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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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Joe's handlers have a few days to come up with a viable narrative.


The Media nd his leftist sycophants will embrace it.


The Trump Plan was to enforce the agreement militarily, and he had demonstrated the will to do that.


But Biden will bow and scrape to the Taliban, and promise them anything, maybe even $billions in cash, as they did with the mad mullah's in Iran. They''ll be pleading in the back channels with the Taliban right now to "let my people go!"


The Taliban will likely agree after getting the concessions they need from America to keep the lights on.


And all will be well, and the Media will say Joe turned a "Trump Plan" debacle into a resounding victory.


Even the laughing Taliban. They love the Democrats.  So do Iran, Russia, and China


And history is written by the academics, see: 


"Jimmy Carter, trounced in 1988 gets fresh look from history....."


Edited by trastrick
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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Joe's handlers have a few days to come up with a viable narrative.


The Media nd his leftist sycophants will embrace it.

"leftist sycophants" LOL! :loopy:



5 hours ago, trastrick said:

The Trump Plan was to enforce the agreement militarily, and he had demonstrated the will to do that.

Complete nonsense. Trumps plan was to let the Taliban do whatever they wanted within Afghanistan, which is precisely what they are doing.


There were no penalties for not upholding the deal.


5 hours ago, trastrick said:

But Biden will bow and scrape to the Taliban, and promise them anything, maybe even $billions in cash, as they did with the mad mullah's in Iran. They''ll be pleading in the back channels with the Taliban right now to "let my people go!"

Trump’s Iran cash story oft-told, still bogus:



5 hours ago, trastrick said:

The Taliban will likely agree after getting the concessions they need from America to keep the lights on.

They already did, Trumps "peace" deal! :D


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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

Like baking.


You can have the best recipe in the world, but if you gave it to my ex-wife...........!


Sheff United can have a "game plan", but......!


Success is not about having a plan, it's about having the ability to execute it!

In this case your wife got the recipe after the cake was baked, all she did was put the cherry on the top.

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6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Unless you have some weird X-Men type psychic power you can't possibly know what I do and don't dream about.

I don't need to know anything about you to point out you're simply wrong. :D


Claiming that Trump has no responsibility for the current situation in Afghanistan is a nonsense.


6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

The only other possiblity is you are attempting to troll me (poorly I might add). 

Pointing out you're clueless isn't trolling :?


6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

We'll there's only one way to find out... 

What number am I thinking of between 1 and 3?

Given the knowledge you impart in your posts, there's a high possibility you would fail to understand the question... and choose 4! :hihi: :?

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Like many posters on this forum, I thought the USA had a poor choice at the election. If Trump and Biden were the two best candidates amongst a nation of 330 million people then whoever was going to be the 46th president would run into problems. 


If you ask Biden a straightfoward question, and the answer isn't on a cue card then he's snookered. He has no fluency, whereas Obama, Bush Jr, and Clinton were very competent. Reagan was a master. You might not have liked the answers from Trump but at least he would give one.


So now his advisers (carers?) won't let him answer. He reads a briefing autocue, and then goes for a lie down.


Let's face it, Afghanistan is going to get worse. A civil war between the Taliban and the Northern warlords is inevitable. And if you live elsewhere than Kabul, getting to their only exit airport is daunting.   

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3 hours ago, Magilla said:


"Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payment".


Those frozen funds of Iran were subject to an ongoing international dispute by the Hague Tribunal. They were also subject to ongoing claims in court by U.S. Citizens, under the "Justice for United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Act".


From the Congressional Record:


"CBO cannot determine whether the payment of 
these claims to terrorist victims would reduce, eliminate, or 
leave unaltered the any liability of the United States to Iran, which is yet to be determined by before the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal".


Obama unilaterally overrode The Hague, U.S. Congress, ongoing court cases by U.S. Citizens, and unfroze those assets, even holding back some cash, until the U.S. hostages were released.


For anybody with more attention span than a gnat,  Here's what really happened.


U.S. Senate Hearing 114-533



Bottom line:

Obama sent $billions to the mad mullahs in terrorist State Iran. Co-incidently(?) Iran released the U.S. hostages.

Trump sent them a surgical strike which took out their top terrorist Solomeini.


The same foreign policy that saw Obama/Biden send blankets to our ally, the Ukraine when the Russians invaded.

Trump sent them lethal weapons.


Now here's Biden again, who desperately needs a big political favour from The Taliban. What will he be giving away, this time?

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:


"Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payment".

No-one disputes the money was paid, merely your false narrative surrounding it.



Those frozen funds of Iran were subject to an ongoing international dispute by the Hague Tribunal.

D'oh! :loopy:


Like any dispute resolution service, disputes at the ICJ are resolved if both parties come to an agreement, there doesn't have to be a ruling. :?



