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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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Your posts are repeatedly associated with this advert on Sheffield Forum:

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Why these adverts are generated by your posts I do not know but it might be a good idea to "clear" your history, cookies etc.



35 minutes ago, trastrick said:

All politics.


That "finding" after a 2 year "Russian Collusion Hoax" Investigation, made Mueller a laughing stock among both Democrats and  Republicans, and effectively ended his public career and a likely chance of ending up on the Supreme Court. (Actually it was Trump who ended his career, when he overlooked Mueller for FBI Director)


A prosecuting attorney has a duty to recommend charges if he finds criminal behavior. There was never any credible evidence of a crime. Trump was an international businessman. He routinely  had contacts with Russian Businessmen, among others. The problem was, the hapless Democrats tried to infer that since all major Russian Businessmen have ties with their all seeing, all knowing Vladimir Putin, that was tantamount to Trump "collusion" with Putin.


Like the 2 failed phony Democrat Impeachment attempts, it didn't pass the smell test. No charges have ever been laid against Trump.


Bill Clinton did make a Plea Bargain though with Federal Prosecutors, to avoid being criminally charged with perjury, in the Lewinsky/Paula Jones case. He gave up his Law License, Paid a $25,000 fine, and settled out of court with Jones.


You Remember Bill. He was the husband of the lady that the Democrats so desperately wanted back in the White House in 2016.


They were the President and First Lady who had their business partners, the McDougalls go to jail, their Associate Attorney General Webb go to jail, and their White House Council, Vince Foster commit suicide, so they said, (like their pal and fundraiser Jeffry Epstein did ) at the height of the Clinton Whitewater Scandals.


Then there's Obama.


Actually the highest  Administration Official Indicted by Mueller, was Obama's White House Counsel Greg Craig. for murky legal dealings in Biden's Ukraine, with, of all people (gasp!) PAUL MANAFORT.




"Gregory Bestor Craig (born March 4, 1945) is an American lawyer and former White House Counsel, under President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2010. A former attorney at the Washington, D.C. law firm of Williams & Connolly, Craig has represented numerous high-profile clients. Prior to becoming White House Counsel, he served as assistant to the President and special counsel in the White House of President Bill Clinton, where he directed the team defending Clinton against impeachment. Craig also served as a senior advisor to Senator Edward Kennedy and to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

After leaving the Obama administration, Craig returned to private practice as a partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. In 2019, Craig was indicted on charges of lying to federal prosecutors about the work he did at Skadden on behalf of the government of Ukraine under Viktor F. Yanukovych, work referred to Craig by Paul Manafort, then a Yanukovych consultant. Craig was acquitted in a jury trial.[1]"


"In April 2018, Craig resigned from Skadden following the indictment of Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer at the firm's London office. Craig was the lead attorney supervising the firm's work for former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, in which van der Zwaan participated. Van der Zwaan was later charged by the Mueller investigation and pleaded guilty to making false statements.[45][47] Later in 2018, NBC and CNN reported that following a referral from Mueller's office, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York was investigating Craig and others, including ex-lobbyist Tony Podesta and former Republican U.S. Representative Vin Weber, as part of a broader investigation into the activities of Paul Manafort.[48]

In early April 2019, Craig's lawyers said that they expected him to be indicted by Mueller on charges of concealing and falsifying material facts relating to the investigation's inquiry into Foreign Agents Registration Act violations, centering around the lobbying work he performed in 2012.[49][50] Craig was indicted on April 11, 2019.[51] Craig's former law firm, Skadden, paid a $4.6 million fine.[52] The charges state that Manafort hired Craig and people in his law firm to write a report which would show favor towards Yanukovich, who was known for his close ties to the Russian government, and that Manafort paid them "millions of dollars."[53][54][55]

Craig pleaded not guilty,[56] and testified in his own defense.[57] Prosecutors did not call Manafort as a witness.[57] The jury was informed by the judge not to consider possible offences done before October 2013 because the statute of limitations for those actions had run out. The jury acquitted Craig after less than five hours of deliberation.[57]"


Then there's Jo Biden and Kamala Harris. two air brained, but reasonably electable candidates for low info voters, installed, owned and controlled by the American Left.


They are so surprised and happy to be there, that they'll read anything they are told to read!




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Just now, Annie Bynnol said:

Your posts are repeatedly associated with this advert on Sheffield Forum:

exituk .org

"Are Britain First Right?"


Why these adverts are generated by your posts I do not know but it might be a good idea to "clear" your history, cookies etc.




Thank Annie.


Strange that I don't see these ads when I am posting.


But I see you can buy the space for ten quid a week, so somebody went to a little trouble to make that happen.


I've made quite a few political enemies online over the years for posting my conservative views, so it doesn't surprise me. 


I'll see what I can do.


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Just now, trastrick said:

Thank Annie.


Strange that I don't see these ads when I am posting.


But I see you can buy the space for ten quid a week, so somebody went to a little trouble to make that happen.


I've made quite a few political enemies online over the years for posting my conservative views, so it doesn't surprise me. 


I'll see what I can do.


I just checked their website. It looks harmless enough.

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On 24/08/2021 at 19:42, The Joker said:

to a nice, comfy prison cell

i dont reckon so, old Joes loosing supporters like a gushing tap. if Donald was anywhere near prison he would be there by now it aint going to happen as much as the haters want it.

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14 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Your posts are repeatedly associated with this advert on Sheffield Forum:

exituk .org

"Are Britain First Right?"


Why these adverts are generated by your posts I do not know but it might be a good idea to "clear" your history, cookies etc.




while trasty would no doubt benefit from these people, the choice of adverts you see is based on what the ad server thinks your computer will like to see not trasty's. 








8 hours ago, ab6262 said:

i dont reckon so, old Joes loosing supporters like a gushing tap. if Donald was anywhere near prison he would be there by now it aint going to happen as much as the haters want it.

he will be ok, withdrawal from Afghanistan is very popular in the US and ultimately that's what people will remember. 

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

U.S. Servicemen and Women Deaths in Afghanistan under Obama/Biden (8 years)




Under Trump (4 years)



Because Obama and Bush did all the fighting where as Trump didn't do a great deal at all, except cut and run. 


5 hours ago, trastrick said:


Under Biden (8 months)


13, and counting.

it was you're hero trump, who arranged the withdrawl. it was almost certain that there would be violence during it especially when the Afghan regime collapsed so quickly. 


and i really dont think anyone would spend a tenner a week for an add to appear on annie's pc because they didn't like you. 

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