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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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13 hours ago, trastrick said:

Here ya go!


The Guardian
Lauren Aratani
Sat 5 Sep 2020

"In an interview with CNN – excerpts of which were released on Saturday – the Democratic vice-presidential nominee warned of the potential for political interference by the US president over the approval of a coronavirus vaccine in order to boost his re-election chances.

Asked if she would personally take any vaccine given the green light in the US before the November poll, Harris replied: “I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it.”

Harris said she expected that medical experts would not be allowed to make decisions on a vaccine without interference from above.

“They’ll be muzzled, they’ll be suppressed, they will be sidelined,” Harris told CNN. “Because he’s looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he’s grasping to get whatever he can to pretend he has been a leader on this issue when he is not.”


Axioshttps://www.axios.com › 
Sep. 7, 2020

Biden on coronavirus vaccine: Don't trust Trump -

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both warned Americans this holiday weekend to be skeptical of anything Trump says about a potential coronavirus vaccine..."


Conspiracy theories for the true believers, and fuel for the anti-vaxxers!


They gave the impression to  their dopey voters that Trump was making a fake vaccine in his basement.


Actually it was Operation WarpSpeed, which got it done in record time, and involved all the government agencies and private labs approvals before being released to the public. 

Stay tuned for some Biden videos, coming soon!



Yet again. no links to sources so we can check them. Selective quotes that you claim are from an article in The Guardian isn't providing a link to your source. Provide a link to the page you got it from so we can see the the whole article and the full context.

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

But, back to Joe.


I'm starting to feel really sorry for this guy.


He's got illegal immigration chaos on his Southern border.

Yes, There’s a Crisis on the Border. And It’s Trump’s Fault:



Chaos In Washington As Trump’s Border Crisis Boils Over:



How the Trump administration violated children's rights:



Parents of 545 children separated at southern border remain unfound:




Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

Maybe he'll use nukes to stop them?



... or Paper Towels:






Chaos in Afghanistan




A COVID pandemic

Exacerbated by Trump.



Edited by Magilla
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16 hours ago, trastrick said:

Axioshttps://www.axios.com › 

Sep. 7, 2020

Biden on coronavirus vaccine: Don't trust Trump -

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both warned Americans this holiday weekend to be skeptical of anything Trump says about a potential coronavirus vaccine..."

"... saying they’ll take their cues from scientists and not the president."



The Democratic ticket is trying to strike the right balance — they want to warn that Trump may be making premature claims for political gain, but they don’t want to dissuade Americans from actually using a vaccine once one is safe and available.


  • Both Biden and Harris want to project optimism about the prospects for a vaccine, without creating an echo chamber for Trump's enthusiasm.
  • “If I could get a vaccine tomorrow I’d do it,” Biden said earlier today . “If it cost me the election I’d do it. We need a vaccine and we need it now.”
  • On Sunday, Harris told CNN: “I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about.”  




Conspiracy theories for the true believers, and fuel for the anti-vaxxers!


They gave the impression to  their dopey voters that Trump was making a fake vaccine in his basement.

Except, they didn't, as the article you quoted (wrongly, in a somewhat poor attempt to mislead) makes clear.


3 hours ago, altus said:

Yet again. no links to sources so we can check them.

... 3 guesses why! :P

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5 hours ago, Magilla said:

... 3 guesses why! :P

No need for guessing. :lol: The fact is it's incredibly obvious what is going on and trastrick has been repeatedly found out. Surely they can't think we'll suddenly start falling for their trick.


The only question is whether trastrick finds the original articles and selectively quotes them themselves or just copy and pastes stuff pre-selectively quoted from other web sites.

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7 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Thats it then , its all Trump fault.  Biden is powerless to change anything Trump did 

I think it's possible to change what trump agreed with the Taliban but I'd guess it's pretty hard for religious fundamentalists to change their mind. Yes, he could have chucked another 20k troops to hold the line (or at least guarantee air support) but he didn't. 


He followed a crap deal and it's a real horrible mess, that was, to an extent, avoidable. Ross Atkins has done an explainer but I haven't looked at it yet.

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10 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Thats it then , its all Trump fault.  Biden is powerless to change anything Trump did 

Absolutely positively never a truer sentence typed on a local forum...

Cough cough Pipeline... 

Cough cough Southern border.... 😂

Just now, tinfoilhat said:

I think it's possible to change what trump agreed with the Taliban but I'd guess it's pretty hard for religious fundamentalists to change their mind. Yes, he could have chucked another 20k troops to hold the line (or at least guarantee air support) but he didn't. 


He followed a crap deal and it's a real horrible mess, that was, to an extent, avoidable. Ross Atkins has done an explainer but I haven't looked at it yet.

No he didn't. He changed Trumps deal he then Ok'd the changes and set the wheels in motion. 

It was Bidens deal. 

It was Bidens screw up and Bidens alone. 


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