From the Congressional Record:


"CBO cannot determine whether the payment of 
these claims to terrorist victims would reduce, eliminate, or 
leave unaltered the any liability of the United States to Iran, which is yet to be determined by before the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal".


Obama unilaterally overrode The Hague

Nope. He came to an agreement with the other party.



U.S. Congress



ongoing court cases by U.S. Citizens

The vast majority already settled:


"Almost all of the approximately 4,700 private U.S. claims filed against the Government of Iran at the Tribunal have been resolved and have resulted in more than $2.5 billion in awards to U.S. nationals and companies."



, and unfroze those assets, even holding back some cash, until the U.S. hostages were released.

Those assets were unfrozen to secure the Iran Nuclear deal, hostages were a bonus.




For anybody with more attention span than a gnat,  Here's what really happened.


U.S. Senate Hearing 114-533



Bottom line:

Obama sent $billions to the mad mullahs in terrorist State Iran. Co-incidently(?) Iran released the U.S. hostages.

Except, if you bother to read it:


"I do not believe that this was ransom. A ransom is,by definition, a payment made to secure the release of a detained person. The January 2016 transactions and subsequent related payments were, in fact, made to satisfy a legitimate debt that the United States owed to Iran. I have gone into detail in my written statement about the history of the claim against the United States. But to describe the settlement of this claim as a ransom is not consistent with the well-established history, and its arbitration, over the course of several decades, in a forum specifically established for that purpose. The word ``ransom'' also obscures the source and purpose of the payment, which provided Tehran with nothing other than its own funds.


Second, while the timing has clearly stoked controversy, the Obama administration's coordination of the settlement to facilitate other American priorities with respect to Iranian behavior is neither unusual nor surprising."


The Iran Nuclear deal :?



Trump sent them a surgical strike which took out their top terrorist Solomeini.

I liked the Bin-Laden one better ;)



The same foreign policy that saw Obama/Biden send blankets to our ally, the Ukraine when the Russians invaded.

Trump sent them lethal weapons.

As a bribe to try to get to investigations into political rivals underway... didn't quite work out as planned.



Now here's Biden again, who desperately needs a big political favour from The Taliban. What will he be giving away, this time?

Given how much Trump had already given them before he was sworn in, there wasn't much left beyond cancelling the entire thing and sending in more troops indefinitely.


Edited by Magilla
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11 minutes ago, Magilla said:

No-one disputes the money was paid, merely your false narrative surrounding it.


D'oh! :loopy:


Like any dispute resolution service, disputes at the ICJ are resolved if both parties come to an agreement, there doesn't have to be a ruling. :?


Nope. He came to an agreement with the other party.



The vast majority already settled:


"Almost all of the approximately 4,700 private U.S. claims filed against the Government of Iran at the Tribunal have been resolved and have resulted in more than $2.5 billion in awards to U.S. nationals and companies."


Those assets were unfrozen to secure the Iran Nuclear deal, hostages were a bonus.


...and secured the Iran Nuclear deal :?


I liked the Bin-Laden one better ;)


As a bribe to try to get to investigations into political rivals underway... didn't quite work out as planned.


Given how much Trump had already given them before he was sworn in, there wasn't much left beyond cancelling the entire thing and sending in more troops indefinitely.


Light on facts, but long on opinion, as usual.



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15 hours ago, The Joker said:

I beg to differ; the Trumpet really did set the bar that low.

In the interests of fairness, if Trump set the bar so low, what has Joe done to leap over it?


Let's start with the alleged "low bar", set by  Trump.


The Greatest economy the world has ever seen, prior to the flue pandemic.
Highest employment ever for whites, blacks and asians.
Higher wages
Less dependency on "gummint"
Law and Order (when they let him -see Minneapolis, Kenosha)
Tax cuts
School choice
Repeal of the Death Tax
Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate
Strong borders
U.S. Energy Independence
Strongest Military
300 new conservative Federal Judge appointments
3 new young conservatives on the U.S.Supreme Court for life
Better Trade Deals with China, S.Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada
Made In the U.S.A Manufacturing
Right to try new drugs
Veteran's choice
Killing Soleimani
Killing Baghdadi
Ending endless wars in the Middle East
Peace Agreement between Arabs and Israel
Peace Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo
Peace Agreement between Afghanistan and the Taliban
Lowering tensions between North and South Korea.
Getting the U.S. Embassy built in Jerusalem
Ending the ISIS Caliphate
No more Russian Invasions of allies like Ukraine
Bringing the U.S. Service Men and Women home!
Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay more for their own defense.
No more "Death to America" chants and threats from Korea and Mad Mullahs in Iran
No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism
No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


Now let's hear from the Biden supporters.


Start your list here:.......

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