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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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4 hours ago, m williamson said:





Conspiracy theory?  Yes, same as yours and possibly more likely.  


Did you look at the Gaffes link?  Take a look at these and come back and tell us he's fit to be POTUS. 





I'm not interested in what those DNC propaganda outlets, (who were flogging the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory for years to help the guy they Officially Endorsed, for President!) were alleging 7 years ago. 


There's been quite a lot of news lately, or hadn't you noticed. Now they want Biden out!


To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave ...

The New York Times

https://www.nytimes.com › biden-election-debate-trump


Joe, as expected by many, has completely screwed up everything he has touched. His family, his Democrat Party, his country and presided over 2 new endless wars, with a  strong potential for a third, possibly WW3.


Worse, and way under reported by his partisan Democrat Media, is the fact that Biden is hunkering down in the White House, with only two trusted advisers, fake 'doctor' Jil, and Hunter Biden, the man he calls "The smartest man I have ever met!"


The very thought that Hunter is advising his poppa, is proof that he has influence over Joe's Domestic and Foreign policy, which is assuring the foreign enemies of the U.S.A, and Democracy, who paid him $billions in fees and salaries on which he never even paid taxes, was money well spent.


Anyone who can watch this historic corrupt fiasco without throwing up, and accusing Republicans voters of being mentally deranged, is part of the problem.


The good news?


America is resilient, and after November it will be as hard to find a Biden/Clinton supporter as it was to find a NAZI, in Germany in the years after WW2.


May your god forgive you!



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29 minutes ago, trastrick said:


I'm not interested in what those DNC propaganda outlets, (who were flogging the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory for years to help the guy they Officially Endorsed, for President!) were alleging 7 years ago. 


There's been quite a lot of news lately, or hadn't you noticed. Now they want Biden out!


To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave ...

The New York Times

https://www.nytimes.com › biden-election-debate-trump


Joe, as expected by many, has completely screwed up everything he has touched. His family, his Democrat Party, his country and presided over 2 new endless wars, with a  strong potential for a third, possibly WW3.


Worse, and way under reported by his partisan Democrat Media, is the fact that Biden is hunkering down in the White House, with only two trusted advisers, fake 'doctor' Jil, and Hunter Biden, the man he calls "The smartest man I have ever met!"


The very thought that Hunter is advising his poppa, is proof that he has influence over Joe's Domestic and Foreign policy, which is assuring the foreign enemies of the U.S.A, and Democracy, who paid him $billions in fees and salaries on which he never even paid taxes, was money well spent.


Anyone who can watch this historic corrupt fiasco without throwing up, and accusing Republicans voters of being mentally deranged, is part of the problem.


The good news?


America is resilient, and after November it will be as hard to find a Biden/Clinton supporter as it was to find a NAZI, in Germany in the years after WW2.


May your god forgive you!




You're not interested in the opinion of anyone who offers a different opinion to yours, so your dismissal of their view carry's no weight whatsoever.

The New York Times, previously a Biden support newspaper now want Biden out?  Any chance you could think that through a little?

It means that they have accepted the facts and are acting accordingly. Unlike Trump acolytes who are impervious to reality where it concerns their beloved.

In a speech earlier this year Trump got confused and mixed up the Republican former Governor of South Carolina and former American ambassador to the UN ( his last rival for the Republican nomination )  Nikki Haley, with Nancy Pelosi the Democrat who was Speaker of the United States House of Representatives until last year.

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-when-he-mixes-up-names-it-is-purpose-2024-02-15/ and his disciples believe him. 🙄


But of course that doesn't matter to the fully indoctrinated does it? Anyone able to take an objective look at the situation can see that neither of these men are capable of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of such a position.

Most Democrats accept the fact with regard to Biden, many Republicans think the same about Trump, but unfortunately for all of us on this side of the Atlantic he has enough fanboys and girls that are fully paid up members of the cult that is Trump that his chances remain.

Add in those like my American niece who detests him but are out and out Republicans and there's a problem.


I'm not American, I don't care who wins unless it impacts negatively on us. Over the years I've had some respect for past Republican Presidents, Eisenhower, Reagan. George H. W. Bush Sr, even Nixon had his plus points.

America is entitled to do what it wants, but when its decisions effect the rest of us - which they do - we are entitled to an opinion, although that opinion is worthless.


Both candidates need replacing by capable alternatives, then may the best man/woman win.




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5 hours ago, m williamson said:


.....Anyone able to take an objective look at the situation can see that neither of these men are capable of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of such a position.

Most Democrats accept the fact with regard to Biden, many Republicans think the same about Trump, but unfortunately for all of us on this side of the Atlantic he has enough fanboys and girls that are fully paid up members of the cult that is Trump that his chances remain......


Both candidates need replacing by capable alternatives, then may the best man/woman win.


In a democracy, who is best "fit to serve", and "to carrying  out the duties and responsibilities" is the sole responsibility of the citizens to decide.


