addressing this pandemic. I would also like to thank the scientists not only in S and T and the NBAC, but to the larger scientific and R and D community. Thank you very much.

Donald Trump: (29:46)
A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful. Steve, please".

Of course the  Trump hating Media are there for a negative "sound bite",  to lead tonight's news, or a negative reaction from his audience, and they thought they had found a couple.

The intrepid journalists even ignored common sense English grammar to do so, and omitted the question mark (?) after the question to make it seem like it was a statement, and not just an innocent question to the experts, about the subject at hand.

They've been milking this old cow for 4 years now so it's become embedded in consciousness of the great unwashed out there, like Russian Collusion, Pee Tapes, Russian Alpha Bank connections to Trump Tower, Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation, and Old Joe, is "as sharp as a tack"!

But there's only so much crapola you can throw at the public, before it begins to be insulting to their intelligence!

The U.S. is at that point now. 😃

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Oh. and by the way, the concept of the ingestion of bleach is not exactly bonkers!


Anybody with with strong opinions on these matters, should at least be aware that:


Chlorine – Chlorine is added to drinking water by many municipal water systems as a purification technique. However, it can be absorbed through physical consumption and through your skin while bathing.
Fluoride – Fluoride has been added to tap water for decades to help reduce tooth decay. However, it can be harmful to our health since it’s a neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor.



The concept of treating the public water supply to prevent illnesses is already well established. There may be a future in which the public water supply could be a fast and effective way of disseminating mass medical treatment to the population at large for unexpected pandemics.


After all, you and your family probably ingest bleach every day, in your water supply! 😃

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27 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Oh. and by the way, the concept of the ingestion of bleach is not exactly bonkers!


Anybody with with strong opinions on these matters, should at least be aware that:


Chlorine – Chlorine is added to drinking water by many municipal water systems as a purification technique. However, it can be absorbed through physical consumption and through your skin while bathing.
Fluoride – Fluoride has been added to tap water for decades to help reduce tooth decay. However, it can be harmful to our health since it’s a neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor.



The concept of treating the public water supply to prevent illnesses is already well established. There may be a future in which the public water supply could be a fast and effective way of disseminating mass medical treatment to the population at large for unexpected pandemics.


After all, you and your family probably ingest bleach every day, in your water supply! 😃


You're getting desperate now. Injection (which Trump suggested could be investigated) and ingestion (which you're trying to pass off as what he said) are not the same thing.


You can ingest food. If you try injecting it into anything other than your digestive tract you'll create likely serious problems.


Given how stupid some people are, Trump was very foolish/careless to ask about injecting disinfectant during a live press conference. It did result in people calling state helplines for advice about taking disinfectant for covid even if it nobody actually took it. (See Governors say Trump’s disinfectant comments prompted hundreds of poison center calls - Governors from both parties warn that people take what the president says seriously, even if he doesn’t.)


Arguments about whether it was always reported with a question mark are irrelevant. Question marks don't appear on live TV audio. If an automated captioning system is used, they're unlikely to appear in subtitles either.

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18 hours ago, m williamson said:


John McCain folded?  He was tortured to the extent that he was disabled for the rest of his life and had to have someone comb his hair for him because he had no use of his arms above shoulder height.



Everyone has a breaking point, except you I presume?  You'd be able to sustain continuous torture without any trouble.

He was offered release because of his fathers position and refused unless they let his comrades free as well.


Repeated "narratives" are so embedded in the public consciousness, that unless you've actually lived through the times, it is almost impossible to refute them. I do my best, for my own conscience, more than anything.


McCain was a "high value" prisoner, being the son and grandson of U.S. Admirals.


Such are kept as currency in any prisoner exchange during cease fires, or wars end. They don't dictate to their captors who should be released and when! 😃


His arms and legs were broken after he left the airplane. By his own admission he was given special treatment during or after he had participated in video propaganda tapes calling the U.S. and it's soldiers,  War Criminals, which were widely shown at the time, along with "Hanoi" Jane Fonda's similar propaganda videos (see  https://youtu.be/xb4aE0n6EXY).


