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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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6 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Who would ‘they’ be?


Just Google Trump clown.


You'll get 20,000,000 hits from the usual suspects!  😃


Take yer pick!

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Times a wasting, so I'm off back to the land of the living!


Folks who are busy doing things, not whining about what other people are doing.


See ya manana!




Before I go, I'll remind the brainstrust here, that you've just elected a brand new and improved government.


I'd spend some time trying to figure out how they are going to get you out of all your wars and domestic "crises".


Rather than how a foreign politician plays golf, or how he asks a question.


Just sayin'


I try and contemplate what it would be like for me to be obsessed with every facet of say, Macron or Risi's life.


But it's beyond my ken!

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40 minutes ago, trastrick said:


He asked a simple question of the experts on his panel.


A wise man said there is no such thing as a stupid question.



There might not be stupid questions but there are definitely stupid times to ask them. If answering a question could be met with the response "You've just embarrassed the President live on national television" chances are it was a stupid time for someone to ask that question.

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9 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Low inflation, cheap energy, real rising wages, low unemployment, no new endless wars, and a strong military to keep the peace!


If any of these wars can be attributed to Biden, then by the same token, COVID must have been the Trump virus.


No new pandemics in the west under Obama (who successfully averted the previous one).


Trump lost more jobs than he created. Even without Covid, job creation under Biden dwarfs anything Trump delivered.


Same for GDP growth, and stock market highs.


Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden:



Two wars, a massive infrastructure spend, and Biden still spent half as much!


The Trump economy was built on smoke an mirrors, paid for by debt that equates to more than the entire cost 2008 GFC!




Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists warn a second Trump term would ‘reignite’ inflation



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26 minutes ago, Bamanamanana said:


If any of these wars can be attributed to Biden, then by the same token, COVID must have been the Trump virus.


No new pandemics in the west under Obama (who successfully averted the previous one).


Trump lost more jobs than he created. Even without Covid, job creation under Biden dwarfs anything Trump delivered.


Same for GDP growth, and stock market highs.


Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden:



Two wars, a massive infrastructure spend, and Biden still spent half as much!


The Trump economy was built on smoke an mirrors, paid for by debt that equates to more than the entire cost 2008 GFC!




Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists warn a second Trump term would ‘reignite’ inflation




There is little point in providing Trump fans with facts, they do not view the situation objectively. Every criticism of Trump is manufactured by his enemies, every criticism of Biden is the gospel truth. Trump support is cult like in its ability to ignore realism and continue with loyalty toward Trump.


Biden should step aside, it is clear he is no longer capable of being POTUS and there are a number of Democrats desperately attempting to persuade him to do so.

There are virtually no Republicans attempting to get Trump to step aside, despite it being obvious to any objective observer that he is completely incapable of behaving in a rational manner. He is the first president to have been impeached twice and that after one term of office. He's a proven liar, a racist and anyone who can watch him spewing out his narcistic bombast and still support him is incapable of assessing character and  beyond persuasion.  Watching this should disgust any right thinking person.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNXgjnBpxGI



Interesting psychological view of Trump supporters behaviour.


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6 hours ago, trastrick said:



I try and contemplate what it would be like for me to be obsessed with every facet of say, Macron or Risi's life.


But it's beyond my ken!

What seems to be beyond your ken is your own obsession with Trump and your failure to acknowledge the threads on British politics which are heavily subscribed.


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12 hours ago, Bamanamanana said:


If any of these wars can be attributed to Biden, then by the same token, COVID must have been the Trump virus.


No new pandemics in the west under Obama (who successfully averted the previous one).


Trump lost more jobs than he created. Even without Covid, job creation under Biden dwarfs anything Trump delivered.


Same for GDP growth, and stock market highs.


Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden:



Two wars, a massive infrastructure spend, and Biden still spent half as much!


The Trump economy was built on smoke an mirrors, paid for by debt that equates to more than the entire cost 2008 GFC!




Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists warn a second Trump term would ‘reignite’ inflation



As Yogi Berra once opined, "it's tough to make predictions, especially about the future!"


But some are better at it than others.


Like this guy, even from 40 years ago:




And of course, more recently:





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12 hours ago, m williamson said:


Interesting psychological view of Trump supporters behaviour.



We'll just have to file that in the, "16 economists", "51 Intelligence officials", or "19 presidential historians"  opinion bin.


I may be contacting this guy to get an intervention and  cult de-programming sessions, if he can find a couch big enough for me and 70,000,000 other poor souls!  😃


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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

What seems to be beyond your ken is your own obsession with Trump and your failure to acknowledge the threads on British politics which are heavily subscribed.



No obsession, mate!


Just come here to have a little fun with the haters of Trump supporters like yours truly!


I don't subscribe to the threads about British politics, and British political Parties, because other than the news headlines, I don't know much about it. The days are long gone when anything going on in Britain has world import anyway!


Today it's China, America, Russia, the Middle East and the ever watching, uncommitted third world, who make the news!


I would advise all posters to stay in their own lane, so to speak!😃

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