Not some deranged closeted leftist behind a keyboard in The People's Republic Of South Yorkshire, spewing lies and hate towards the political opposition, and dismissing the clear choice of 70,000,000 U.S. voters, (the majority, as of now) as  a "mere bagatelle".


Or some deranged individual who has been so indoctrinated by the lies, that he decides to save democracy, by preventing, another "Hitler" from rising to power!


May your god forgive you!


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1 minute ago, trastrick said:


In a democracy, who is best "fit to serve", and "to carrying  out the duties and responsibilities" is the sole responsibility of the citizens to decide.


Not some deranged closeted leftist behind a keyboard in The People's Republic Of South Yorkshire, spewing lies and hate towards the political opposition, and dismissing the clear choice of 70,000,000 U.S. voters, (the majority, as of now) as  a "mere bagatelle".


Or some deranged individual who has been so indoctrinated by the lies, that he decides to save democracy, by preventing, another "Hitler" from rising to power!


May your god forgive you!



Oh dear me, first of all my delusional friend I am not a ' Lefty ' I regard both left and right as cheeks of the same arse. Both of them are a danger to peace and normal life.

Both of them are  ideologies, which believe that a specific way of thinking and believing is correct, and any diversion from that believe is wrong.


I believe that hard left wing communism is a complete load of nonsense. In theory it's fine, but it simply doesn't work in practice. It goes against human nature. We are all selfish to some degree, we desire the best for ourselves and our families first and foremost. After that reasonable people want to see their friends and neighbours thrive as well.

Capitalism is far more in line with human natural behaviour.  We want the best for us and if it applies to everyone else that's fine, if it doesn't we're a bit sad, but as long as we're OK we'll put up with it.


That's not particularly noble but that's how I see it. Capitalism is not ethical or empathetic but it worked. At least it did up until 2008, at which point it destroyed itself.

Capitalism had only one constraint on its hegemony, bankruptcy, failure to conform to the facts. Then 2008 happened and governments bailed out incompetent corruption and everything changed. Bankers realised they were a species apart, they'd always thought that, but now it was proved. They had caused untold damage to the economy but were bailed out by the government and the first thing they demanded when things started to balance out was bonus payments.


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12 minutes ago, m williamson said:


Oh dear me, first of all my delusional friend I am not a ' Lefty ' I regard both left and right as cheeks of the same arse. Both of them are a danger to peace and normal life.

Both of them are  ideologies, which believe that a specific way of thinking and believing is correct, and any diversion from that believe is wrong.


I believe that hard left wing communism is a complete load of nonsense. In theory it's fine, but it simply doesn't work in practice. It goes against human nature. We are all selfish to some degree, we desire the best for ourselves and our families first and foremost. After that reasonable people want to see their friends and neighbours thrive as well.

Capitalism is far more in line with human natural behaviour.  We want the best for us and if it applies to everyone else that's fine, if it doesn't we're a bit sad, but as long as we're OK we'll put up with it.


That's not particularly noble but that's how I see it. Capitalism is not ethical or empathetic but it worked. At least it did up until 2008, at which point it destroyed itself.

Capitalism had only one constraint on its hegemony, bankruptcy, failure to conform to the facts. Then 2008 happened and governments bailed out incompetent corruption and everything changed. Bankers realised they were a species apart, they'd always thought that, but now it was proved. They had caused untold damage to the economy but were bailed out by the government and the first thing they demanded when things started to balance out was bonus payments.



A political treatise is far removed from you inflammatory obsession with Trump, his 70,000,000 voters, and their mental and moral deficiencies. 


So let's hope you are restrained, at least temporarily, from spewing  the Trump Derangement Syndrome, mass hysteria hate towards this politician and his supporters,  that inevitably leads to such events as we have seen today.


And which I warned of just a few days ago!

41 minutes ago, m williamson said:


Oh dear me, first of all my delusional friend I am not a ' Lefty ' I regard both left and right as cheeks of the same arse. Both of them are a danger to peace and normal life.

Both of them are  ideologies, which believe that a specific way of thinking and believing is correct, and any diversion from that believe is wrong.


I believe that hard left wing communism is a complete load of nonsense. In theory it's fine, but it simply doesn't work in practice. It goes against human nature. We are all selfish to some degree, we desire the best for ourselves and our families first and foremost. After that reasonable people want to see their friends and neighbours thrive as well.

Capitalism is far more in line with human natural behaviour.  We want the best for us and if it applies to everyone else that's fine, if it doesn't we're a bit sad, but as long as we're OK we'll put up with it.


That's not particularly noble but that's how I see it. Capitalism is not ethical or empathetic but it worked. At least it did up until 2008, at which point it destroyed itself.

Capitalism had only one constraint on its hegemony, bankruptcy, failure to conform to the facts. Then 2008 happened and governments bailed out incompetent corruption and everything changed. Bankers realised they were a species apart, they'd always thought that, but now it was proved. They had caused untold damage to the economy but were bailed out by the government and the first thing they demanded when things started to balance out was bonus payments.



You are what you post on this forum. What you say you "believe" is moot!


