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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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Interesting and fairly even handed analysis of Trump supporters reasons for supporting him. Takes a reasonably detached view of something which on the surface to the rest of us appears unhinged.

Makes the point that some of his supporters have rational reasons for backing him, despite his aberrant behaviour.



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He will be forced to stand down at some point. The Dems will try anything to keep Trump from office so Mr Obama should be expecting a call to run for president in his wife's name.


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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Interesting and fairly even handed analysis of Trump supporters reasons for supporting him. Takes a reasonably detached view of something which on the surface to the rest of us appears unhinged.

Makes the point that some of his supporters have rational reasons for backing him, despite his aberrant behaviour.



Have you got one of them for Biden supporters ? 

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7 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Have you got one of them for Biden supporters ? 


Psychologists are only interested in aberrant human behaviour.  They don't bother with normal behaviour, it's straightforward and any reasonably intelligent person can understand it.


Biden supporters, as much as they like the man, have mainly accepted that he's unfit for the position. Trump supporters, despite overwhelming evidence that he is also unfit continue to support him.



Take a look at that link and then come back and explain to us why you believe that he is capable of being POTUS.

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Did anyone see this absolute goon calling his fellow fraud Zelensky Putin 🤣the mans unfit to run a market stall never mind the worlds once most powerful country, the media totally goaded people into supporting this stooge and the ones totally unable to think for themselves lapped it up, get him gone.


"Whoever controls the media controls the mind" - Jim Morrison.

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5 minutes ago, Top4719 said:

Did anyone see this absolute goon calling his fellow fraud Zelensky Putin 🤣the mans unfit to run a market stall never mind the worlds once most powerful country, the media totally goaded people into supporting this stooge and the ones totally unable to think for themselves lapped it up, get him gone.


"Whoever controls the media controls the mind" - Jim Morrison.

And calling Kamala Harris  ,Vice president Trump . Easy mistake though ,they look alike . 

Edited by hackey lad
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11 hours ago, m williamson said:

Interesting and fairly even handed analysis of Trump supporters reasons for supporting him. Takes a reasonably detached view of something which on the surface to the rest of us appears unhinged.

Makes the point that some of his supporters have rational reasons for backing him, despite his aberrant behaviour.




Written by an "expert" in 2018, who like many others sought to "explain" why people would support Trump,  a politician who had been  Impeached, "investigated" tried and convicted in the MSM, by the highest law enforcement and Intelligence Agencies in the U.S. of "Russian Collusion", involving some scandalous, if not depraved,  behaviour in Moscow with Russian prostitutes, along with "secret connections to Russian banks.


Trouble is this was the conventional wisdom at the time and impossible to refute, given that the most trusted of U.S. Law Enforcement agencies, and Intelligence agencies were making the allegations. Obama's CIA Director, John Brennan, was a regular guest of CNN, calling Trump a traitor. The average citizen took them at their word.


But then, in 2019, Robert Mueller, the Appointed Special Prosecutor completed his 2 year, $35 million exhaustive investigation, and found no evidence of Trump, or his campaign colluding with the Russians. Turns out that Hillary Clinton had commissioned the "Russian Dossier" and spoon fed it to her "friends" in the Obama Administration., who in turn leaked it to the Media.


After the Mueller Report dust had settled, finally FBI Director Comey, fired by Trump, admitted , "I was wrong", and CIA Director Brennan admitted, “Well, I don’t know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan said. “I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.”


The bottom line here is that the human characteristics discussed in the good Doctor's analysis posted above, fit a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum, and to solely look at Trump supporters as being most likely to be susceptible to conspiracy theories, does not get a passing grade.


There is, as yet, no major analysis, by any credible major psychiatric organization,  that looks at the unprecedented phenomena, of mass hysteria involved in the biggest political fraud ever directed against a President, and his supporters, in U.S. history.


But the time will come, when such an accounting will be necessary, and professionals, no longer in fear of their reputations with their peers,  will have at it, with gusto!



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16 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

He will be forced to stand down at some point. The Dems will try anything to keep Trump from office so Mr Obama should be expecting a call to run for president in his wife's name.




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4 hours ago, trastrick said:


Written by an "expert" in 2018, who like many others sought to "explain" why people would support Trump,  a politician who had been  Impeached, "investigated" tried and convicted in the MSM, by the highest law enforcement and Intelligence Agencies in the U.S. of "Russian Collusion", involving some scandalous, if not depraved,  behaviour in Moscow with Russian prostitutes, along with "secret connections to Russian banks.


Trouble is this was the conventional wisdom at the time and impossible to refute, given that the most trusted of U.S. Law Enforcement agencies, and Intelligence agencies were making the allegations. Obama's CIA Director, John Brennan, was a regular guest of CNN, calling Trump a traitor. The average citizen took them at their word.


But then, in 2019, Robert Mueller, the Appointed Special Prosecutor completed his 2 year, $35 million exhaustive investigation, and found no evidence of Trump, or his campaign colluding with the Russians. Turns out that Hillary Clinton had commissioned the "Russian Dossier" and spoon fed it to her "friends" in the Obama Administration., who in turn leaked it to the Media.


After the Mueller Report dust had settled, finally FBI Director Comey, fired by Trump, admitted , "I was wrong", and CIA Director Brennan admitted, “Well, I don’t know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan said. “I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.”


The bottom line here is that the human characteristics discussed in the good Doctor's analysis posted above, fit a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum, and to solely look at Trump supporters as being most likely to be susceptible to conspiracy theories, does not get a passing grade.


There is, as yet, no major analysis, by any credible major psychiatric organization,  that looks at the unprecedented phenomena, of mass hysteria involved in the biggest political fraud ever directed against a President, and his supporters, in U.S. history.


But the time will come, when such an accounting will be necessary, and professionals, no longer in fear of their reputations with their peers,  will have at it, with gusto!




That's quite a conspiracy theory you have there, " biggest political fraud ever directed against a president and his supporters " reminiscent of Kenneth Williams Julius Caesar in Carry on Cleo     " Infamy, Infamy they've all got it in for me! ".


  The question is Why?  What reason do these people have in targeting Trump? Could it be that they regard him as a danger to the US, an obnoxious narcissist only concerned with himself and liable to play into the hands of Americas enemies through either ineptitude or enforced collusion?

Trump supporters keep going on about how peaceful it all was when he was POTUS. Perhaps there's a reason for that, the Russians are chess players, maybe that's the reason? 

The only thing that keeps Russia and China (  "not allies, Better than allies " ) under some form of control is American military power. Without that presence Russia takes what it wants from Ukraine and any other bordering state it chooses and China takes Taiwan and any other parts of Asia it fancies.

Trump is an isolationist America First advocate it suits both China and Russia to have him in charge. So don't cause him any problems when he's in the White House for his first term so he can double down on the isolation in his second.

Trump is looking at it like a business arrangement. America withdraws from its role as the worlds policeman and lets whatever happens happen. 

We all know what that will be don't we? America supplies over 40% of all the worlds weapons, it's a $200 Billion a year business in the US and growing. Wars generate huge profits and America would reap the most benefit whilst avoiding involvement. All thanks to Mr Bone Spurs himself.



Conspiracy theory?  Yes, same as yours and possibly more likely.  


Did you look at the Gaffes link?  Take a look at these and come back and tell us he's fit to be POTUS. 




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