All we have is a politicians word for most of the story. Can we take him at face value?


I'd advise you to read John McCain's Memoir, "The Faith of my Fathers", for the real story, in his own words.


Here's a synopsis of the relevant passages:


"In his bestselling 1999 autobiography, Faith of My Fathers, McCain says he felt bad throughout his captivity because he knew he was being treated more leniently than his fellow POWs, owing to his high-ranking father and thus his propaganda value.


Other prisoners at Hoa Lo say his captors considered him a prize catch and called him the “Crown Prince,” something McCain acknowledges in the book.


Also in this memoir, McCain expresses guilt at having broken under torture and given the confession.


“I felt faithless and couldn’t control my despair,” he writes, revealing that he made two “feeble” attempts at suicide. (In later years, he said he tried to hang himself with his shirt and guards intervened.) Tellingly, he says he lived in “dread” that his father would find out about the confession.


I still wince,” he writes, “when I recall wondering if my father had heard of my disgrace.”


He says that when he returned home, he told his father about the confession, but “never discussed it at length”—and the Admiral, who died in 1981, didn’t indicate he had heard anything about it before. But he had. In the 1999 memoir, the senator writes: “I only recently learned that the tape…had been broadcast outside the prison and had come to the attention of my father.”



A tragic story of survival, but hardly inspirational or heroic!




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20 hours ago, BigPP said:

shining a bright light on or inside the body might treat Covid, or any other disease?


Here's a video of Dr Birx squirming in her seat as Trump peddles his nutcase theories.



Dr.Birx was indeed very uncomfortable and might have interjected and explained to Trump that the bleaching ,UV light etc was concerning the life of the virus on various surfaces and relevant only to the transmission of the virus on various surfaces.

Trump failed to understand this and went off on one of his fantasies about treatments to individuals.


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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:


A tragic story of survival, but hardly inspirational or heroic!




But still way more inspirational and heroic than 'bone spurs'.

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7 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Dr.Birx was indeed very uncomfortable and might have interjected and explained to Trump that the bleaching ,UV light etc was concerning the life of the virus on various surfaces and relevant only to the transmission of the virus on various surfaces.

Trump failed to understand this and went off on one of his fantasies about treatments to individuals.



He asked a simple question of the experts on his panel.


A wise man said there is no such thing as a stupid question. Let's see:



"(There's) no such thing as a stupid question" is a common phrase, that states that the quest for knowledge includes failure, and that just because one person may know less than others, they should not be afraid to ask rather than pretend they already know. In many cases, multiple people may not know, but are too afraid to ask the "stupid question"; the one who asks the question may in fact be doing a service to those around them"


Carl Sagan

"Carl Sagan, in his work The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark said: "There are naïve questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question".[1].


But, it seems, there's no shortage of dumb people! 😃





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9 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Well he’s four and a half years older than me and runs the most powerful nation on Earth, whilst I don’t even run the house that I live in. 🙄


They've been calling him a clown for 7 years now.


But all you have to do is look a the trail of broken political enemies, he has left behind!


Where are they now? Biden is just the latest to face reality.


And unless they assassinate him, he'll be running the U.S. and the Free World, like he did for 4 years before.


Low inflation, cheap energy, real rising wages, low unemployment, no new endless wars, and a strong military to keep the peace!


The very things the big government globalists hate most!😃

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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:


They've been calling him a clown for 7 years now.


But all you have to do is look a the trail of broken political enemies, he has left behind!


Where are they now? Biden is just the latest to face reality.


And unless they assassinate him, he'll be running the U.S. and the Free World, like he did for 4 years before.


Low inflation, cheap energy, real rising wages, low unemployment, no new endless wars, and a strong military to keep the peace!


The very things the big government globalists hate most!😃

Who would ‘they’ be?

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