Your relentless and consistent campaign here against the leader of the U.S. Republican Party, and your demeaning of the morals and mental acuity of his 70,000,000 supporters in on the record!


If it quacks, like a duck..........!









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The Real reason Biden has to finish his term.


If there was ever a "normal" time, in Presidential politics, this is how the Democrat 2024 campaign would be expected to play out.


Joe Biden, as predicted by many, would have stayed true to his promise to be a transitional one term President, and made way for a new Democrat Administration  to come in and strategize for at least another 8 years of White House occupation. The effort to delegitimize Trump and his ultra MAGA voters was well in hand, and they threw enough Indictments at him, to keep him busy, and hopefully bankrupt just defending himself in multiple Courts of Law.


But Biden himself came in with some unsavoury baggage like his his personal post- office family pension scheme, that the Main Media, ignored, and for a time was successful in covering up. Hunters outrageous use of his father's office (and Airforce One) to travel the World, putting the arm on foreign governments for fees, salaries, bonuses, investment cash, and the latest untraceable bribe money, diamonds. The FBI had the Laptop detailing Hunters excellent adventures in the world of finance, locked down for 5 years, and the serial lying CIA Director Brennan was on TV for 2 years, calling Trump a traitor, and later joining 50 of his Intelligence Service mates, refuting the authenticity of the Laptop.


So there were already some cracks in the scheme, and very poor optics. Even some of the great unwashed were beginning to ask questions.


But with the Media, and the Party , his Justice Department, FBI,  CIA solidly behind him, he was skating above it all. The FBI are still sitting on Hunter's Laptop, since 2019, and refuse to discuss it with the People's Representatives in Congress.


But there was larger than life Hunter, and Joe's own penchant for screwing things up, and the subsequent election of a Republican Congress, and the effort to cover up the unseemly financial shenanigans started to fall apart, as the new Republican Congress started looking into these matters.


As a result Joe Biden is subject of an Impeachment Inquiry, Hunter is under Investigation by a Special Prosecutor, Joe's Homeland Secretary Mayorcas was Impeached by Congress for the mess at the border, and his Attorney General Garland was found to be in Contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over the audio tapes of Bidens Interviews with the Special Prosecutor.


So that's where we are today. Congress is out of Session for the summer, so things are quiet on that front right now.


The DNC are not stupid.  They look at this problem, and have decided that they will let Biden run out the clock and finish his term, and leave him with his power over the Justice Department, FBI, and CIA to do the best he and they can do to clear up their own mess.


Then a new Democrat leader can come in clean, and, as the saying goes, "move on, and actually do the nations business". They hope,  for at least another 8 years.


But "the best laid plans of mice and men....", and "there's many a slip, twixt cup and lip......."


So we'll see!


(As usual IMHO)





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'elo, 'ello, what's all this then?


NEW YORK (AP) — "Democrat Senator Bob Menendez guilty of taking bribes in cash and gold, (a Mercedes BenZ) and acting as Egypt’s foreign agent
U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was convicted on Tuesday of all the counts he faced at his corruption trial, including accepting bribes of gold and cash from three New Jersey businessmen and acting as a foreign agent for the Egyptian government."


"Menendez faces the possibility of decades in prison. Judge Sidney H. Stein scheduled sentencing for Oct. 29, a week before Election Day."'


Sounds eerily familiar to another grifter who makes this poor guy look like a piker. Hunter got more cash, a more expensive car, and easier to conceal, diamonds, for his trouble.


But he was all over the place with his "foreign agent act". Moscow, Rumania, Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and others. Didn't even pay tax on his $millions in ill gotten gains.


So what do y'all puritanical Trump haters think Hunter should get?


More importantly for the brain dead Biden dupes, why no feigned outrage at the fact that Hunter is now reported to be running the White House,  with the good Dr, Jill, where they keep the Nuke Button, and all the World's strategic secrets?


Insane stuff! 😀





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21 minutes ago, trastrick said:

'elo, 'ello, what's all this then?


NEW YORK (AP) — "Democrat Senator Bob Menendez guilty of taking bribes in cash and gold, (a Mercedes BenZ) and acting as Egypt’s foreign agent
U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was convicted on Tuesday of all the counts he faced at his corruption trial, including accepting bribes of gold and cash from three New Jersey businessmen and acting as a foreign agent for the Egyptian government."


"Menendez faces the possibility of decades in prison. Judge Sidney H. Stein scheduled sentencing for Oct. 29, a week before Election Day."'


Sounds eerily familiar to another grifter who makes this poor guy look like a piker. Hunter got more cash, a more expensive car, and easier to conceal, diamonds, for his trouble.


But he was all over the place with his "foreign agent act". Moscow, Rumania, Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and others. Didn't even pay tax on his $millions in ill gotten gains.


So what do y'all puritanical Trump haters think Hunter should get?


More importantly for the brain dead Biden dupes, why no feigned outrage at the fact that Hunter is now reported to be running the White House,  with the good Dr, Jill, where they keep the Nuke Button, and all the World's strategic secrets?


Insane stuff! 😀





You couldn't make this stuff up you really couldn't 🤣🤣

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